Personal Blog

Category: Personal

Moonlit ‘Daylight’ (3 hours BEFORE SUNRISE above Anchorage)

I had been meaning to try this all summer. I figured this may be the last full moon before the snow falls at this elevation. And the sky was clear.

I had seen this done mainly by just one photographer in the lower-48, but I wasn’t sure if he had altered the color balance in Photoshop. But then I read in a book that moonlight is basically reflected sunlight, so it should be the same color temperature as daylight if exposed at the same brightness.

I started shooting about 4 hours before sunrise. All I could see was black and white, the eyes’ rods and cones only operating. The wind was constantly blowing, gusting to about 30 mph. I clicked a shot and was totally surprised as I looked in the camera’s monitor.

Sure enough, the sky was blue — Yes! But then to my amazement, I had no idea that all around me were vibrant, fall colors! I knew the climate 3,000 feet above Anchorage is quite different, but I hadn’t anticipated this. Wow!!!

Though it looks like daylight, this was absolutely shot on a moonlit night, a little less than 3 days after the full moon. The white dots are all stars, and perhaps a planet as well. Some of the photos show what I think are satellite trails, which I may post later. Apparently there are less stars visible on the right because the moon is more brightly illuminating the right side, as it’s not far to the right of this view.


September 7th 4 AM

Powerline Pass near Flattop Mountain

Official sunrise/sunset times for Anchorage, Alaska, Sep. 7th:

7:07 AM & 8:46 PM

Daylight white balance, so this is how it would also look shot with daylight film

Canon 5D Mark II with medium wide-angle lens
very windy



© Jeff Fenske

Above Winner Creek

(super-wide-angle lens)

Cornerman 2


© Jeff Fenske

Self-portrait, 9/12/09

The convex shape of the mirror gives this somewhat distorted view

‘Jeff Lightyear’


© Jeff Fenske

Hand-held self-portrait —
dimensions stretched by super-wide-angle lens

Photos soon

I just finished reading most of a very helpful Lightroom book (Lightroom 2: Streamlining your digital photography process by Nathaniel Coalson), so I should have some photos posted soon.

Perhaps there is a good side to this Photoshop glitch. As I had considered before, Lightroom may end up being my main processing tool, for which I would then only then go to Photoshop for things Lightroom can’t do.

I very  much appreciate Coalson’s writing style. Based on the later copyright date and how clearly it’s written, it’s obvious this book wasn’t thrown together to meet a publisher’s deadline, like so many computer books are. Though it still doesn’t cover everything that Lightroom can do : (

Also, the fall colors are finally hitting Turnagain Arm and the lower elevations in Anchorage, so I hope to get some colorful shots during the next few days.

God bless!

Jeff : )

Still stuck apparently by the new Mac update

I thought I’d give a brief update for those wondering. If anyone has a suggestion, I’m all ears.

I’m still getting washed out colors in Photoshop CS4 after installing Apple’s Snow Leopard Mac update, so I’m still unable to post photos. But what does one do when the answers aren’t readily available on the web and Adobe’s and Apple’s updates don’t fix the problem?

Apparently, this isn’t a problem experienced by many. This is the closest thing I could find:;jsessionid=351ABE01460D7759344B22968650ADD8.node0.

And no one has a solution for him. And this is Adobe’s own forum!

Plan B:
I do use another Adobe program called Lightroom for some things, and its colors still rock. So it looks like I’m going to have to learn how to do it all in Lightroom until I get this bug worked out.

It’s too bad we can’t get brain plug-ins to augment the areas we’re personally underpowered in. We all have those areas, right? Like I could use a geek plug-in: the ability to easily figure out how to use software. But then we wouldn’t need to work together — God’s wise design.

I look forward to the day when His kingdom, ONE happens in our midst — the body of Christ — each doing their unique parts — working together as ONE….

Can you smell the roses? We can do it. Why wait?


Frustrated! (but excited as I have some cool images to post. And I got these new glasses…)

Fall Colors in Alaska and Jeff Fenske Update

For those interested:

I had planned on doing a lot of ‘landscape’ photography this summer, but I ended up focusing on flowers mostly instead. Now that flowers are over with and the fall colors are out, I’m hitting the landscape hard. I’m very excited!

Eagle River Road has glorious fall colors! I shot some photos yesterday, and made it to Hatcher Pass too. Upper portions of Hatcher Pass are already beyond their peak.

Turnagain Arm and Girdwood apparently still don’t have the colors fully going yet. It’s interesting how elevation and proximity to the ocean varies starting dates of the display so much. I hope to spend some time there shooting areas I’ve scouted out. It’s hard to get it all done, having to work a real job and the weather not usually ideal.

I shot a photo of Powerline Pass at 4am on 9/7 (2.5 days after the full moon) that really turned out cool. I was only seeing in black and white (rods and cones), but when I took the shot, exposed for daylight (something I’ve wanted to try for awhile), wallah! Fall colors extravagant!!! What a surprise that was! I’ll put up the blue-sky-with-stars image later.

Master Builder: “That’s how we do it in L.A.”


© Jeff Fenske

Team Spirit!!

“That’s how we do it in L.A.”

When Cesar (on the left) would teach us his specialized pallet building techniques, he would often say: “that’s how we do it in L.A..”* We could then pass on this knowledge to others, which knowledge will now…?

Here, he and John are just putting the icing on the cake.

* L.A. is an originating station which builds up many pallets every day; whereas, Anchorage is mainly a crossload cargo hub that moves freight between the freighters that fly between the lower-48 and Asia.

ALCC Cups — ‘Jesus is Lord’ – Abbott Loop Christian Center

My favorite church and where I attended Bible school

For the story on this see my article at ONEcanhappen.

Self-Portrait: “Bridge to Somewhere”

I was setting up this shot with this super-wide-angle lens during Nancy Rotenberg and Rick Holt’s wonderful macro photography workshop


Turnagain Pass — Alaska — 7/15/09

After giving me some key pointers, Nancy pulled the trigger as she sent me off towards Somewhere.

Thanks, Nancy! You’re a sweetheart to the max!! What a great time we all had — building for the future from the heart!!

I am so grateful!!!

: )

[Update: I am so sad to say that Nancy passed away in August of 2011]


Photographer Nancy Rotenberg: “What happened to the light we had as small children when we were filled with awe and excitement?”

Nancy’s site: Natural Tapestries

Seven Glaciers Restaurant


My uncle, Mom, Ted and other diners watching a paraglider pilot and paying passenger run like crazy to launch over a smokey Girdwood valley, 7/12/09.

Tech Note:
Most of the photos so far at this site were shot in RAW with the compact Canon G10 (including Our Resident Eaglet, by the way). This is an amazing camera, but has one major weakness: the otherwise handy control dials move way too easily. I have to always remember to check to make sure that they haven’t moved each time I take it out of the case. This time I didn’t.

The resulting tiny JPEG still works mostly well enough for a shot this size, but if I had shot instead in the 15 MP RAW format, the blown highlights would have had more detail, and I could have zoomed in on the running paragliders and included that crop as well.

Living and learning.

Mom at the Forest Fair

“My mom is a LIGHT bulb!”


© Jeff Fenske

Girdwood, Alaska – 7/05/09

Playhouse Visitors

I was watching the Tour de France’s team time-trial at midnight, when I heard something run by outside. One of these moose calves was galloping all over our yard.

We get many moose visitors, but this is the first time I’ve seen (and heard) one this active.

They didn’t stick around long (but did come back later). Here is their exit.


Momma and twins pass neighbors’ playhouse and swing


© Jeff Fenske

At the Forest Fair


© Jeff Fenske Jon Schmidt

iPhone photo by Jon Schmidt

That’s me, wearing the lion, which I bought in South Africa, trying to see apartheid firsthand

Girdwood, Alaska – 7/05/09

‘Twelve Feet’ [On the Way to Work, Independence Day, Anchorage]


© Jeff Fenske



© Jeff Fenske

Self-portrait, 6/15/09

Related: Cornerman 2


[Title changed & some text deleted 3/3/17. Kelly’s story here: Kelly – the boy nobody wanted]

I thought I’d post a photo from my recent trip to California and Oregon.


This one is so cool! What a riot!

God bless!

Jeff : )

_MG_1979 - 550pt no sat

_MG_1979 - 550pt no sat

_MG_1979 - 550pt no sat

Notice how small his foot is. I took this with the widest possible, non-fish-eye lens (Sigma 12-24mm at 12mm on a Canon 5D Mark II), which gives this perspective. His face and paws are very close to the lens. And that’s my foot at the bottom of the image. May 5, 2009

First Post — New Blog — Getting More Personal (Yikes!) — Stepping Out


I’ve been wanting to give some sort of personal updates, but they never seemed to really fit within ToBeFree or ONEcanhappen. So it dawned on me: start a new blog. So here goes. It’s always awkward to start something new, and here I am stepping out of the boat, finally.

Some of you may have gathered from tidbits I shared at my other sites that I’m actually out looking for a full-time job for the first time in 30 years. The airline I’ve worked for has been bought out, and the new owners have announced (the day I got my 30-years commendation) they’re going to no longer fly 747 freighters at all. So I’m looking for work here in Anchorage.

I’m also trying to get my photography business going this year, which is very exciting for me! The economy is tanking, people aren’t buying art, and here I am moving ahead with my fine-art photography business — and I’m excited because art can inspire during tough times!!! Inspiration is my goal!

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