Author: Jeff Fenske Page 20 of 54
A special friend helps at 6:30 — and REALLY helps at 9:30!
Old Man: I have seen what you can do. All I have in this world is this sword. It’s yours if you do what I want done. An eye for an eye.
KCC: Keep your sword!
Old Man: You’re a man. You feel. Don’t you care about what happened?!?! They raped my little girl!!
KCC: I am a man! I care!
Old Man: Then do something about it!!
KCC: (He grabs the sword) I will do something. I will break the necklace’s beads of vengeance. There has been enough killing (He breaks the sword). I will end it.
Old Man: If I don’t have a right to revenge, who does?!
KCC: No one.
Trump tweeted:
Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices. Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen. They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others…….
…..Censorship is a very dangerous thing & absolutely impossible to police. If you are weeding out Fake News, there is nothing so Fake as CNN & MSNBC, & yet I do not ask that their sick behavior be removed. I get used to it and watch with a grain of salt, or don’t watch at all..
….Too many voices are being destroyed, some good & some bad, and that cannot be allowed to happen. Who is making the choices, because I can already tell you that too many mistakes are being made. Let everybody participate, good & bad, and we will all just have to figure it out!
Minute-13:00 – 747F still will be used as a freighter. “They did build it to be a good freighter. … It is brilliant at doing exactly that.”
I just ordered one of these from what’s-really-going-on-truther Nathan Stolpman (Lift the Veil – “Usually right. Always honest.”).
Nathan’s wife designs the shirts.
I’ve seen the mechanics apply ‘speed tape’ many times.
I didn’t know it was $700-800 per roll!
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I used to work a few hundred yards from here.
At the very end of this short video, UPS freighter tails can be seen. Our NW Airlines cargo facility, where we did all the transloads, used to be between UPS and the trees showing behind the tails.
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From: ADN, 7/28/18
Rest of the story and video HERE
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Video: Bear sprints past parked planes at Anchorage’s airport
At first, James Batman thought a black, furry dog had sprinted by him at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, near where FedEx parks its cargo planes.
“Then I looked back again and saw it had no tail….
The bear had gotten into the area by burrowing under a nearby fence, said Trudy Wassel, division operations manager at airport. Airport staff had since repaired the area.
Wassel said the airport has two, full-time wildlife biologists to handle wildlife issues.
“We take it very seriously,” she said.
The airport borders Point Woronzof and Kincaid Park, areas where it’s not uncommon to see black bears, said Ken Marsh, a spokesman at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
“You must be willing to do something you have never done before to get to where you have never been before.”
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It was six years ago today I got whacked by that bear and, really, changing my life forever. Yesterday, as validation that the incident is not going to change what I’ve always done, I participated and completed the most epic endurance event I’ve ever attempted in my life: the Alaskaman Extreme Triathlon. A 2.6 mile ocean swim in 55 deg water followed by a 113 mile bike ride climbing 4,200, and ending with a 27.5 mile run and mountain hike event climbing another 6,000’ , up and down Alyeska twice! It’s billed as the hardest single day endurance event in America, which I can now personally attest to. Add in a chilling heavy morning fog you could barely see in front of you and close to the hottest day of the year, only added to the challenge.
On Saturday, Alaskaman extreme triathlon started with a 2.6 mile swim in the ocean to Seward. Then they rode bicycles 113-mile to Girdwood. It ended with a warm 27.5-mile run, including running up and down the skiing elevations of Mt. Alyeska twice!
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800-pound boulder falls off truck in Rosemount, killing mother and daughter from Shoreview
A boulder estimated to weigh 800 pounds fell off the back of a truck in Rosemount [Minnesota] and struck a car going in the opposite direction, killing a mother and daughter from Shoreview. …
Scott estimated the boulder was about 3 feet by 3 feet.
I’ve been a member of REI since the early ’70s, when I started backpacking and canoeing.
Some think Magpies are just nuisances.
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Michael Been (1950-2010) passionately singing and playing fretless bass with a pick.
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I’ve had my homemade best-of songs from The Call in my car’s CD player for at least two years straight — ‘everywhere I go,’ literally.
Michael Been, lead singer and bass player died in 2010.
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The price is higher than the Panasonics, but the lens is much sharper at full tele!
For video, it still lacks a mic jack for great audio, as well as a built-in ND filter.
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• More than 200 BILLION STARS in our Milky Way galaxy!
• More than 200 BILLIONS GALAXIES in the universe.
• Our sun is an average sized star.
Number of ‘suns’ in the universe: 200 billion X 200 billion!
Some theorize the universe may be infinite, because every time we upgrade the Hubble telescope we see more galaxies behind the known universe.
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“I went up to Paranal Observatory for an observing shift, and I decided to test the crystal ball as an astrophotography lens,”….
I’ve been dreading this, and tried to see if the planes could fly westerly when winds allow instead, to give us a little break at times. Unbelievably, the airport only has instruments on one side of the east/west runway (FAA’s decision), which need to be always used because some airlines unnecessarily require pilots to always use IFR instruments even on bright, sunny days.
Two of the officials in the conference call will also be affected by the noise because of where they live. They were frustrated nothing could be done. I left the conversation dumfounded. FAA and a few airlines’ ridiculous rules have left us in a one-way pickle.
Is this project even safe? As I write this, the wind is officially a strong crosswind from the south at 20mph, since planes can only take off to the east and land from the east.
What if crosswinds or tail winds are even stronger? I was told there is no workaround solution, and that planes will likely not be able to land at the military base. Landing in Fairbanks appears to be the only option, which is 260 miles by air and 360 miles by bus (if passengers have to be transported).