Personal Blog

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 2 of 15

Too Early


Saturday Market on Sunday
1 hour before opening

Olympus E-P3

Stairway to …


Stairway to the car

Olympus E-P3

Anchorage International


Olympus E-P3

Reggae Mix


Girdwood, Alaska skate park action
during the adjacent Forest Fair

Real-pastor Francis Chan THRILLINGLY illustrates why I want to MAGNIFY God’s creation through photography!

I have a Francis Chan category in the pull-down list at ONEcanhappen, if you’d like to see more Francis.

Gets really good at minute 7[youtube=]Francis Chan -DVD “We Are Church” 3 rd Week: Creation

Uploaded by on Apr 10, 2011

Over 5,000 posts and almost 1 million hits on my sites — yet most are still in The Matrix

I realize that I haven’t posted much at JeffFenske lately, but this will someday change — especially when I get enough guts to do my own videos.

Just so you know, I haven’t been slacking: at my three sites, ToBeFree, ONEcanhappen and JeffFenske, I have now posted 5600 posts and have more than 900,000 hits.

My original work, Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? is still number one in Google if you type in <who goes to heaven>. It’s been up almost 3.5 years and no one can refute it. It’s conclusive proof, yet pastors are still reluctant to preach it so revival can come (which is just real-Christianity). Hmmm. What’s up?!!

It’s like I posted [Lying and Cover-up — Obama is done. Biden will soon be President] Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama’s True Origins, thinking surely this revelation would be the end of Obama — the evidence of the faked birth certificate is so conclusive — but things continue business as usual.

It’s like most are really living in The Matrix. Who would have thought…?

I’m currently writing a third article on Who Goes to Heaven (the second was Who are the Children of God?), which I included in the first. A reader asked me about Jesus’ Parable of the Talents, regarding whether we have to do something to go to heaven. I should be posting this fairly comprehensive article fairly soon at ONEcanhappen.

I do what I do to help set people free. Getting almost 1 million hits is nice, but some sites get 1 million hits per day. I won’t stop until ONE, Jesus prayer for us in John 17 really happens. Then the world will know.

May we be ONE in Christ — free from The Matrix — living in reality!

If there is anything you can do to help ONE happen, please…?

Pretty please…?

Sometimes I feel like a lone voice crying in the wilderness.

Jeff : )

My 6/11/11 Dream: “I forgive you”

This is pretty cool since a main reason I started this blog was to be able to fully forgive everyone 100% of the time from the heart so I could be free without having to pray so much in the Spirit to be free (second half of Matthew 18 with Ephesians 4:26, 27).

On 6/11/11, I had just watched Leif Hetland: Dreams on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural (pretty good, by the way), in which Leif was emphasizing the importance of hearing and following dreams from the Lord — something I had done many times, but not real recently. I went to bed and had a dream:

I was getting ready to work out with light weights in a room, hurrying, because I didn’t have much time, and there was a man in the room. I knew that this man, whom I hadn’t seen for awhile, was bothered by something about me or by what I was doing — probably both. He had been a bully in my life years ago, saying bad things…. He started saying something unkind. I replied, saying something kind of neutral. He then said something really mean. I then simply said: “I forgive you.”

And the conflict was eased. He then said something kind like: “how long has it been?”

So I think God is trying to tell me that I should not just forgive silently, but actually say it to the person….


: )


Why haven’t I written personal posts really for months now?

Okay, I started writing this twice. Here goes. Hopefully, this will help me get unstuck.

In January, I wrote The Container is Completed at ‘ONE’canhappen, fully expecting to see revival/real Christianity to soon happen. I’ve spent much of my life to see this occur.

Everything was in place on my end. And five lectures taught by 3 pastors were scheduled on the subject regarding who goes to heaven.

I presented my material, including Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?, which no one can still refute, in plenty of time before they spoke, so we could easily come into doctrinal agreement.

I was promised certain things, and totally let down by all. And not only have I been let down, but so have so many. Churches are still dead. The Holy Spirit is almost completely being ignored. And America is dropping like a rock because of the ‘church’ is not salt and light. Yet many of the ‘church’ leaders act like everything is a-okay: “ha, ha, ha….” — while sin is off the charts!

I’m sick of it. They all promised to dialogue and then they won’t. They ignored, mostly refused to even read my material. And it’s all my fault because I’m not patient enough, “not letting the Holy Spirit work in their lives.”

How patient do I have to be? I’ve been almost totally hands off for years! And I emerge with the goods — and am discarded.

I wonder how God feels — Jesus’ Heart-Cry: “Let Us Be ONE”

I could understand if these weren’t ‘Christian’ leaders of whom all clearly know about Paul’s overseer qualifications, which I elaborate on here: Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

I think I should again share this: My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…” And by the way, I was told by one of the pastors that there can no longer be blood on the pews  (a vision that the man who should be leading this church had regarding the lives who have been slain) because they replaced the pews with stadium seating.

Aug, 9,1990

“Our eyes are full of sawdust. We can’t see clearly to see the kingdom. There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to feel his hurt deeply and say kind words of salve that heal their souls.

[___] can do this. This is vital. They are necessary. For he must do this for healing to occur. He is a man of integrity in many ways.

Fear must decrease. Love must increase. He will fight and he will win the battle over the stronghold of fear and unforgiveness, sayeth the Lord.”

Note the date of this prophecy, during which I shared it with one of these three leaders.

In the words of U2:

How long to sing this song
How long to sing this song
How long…how long…how long…
How long…to sing this song

While we twiddle our thumbs, America is going down — and we’re not getting spiritually prepared to be able to easily overcome during what is coming.

ONE needs to happen — Jesus’ prayer for us in John 17.

We’re so vulnerable right now. All it takes is an EMP from the sun or a nuke and we’re done. [2012?] Likelihood of a SOLAR FLARE taking out our entire power grid — NO ELECTRICITY; NO WATER; NO HEAT for MANY MONTHS! ALASKA would be especially vulnerable. “If people in a community JOIN TOGETHER…” is my latest article on the subject, which has links to others, which give the fuller picture.

We have been given so many chances and so many years by God to get our act together and we need to step up now — or our window may close.

There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to feel his hurt deeply and say kind words of salve that heal their souls.

God isn’t going to ‘sovereignly’ start the Third Great Awakening like leaders are actually teaching. He will draw near to us when we draw near to Him (James 4). He’s promised to do His part when we do our part (John 17):

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”20 years ago, I gave this very same video (as a VHS) to this same pastor mentioned above who now can hardly even look me in the eye — but he’s still preaching!

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

Will some of you help all of us by fully jumping in? Real life is waiting for us, but can’t if we are lukewarm, ready to be spit out of God’s mouth.

Let’s be real. We need to honestly accept our current condition and fully jump in, now that we still have the time and the opportunity. Here are just some of the time comments from my 2001-2 prophecy, Let Us Be ONE:

Do not hold grudges, My people. Get up and repent. The time is short. I will not hold back much longer the tide that is about to come.

* * *

The sin in the body is great. The sin in the body is evident to all who watch from afar. They don’t want to go in and see the yuck. Why should they?

There is plenty, and it will take time to clean up the mess; and many will see that you are My body. I will be glad. You will be one in Me.

The highway is great. Many travel on it: the ‘Way of Happiness,’ but it leads to destruction. They act like nothing is wrong. The sheep stealers rob the sheep, unawares. They teach them vain imaginations and lead them astray, where destruction awaits those who disobey. It is in the Word.

* * *

Give your life to Me, now, while there is still time to prepare. If you wait, others cannot take you into where you belong. A crash course can’t happen at the last minute, enough to get you in, because you are festering with demons.

Your heart won’t change if you let rebellion keep you from Me now. Now is the day of salvation. Why wait?

* * *

I love My people. I love to see you free. Freedom comes at a price. You must be vigilant to obey. It takes time. Start now.

Get off the boat of resentment—always making excuses. Don’t blame others. You obey. You tell them the truth. You walk in love. Then others will follow and be glad they obeyed. For fruit will remain when it’s done right.

There is no other way. No programs will do this. I am the way. In Me there is life. We are one. That is how it should be. Let Me fill you with life; no other. Don’t settle for a substitute that will drive you to drinking. Many have gotten off the boat of love and into a life of hate. “Christians,” I’m talking about. You. Some of you are living in anger and filth in your way of thinking, and it wreaks. I hate it. It gives Me a bad name. They think you are “Christians”, but you are not if you live this way. It is not possible.

* * *

William Seymour, 1909: Next Revival Will Come in About 100 Years — It’s Due!

God’s Remedy for James-3 Cursing & Partysville in Today’s Church is James 4

I’m trying really hard to do my part. I don’t think we can count on the existing ‘church’ leaders to get real Christianity happening. They’re running a disinfo campaign. And some are praying against (James-3 curse) those who are supposed to lead. Something radical has to change so those whom God has truly called to lead should lead.

Will you please help in anyway you can — doing your part?

So I’ve been down in the dumps, kind of frustrated lately…

How long to sing this song
How long to sing this song

It’s so sad because ONE should have happened decades ago, when we could have still saved this country. But great good can still come if we do our parts now.

This is a collective thing. We all need each other — 1 Cor. 12 — one body, many members, uniquely gifted…

We can soar through these end times if…

Now is the time to be ONE!



Infowars’ Aaron Dykes using Canon 5D Mark II to get footage of secret Bilderberg meeting where America is getting jacked!

The camera hanging from Aaron Dykes’ neck in the video below is my main camera: Canon’s 5D2 — officially called the 5D Mark II. It can be used to shoot Hollywood quality video, in addition to great stills.

More Bilderberg info at Alex’s links, below. And I’m posting some at ToBeFree, where I have over 200 posts in my Secret Society category.

If our next President is a Republican, he or she is probably there. This is how it works.

Notice there is still almost totally a mainstream media blackout in America [Drudge links to the few] of this annual, secret, global elite meeting where future world events are contrived and announced to each other.

David Rockefeller is there at age 96. He thanked the mainstream media’s complicity in the 1991 meeting.

From: Amazing Media-is-Manipulated Quotes | The Day the Music Died

We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years

It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.

The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.”

David Rockefeller, in an address given to Catherine Graham, publisher of The Washington Post and other media luminaries in attendance in Baden, Germany at the June 1991 annual meeting of the world elite Bilderberg Group.

The whole world is getting jacked!


[youtube=]2011 Bilderberg Coverage Day 1 with Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes 2/2

Uploaded by on Jun 8, 2011

Prison editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson and researcher and editor Aaron Dykes report from the secretive Bilderberg confab in Switzerland.

Video to appreciate your camera by — Michael W. Smith music inspired!!

The glory of God can be seen by what man can do too,
created in God’s image.

And these students chose Michael W. Smith’s music
to for the most part inspire their video.


– Jeff : )

Description from:…

Animation Showing How the Canon 10D and 24-85mm Lens are Assembled

This animation was created by students of the Engineering 128: Advanced Engineering Design Graphics course at UC Berkeley during the Spring 2008 semester. The first part shows a Canon 10D DSLR exploding into its individual parts, and then those parts coming together again to slowly rebuild the camera, while the second part does the same for a Canon 24-85mm lens. Pretty…impressive considering that it’s for an undergraduate course.

[youtube=]UC Berkeley E128 Final Project – Canon 10D DSLR v2

Uploaded by on Jun 9, 2008

Canon 10D & 24-85mm F/3.5-4.5 Lens Animation
Version 2

Presented by:
Matthew Farrell
Michelle Pang
Michael Tom

University of California, Berkeley
Engineering 128
Advanced Engineering Design Graphics
Spring 2008

Software Used:
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0
SolidWorks 2005
Autodesk Viz 2008

Songs Used:
零 (零的自我分裂之歌) – Mars Soundtrack
Thy Word – Michael W. Smith
The Offering – Michael W. Smith
Original Version 1:

My Nephilim theory | John Prine’s “Some Humans Ain’t Human” video back up

I just explained my Nephilim theory at ONEcanhappen, which I’ve been considering for decades and explains a lot!

My theory on the Nephilim: When God told the Children of Israel to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan (the giants), there was this Genesis-6, demon-contaminated genetic problem again? Israel did not; and then there was intermarriage. This would explain why so many seem to be predisposed towards evil — and they become our leaders — even of churches?!!

* * *

And the video for John Prine: “Some Humans Ain’t Human” — Austin City Limits again works, which I’ll put up also here:

Some humans ain’t human
Some people ain’t kind
You open up their hearts
And here’s what you’ll find

A few frozen pizzas
Some ice cubes with hair
A broken Popsicle
You don’t want to go there


Or you’re feeling your freedom
and the world’s off your back

when that hot-shot from Texas
starts his own war in Iraq

Why I ONLY Shoot RAW — “Friends don’t let friends shoot JPEG” — Why throw all those pixels away? You may want them someday.

NOTE: many compact cameras don’t shoot in RAW anyway [these do], but they often come preset to a low quality setting. So people buy a 10 megapixel camera, and then literally throw away most of the pixels!

Here are reasons to at least consider shooting in the ‘highest quality’ JPEG mode, and perhaps even using only cameras that can shoot in RAW, which allows us to shoot in JPEG and RAW simultaneously, to keep the most amount of data for archiving (RAW) and a JPEG of practical size for everyday use.


I thought I’d share this really well written, short piece on why non-professional photographers should consider shooting in RAW too.

Some may be thinking: ‘What are you talking about, Jeff?’ Basically:

RAW, is one type of file output from a DSLR or advanced camera that writes ALL DATA from the digital sensor to the memory card. Other file types are TIF and JPG. Most photographers start out shooting JPG [or JPEG] because they don’t know better or believe everything they read online.

Check out this really cool analogy from this article:

Think of it this way…from the days you used to shoot -FILM– of all things. When you had your photos processed at the lab what would you do with your negatives? Always keep them safely stored and filed, right? Of course! Well RAW files are your negatives and JPEG files are the 4×6 prints you would get at the same time. About 50% of the time they are fine, but many times the young kid who was clueless behind the print processor in the lab didn’t know how you liked your prints. Sometimes they were too dark, other times they should have corrected for the very bright flash and dark background.

So why, now that you are shooting digital, do you toss away your negatives (RAW files) and settle for only the 4×6 prints (JPEG files)? Would you ever make a 20×30 or 30×40 print from a tiny 4×6 print that was poorly printed in the first place? Never! Heck no! So why do you settle for JPEG files that are tossing more data than you keep while the camera is converting it from RAW?

Friends don’t let friends shoot JPEG.

So maybe most of your photos are just for the memories, and you’ll never want to display them in the highest quality. But what if you shoot an image that is flat out gorgeous, or for some other reason you’d like to print it bigger to hang it on your wall someday, but all you have saved into your memory card is a low-quality JPEG?

There are two issues here. Are your photos saved only as JPEGs, and what resolution size is selected in the camera’s menu?

Many compact cameras actually don’t shoot in RAW at all, so shooting in RAW may not even be a possibility unless you buy a RAW-capable camera, which I always make sure I do. Then you can shoot in RAW and JPEG at the same time, called RAW + JPEG. And JPEGs can be as large or small as you’d like. Small is great for sending in emails, for example. But then you always have the RAW file if you need to make (or have someone make for you) a larger JPEG — or the best possible image that you could get from the uncompressed RAW file.

Since memory is so cheap these days, why not just get a bigger memory card and shoot in RAW + JPEG? This will slow down download times though. And the “write times” (time it takes to record the image into the card during shooting) can be longer in many cameras too.

The highest quality, archival RAW files aren’t practical for most people to get their everyday images from, because they require editing in software to look good (like film negatives required specific tweaking) — whereas the JPEGs are ready to go, having already added the standard adjustments, like saturation, contrast, white balance, sharpening, etc.

So you have the best of both worlds if you shoot in both RAW and JPEG, with the few limitations I show above.

Shooting in the highest res JPEG is also far better than leaving it in low-res, if you want a higher quality or bigger print someday. But these generally should probably be downsized in a computer program to put on the net or sent in an email.

Personally, I shoot in RAW only, no JPEGs at all, from which I can always make a JPEG. But for the shooter who wants to do as little as possible in the computer and still have a best quality, archive copy, shooting in RAW + small JPEG may be ideal.

And if you only shoot in JPEG, increasing the resolution to maximum may not be quite as good as RAW for getting the best larger print someday, but it’s many times better than throwing away all of those pixels by compressing in the smallest size.

And what if you want to crop, print or put on the web just part of the picture? This can only be effectively done from the larger file sizes.

The larger JPEGs really are too big to be sent to friends in an email, so they would need post-processing to make them email/web-ready.

Small JPEG + RAW may be the best solution for keeping the negative and the small print (in terms of the illustration above).

Why throw all those pixels away? You may want them someday.

HeartQuotes: Nature

“Look deep into nature,
and then you will understand everything better.

– Albert Einstein

Click for the 2:1-pano waterfall version

With Mom



Anchorage, Alaska





Code Pink


War & Peace


Big Pharma


Boeing 767

Greater Things?? “We should be ashamed” (I just heard)

William Seymour, 1909:
Next Revival Will Come in About 100 Years —
It’s Due!

* * *

Greater things are still to come
And greater things are still to be
done in this City


Church of Anchorage
Good Friday Service,
West High School

I balled.

This is so disgusting!

Jesus heart is so broken
and we act like everything is okay —
not getting right with our neighbor:
“Once saved always saved.”

We should have had revival/
real Christianity happening
long ago in this city.

This is an inexcusable, major tragedy.

The ‘pastors’ should be down on their knees,
crying out for mercy,
confessing their sin —

Greater things
should have already been done
in this city.

We should be leading the world.
Instead it’s business as usual —
as America crumbles before our eyes.


The Remedy for James-3 Cursing & Partysville in Today’s Church is James 4

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

Can ‘Christians’ use Paul’s “Forgetting the things which are behind…I press on” statement as an excuse to not get right with those they’ve hurt? Paul also said: “I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.”

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

“Let Us Be ONE” (A Prophecy — 2001-02, 2008)

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

[real art history] Ansel Adams gave up on color photography because printing in that day was too dificult to master. The only person who could routinely produce fine-art quality color prints was Christopher Burkett.

From: Jeff Fenske

There is a common misnomer that black and white printing is somehow more artistic, because this is the format that Ansel Adams and most of the classic fine-art photographers chose.

But Miles Hecker describes in this interview that Ansel Adams and most of the other fine-art photographers gave up on color printing because the process was too difficult to master until digital printing came on the scene.

The only exception that Hecker knows of is Christopher Burkett, of whom he says this:

“In his era, the only person that I knew that could routinely produce fine-art quality, color prints was Christopher Burkett. … He managed to do it and became a legend.

But literally, before the era of digital printing, he’s the only person I can think of that was capable of pulling it off. He must have prayed hard and had secrets unknown to all of us, because he did it.”

Hecker also points out that in the early days, color prints had a much lower archival life, which is no longer the case with modern pigment inks.

[youtube=]#37 Fine Art Photography Weekly: Pentax 645D Review with Miles Hecker

Uploaded by on May 3, 2011

Guest, Miles Hecker shares with Peter his insights into the new Pentax 645D and some images. They talk about Miles’ background in photography and his new project ‘The Teton Photoguide’.

[priorities] Fine-art color photography legend, Christopher Burkett: Many contemporary photographs seem filled with negativity and warped, but THE PURPOSE OF MY PHOTOGRAPHY is to provide a glimpse into that clear and brilliant world of light and power!


Artist Statement

The world untouched and undefiled by man is one of indescribable beauty and wonder: a world filled with light and peace. The miracle of life unfolds before our eyes, and is seen in the tapestry of creation. All of our world, each living cell, every stone and drop of water, even the air and light around us, reflects and mirrors the glory and presence of the Creator and calls us to respond with wonder and praise.

Photography is an expression of the world we live in, and of what we see and experience. Many contemporary photographs seem filled with negativity and warped, malignant things. That these negative things and perceptions exist now for a time in the world with us is indisputable, but I feel strongly that there is no need to give life and strength to them. Too often, attempting to represent the sacred in nature is maligned as being naive or simplistic, and is said to be unchallenging and visually unsophisticated. This need not be so.

The purpose of my photography is to provide a brief, if somewhat veiled, glimpse into that clear and brilliant world of light and power. To the extent that these photographs help show that way, is the extent to which these images succeed.


[real art history] Ansel Adams gave up on color photography because printing in that day was too dificult to master. The only person who could routinely produce fine-art quality color prints was Christopher Burkett.

Australian photographer Ken Duncan on LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY: “I’m trying to show THE BEAUTY OF GOD’S CREATION and TO BRING PEACE into people’s lives” — “IT’S GOING TO BE MUCH BIGGER, because the more we go down this path of bureaucracy people are wanting peace” — “I’VE LEARNED TO LISTEN to that little voice”

Support Infowars; help wake up Americans “THERE IS POISON IN THE TAP WATER”: Fluoride In The Tap Water – Blue Shirt

NOTE: The white shirt does not have this great info on the back.


[youtube=]Fluoride In The Tap Water – Blue Shirt

Uploaded by on May 17, 2011

The majority of Americans believe the government lie that drinking fluoride is good for them without evening questioning it. Wake them up with this informative blue t-shirt.

The front of the blue t-shirt conveys all the dangers of adding fluoride to the drinking water in one very simple, yet powerful symbol: a skull within a droplet of water. The front also has the phrase “THERE IS POISON IN THE TAP WATER” to succinctly explain the image. Our website is also on the front and back.

The back also has the skull/droplet of water image and explains the dangers with a powerful list stating that fluoride is:

An industrial waste added to the drinking water by our government for the purpose of medication.
More toxic than lead.
The active ingredient in many pesticides.
Linked to increases in bone cancer, brain damage & lower IQs.

Wear this great shirt and do your part to wake up those around you to the dangers of adding fluoride to the water supply.

Get yours today at–Blue-Shirt_p_453.html

From Infowars (help support Alex Jones): Fluoride In The Tap Water T-Shirt — Spread the word: “Anchorage Mayor/councilmen, STOP poisoning our pristine water with toxic waste that lowers IQs, passifies citizens, and makes human beings sick!!”

I may get a ‘9/11 = inside job’ cap too [entire 9/11 Truth category at ToBeFree], but I would be careful where I would wear it. Some Republicans who watch Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh (but not Alex Jones) might freak! [I just updated my collection of Fox News illustrations: [updated] FOX News Illustrated: “We Spin, We Decide” — Because Sometimes You Can’t Handle the Truth]

Whereas this shirt rocks and is so pertinent that it can be worn freely. Let the world see!

Help wake up America and free Anchorage from this rat poison, which it literally is!

It’s unconscionable what they’ve done to Alaska’s pristine water. The only way to get this toxic waste out is to take all of the other good minerals out too!

Our media won’t discuss it, but we can.

Fenske’s Rant! | Fluoride in Water Linked to Lower IQ in Children — In addition to this study, and the 23 other IQ studies, there have been over 100 animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage

We need everyone’s minds razor sharp during these difficult days ahead.

Help your neighbor; spread the word!


Jeff : )

NOTE: The white shirt does not have this great info on the back.


From: infowars

Fluoride In The Tap Water – Blue Shirt

The majority of Americans believe the government lie that drinking fluoride is good for them without evening questioning it. Wake them up with this informative blue t-shirt.The front of the blue t-shirt conveys all the dangers of adding fluoride to the drinking water in one very simple, yet powerful symbol: a skull within a droplet of water. The front also has the phrase “THERE IS POISON IN THE TAP WATER” to succinctly explain the image. Our website is also on the front and back.The back also has the skull/droplet of water image and explains the dangers with a powerful liststating that fluoride is:

  • An industrial waste added to the drinking water by our government for the purpose of medication.
  • More toxic than lead.
  • The active ingredient in many pesticides.
  • Linked to increases in bone cancer, brain damage & lower IQs.

Wear this great shirt and do your part to wake up those around you to the dangers of adding fluoride to the water supply.

Get it Here



Jeff’s Writings updated

I just added my latest writings and select transcriptions to

Jeff’s Writings

I’ve also added some significant links and videos to:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures —
Narrow is the Way |
Who are the Children of God?

…which no one can refute
and collect the $6000.

It seems there is not much time left
to get our act together
so we can be safe.

ONE can happen!

We need to spread the LIGHT around!

: )

* * *

(((Stereo)))[youtube=]Rhydian – The Prayer

* * *

The Prayer :

(Carol Bayer Sager and David Foster)

I pray you’ll be our eyes, and watch us where we go
And help us to be wise in times when we don’t know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to the place; guide us with your grace
To a place where we’ll be safe

I pray we ‘ll find your light, and hold it in our hearts
When stars go out each night,
Remind us where you are
Let this be our prayer, when shadows fill our day
Help us find a place; guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we’ll be safe

* * *

Interview & Performance (audio left channel only)[youtube=]The Prayer sung by Rhydian also interviewed by Aled Jones on Songs of Praise VTS 01 1 xvid 009

Australian photographer Ken Duncan on LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY: “I’m trying to show THE BEAUTY OF GOD’S CREATION and TO BRING PEACE into people’s lives” — “IT’S GOING TO BE MUCH BIGGER, because the more we go down this path of bureaucracy people are wanting peace” — “I’VE LEARNED TO LISTEN to that little voice”

Ken Duncan

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from Episode #36 of Fine Art Photography Weekly: Ken Duncan

Award winning artist, Ken Duncan is one of the worlds most popular and successful photographers and we are pleased to feature the artist and his work in Episode 36 of Fine Art Photography Weekly. Ken is a master landscape photographer with a preference for the ‘panoramic’ format; Ken feels this format is more consistent with the way we see the world. Despite this preference, Ken dabbles in a multitude of formats and is always pushing the edge of innovation and technology. Ken is Australian and has become famous for his Limited Edition Photographic Art in Australian and around the world.

* * *

“I love landscape. It does something to you. I believe, for me, I’m trying to show the beauty of God’s creation and to bring peace into people’s lives. There’s just something about landscape.

It just helps you sort of chill out a bit. You may have had a bad day. And you know, the news is just like a joke. If it’s not Bin Laden who’s going to get you it’s the global financial crisis. And then there’s some other flu. It’s like ‘give me a break.’

So I think we need a bit more peace. And when I go out to nature and look at the beauty of creation I just realize there is something bigger than us. And thank God for that, because if it was up to politicians we’d be in serious trouble.”

“That was my heart, to really try to promote photography as an art form.”

* * *

[The Host] “I think landscape photography and the art of displaying — or the medium of landscape photography as art on the wall has by a long shot  not reached its potential.”

[Ken Duncan] “It’s going to be much bigger, because the more we go down this path of bureaucracy people are wanting peace. This world is very stressful, and people are doing it tough out there, you know? And so I believe that we have a job to get out there and bring as much in.”

* * *

“I’m an average photographer with a great God. … I’ve learned to listen to that little voice.”


Ken Duncan (Photographer): “WHEN WE SEE THE BEAUTY of CREATION it’ll just GIVE US a bit of PEACE in our very busy lives” | “The HARDEST PART about photography…”

Photographer Ken Duncan: Christmas in Australia — “It’s the season for forgiving”

Ken Duncan Photo: “Tears for a Nation”—God is grieved by the terrible division between black & white

Ken Duncan: Why I call this photo “Piercing the Darkness” — “It’s like God revealing His glory … There is hope even in the darkest moments!” | And why Ken prints BIG!

Ken Duncan: Why I call this photo “Piercing the Darkness” — “It’s like God revealing His glory … There is hope even in the darkest moments!” | And why Ken prints BIG!

Ken Duncan’s prices have become outrageous — out of the reach of most people. But I’ve always greatly appreciated his perspective on photographing to reveal God’s glory, and then print BIG to greatly affect a room!

…which is what I’m trying to do.


3-minute video presentation

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The Print:
Piercing the Darkness
starting at $1900

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“It’s like God revealing His glory.”

Have it BIG as you can get it,
cause you’ll just fall into it.”

“Hopefully what it will convey to you:
there is hope even in the darkest moments.”

– Ken Duncan

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske


Australian photographer Ken Duncan on LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY: “I’m trying to show THE BEAUTY OF GOD’S CREATION and TO BRING PEACE into people’s lives” — “IT’S GOING TO BE MUCH BIGGER, because the more we go down this path of bureaucracy people are wanting peace” — “I’VE LEARNED TO LISTEN to that little voice”

“Glory!” – At Jitters

This could be on your wall –
or on your ceiling!



by Jeff Fenske


Jitters: Where Coffee is an Art

(24 x 36 inches —
floated on Gator Board)

This is probably my favorite photo, so far —
macro of a Lewisia flower
on display this month at Jitters Coffee House
Eagle River, Alaska

Available sizes and pricing info is at my
Life in the Son Photography Blog:
My Images on Display at Jitters Coffee House in Eagle River Alaska


Jitters Lookin’ Good!

Chuck Maas: Birds, Big Lenses, and Sharp Pictures


Former ASONP president, Chuck Maas presents:
Birds, Big Lenses, and Sharp Pictures
at the Anchorage Museum

Alaska Society of Outdoor and Nature Photographers


Photo of My Prez | My Prez’s Photo of Me — Sniper Vs. Sniper

Jitters exhibit continues through April — and other things

[3/27 Update:
Cognitive dissonance and historical revival links added —
may we be free!]

The Welsh Revival 1903

“The social impact was even more amazing. …
In some places the police were unemployed

* * *


I was delighted to find out from recently that my exhibit at Jitters Coffee House will continue another month, which is really good news because I still have a number of images that I’d like to display.

I replaced my 4-year-old laptop computer at the beginning of the month, being in desperate need for speed — because the files I process are huge, and the back-and-forth rendering time really was slowing me way down. I couldn’t wait to get a just-released quad-core MacBook Pro.

It did speed up my workflow tremendously — until the programs would crash and I’d lose my work — despite regularly ‘saving’ my work. I’ll skip the long explanation, but newly adopting computer hardware and software is always risky. I’ve learned the hard way with software before, but this was mainly supposed to be just a hardware change.

Apple finally released the first software update for the new MacBook a few days ago. That seems to have helped, but I just lost some work that I just did, again. No big deal this time, though.

Fine art is so time consuming even when there aren’t computer glitches. I try to get everything as good as I can — instead of “good enough.” I’ve probably spent more than 30 hours on some images. And part of this is printing proofs, because soft proofing (in the computer) really doesn’t show what the newest printers can really do — as John Paul Caponigro told me in the Brooks workshop. So I’ve gone through about 300 feet of paper….

I’ve had to abandon a few images that proved to be impossible to print to my satisfaction. One really set me back because it was a key one on the list. And Dennis (owner) was out of town for 1.5 weeks. I really thought it could be done. There is a huge difference between what easily works on computer’s display and what can be printed. The contrast is many dozens of times greater on a display as its color gamut is much greater too.

Despite the difficulties, it’s a joy to produce an image that can fill a room with its vivid, positive statement — without the necessity of being super-brightly lit — though getting some light on the prints is essential.

I’m mostly getting the prints mounted on black Gator Board, partly so glass cannot partially obscure the print. I’ve grown to really dislike glass over the years, including Museum glass, that is supposed to be totally transparent. I finally settled the issue for sure, getting samples of Museum glass and AR Reflection-Free. There really is a marked tint to the Museum. AR Reflection-free is almost totally transparent, not having the UV coating, and it still blocks 78% of UV light.

So the traditionally framed print at Jitters will soon have AR glass instead of Museum — which should help the print pop more.

I also had a huge disappointment this month, having seen the revival stopped cold, when it was obvious to me that it was going to happen once we got on the same page doctrinally. When they started the Bible classes for the first time in decades, I thought this is awesome. I can share my material before they teach these subjects — and we could get on the same page totally. But the weeks passed, and so did our tremendous opportunity to see ONE happen (Jesus’ heart-cry in John 17) early this year.

I was so disappointed — and shocked!! Never in my wildest dreams did I think they would totally shun what I had so carefully researched for decades. What can you do when they just shut their ears?

Willful Ignorance: Actively Resisting the Truth and Truth-tellers


From Willful Ignorance through Cognitive Dissonance to “Could I Be Wrong?”

At least with fine art I have prints to show, being a solo project. Whereas ONE can’t be seen until real unity really happens. Then God can gloriously show up. Our lives and community will never again be the same — fully ready for whatever comes down.

We could be floating on Cloud 9 right now. But we’re still stumbling in the lowlands barely able to see life. This could be happening right now in Anchorage:

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

A newspaper reporter wrote of a meeting a few days later:

“When the meeting closed at 4:25 in the morning, they didn’t want to go home.”

“Didn’t you hear Robert Coleman say ‘that’s what it was like at Asbury College?’ But could you imagine a whole country like that? It was phenomenal. The reports were in every newspaper in the western world.

Not only were 100,000 people converted, but the social impact was astounding.”

Five years later:

The number who remained in fellowship was 82.5%, which was astounding. But as I say, the social impact was even more amazing. … In some places the police were unemployed.”

– J. Edwin Orr

I was able to plant some seeds that may end up sprouting. But perhaps the Third Great Awakening won’t start in a church at all. Perhaps a tiny group of people can draw near to God in Spirit and in truth — and God will draw near to them in such a way that there will be no doubt. But to find those who are willing to meet has been so hard for me, personally. I’m not a pastor kind of guy. I’m more of a think-tank than the guy to directly lead the move….

I’m still thinking of the YouTube-videos option. Perhaps more would be interested if they didn’t have to read. But I never did like talking.

So all I can say for sure is that in April, I’ll be continuing to beautify the espresso manufacturing room at Jitters through what I’m privileged to hang on the walls. I was so bummed after the negative Abbott Loop experience. But then I found out that I have one more month at Jitters.

So I can think about things that are excellent and praiseworthy that I can now share with others.

If any of you who are reading are serious about seeing real Christianity finally happen in Anchorage, perhaps it can start with us making sure we’re right with anyone we’ve hurt:

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”

With Azusa Street it didn’t take many. And really with Wales it didn’t really take many either. But I don’t even have a handful yet whom I know would like to meet.

The churches are currently going nowhere. Perhaps it would only take a few of us to really be living in Christ. Are you willing to be apart of what can transform Alaska and the whole world?!!

This is what I’m currently listening to while driving:

Theme for the Third Great Awakening, Rhydian Roberts: Somewhere — “We’ll find a new way of living. We’ll find a way of forgiving – Somehow – Someday – Somewhere!” — ‘ONE’ Will Happen!!!!!!!

There’s a place for us,
Somewhere a place for us.
Peace and quiet and open air
Wait for us

There’s a time for us,
Someday a time for us,
Time together with time to spare,
Time to learn, time to care,

We’ll find a new way of living,
We’ll find a way of forgiving

There’s a place for us,
A time and a place for us.
Hold my hand and we’re half way there.
Hold my hand and I’ll take you there

We’ll find a new way of living
We’ll find a way of forgiving

There’s a place for us,
Somewhere a place for us.
Peace and quiet and open air

Hold my hand and I’ll take you there


[youtube=]Rhydian Roberts – Somewhere (with Lyrics)

amack1n | December 19, 2008 | 131 likes, 0 dislikes

Rhydian Roberts – Somewhere

One of Rhydian’s best known songs, “Somewhere” is from the 1961 musical “West Side Story”

As usual, enjoy

From X Factor (Britain’s American Idol)[youtube=]Rhydian Somewhere

Jeff : )

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