[Originally posted on 12/4. Updated on 12/11]
I just posted Vitamin D: Food & Nutrition Board Betrays Millions and Institute of Medicine Report on Vitamin D is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong at ToBeFree. Recommended vitamin D3 amounts are given there and Dr. Mercola: How Much Vitamin D?.
The lying, deceit and love of money is outrageous in the US. Dark forces really have taken over. But they don’t have to take over us!
Opt out! “I will not go through the naked body scanner!” All 65+ of my Naked Body Scanners posts at ToBeFree
And opt into vitamin D, the SUNSHINE vitamin!
Dr. Ellenburg sells Liqui-D3 vitamin D drops in his clinic in Anchorage: Dr. Ellenburg Center for Natural Medicine. You don’t need to be a patient, but call first, to make sure it’s in stock. I keep mine refrigerated. You won’t find a deal like this at a health food store, that I know of anyway.
A 1 oz. bottle was $22, the last time I bought one. It lasts a long time. I take 3 drops a day in winter, as I weigh over 200 pounds and this is what was recommended for me by Dr. Ellenburg. It’s good to see a N.D., not a M.D.. Naturopathic doctors study as many years as Big Pharma M.D.s, but they study natural medicine instead of drugs. M.D.s know almost nothing about nutrition, except that there is little money to be made there. “The love of money” really is a huge factor driving the massive medical disinformation that is part of what is destroying America.
Back to Liqui-D3, each drop is 2,000 iu.. This is a very inexpensive way to get what our bodies need, considering the true data and our total lack of Vitamin D giving rays right now. The sun isn’t high enough in the sky.
But the stats show that most people are deficient in the lower 48 too, especially in winter in the northern latitudes — and for those who simply don’t get enough sunshine elsewhere.
And wearing burkas don’t help either: Burkas Cause Major Vitamin D Deficiency & Hence Breast Cancer?
High quality vitamin D can also be purchased in health food stores or online, such as The Vitamin Shoppe. They’re currently offering Carlson Vitamin D (2000 iu., 120 caps) for $4.65.
Power to the peaceful!
All 260+ of my Health posts at ToBeFree which contain many more articles about vitamin D, etc.