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Flatten Stomach Tightening Core!

Video Short from Motivational Doc

Dr. Pierre Kory w/ Tucker: “Big Pharma is terrified of vitamin D — it threatens the disease model. We should have had a vitamin D supplementation campaign nationwide [for Covid]; would have been very easy to do”

28:32 We should have had a vitamin D supplementation campaign nationwide. It would have been very easy to do. 

As an aside, Vitamin D has been one of the most attacked substances over the last three or four decades by the pharmaceutical industry. Tucker: ‘why?’ It threatens the disease model. We could do an hour on vitamin D, Tucker…. They’re terrified of vitamin D. …

I got an email from a guy, William F. Grant, a professor out in California. … My life was going totally sideways because our protocols focused on Ivermectin. I was using a lot in my practice, as were tens of thousands around the world to really good benefits. I was getting attacked; there were hit jobs in the media. And he wrote me this email that said: ‘What they’re doing to Ivermectin they’ve been doing to vitamin D for decades,’ and he included a link to an article called ‘The Disinformation Playbook,’ and its got five tactics. And these are the five tactics that all industries employ when science emerges that’s inconvenient to their interest.”

– Dr. Pierre Kory

(30 seconds) Why Is Big Pharma Terrified of Vitamin D? – Tucker Carlson w/ Dr. Pierre Kory

• High enough levels would have sailed us through Covid!
• Cuts breast cancer by 70% if levels above 60 ng/ml!
• Improves sleep and well being, cuts depression!
• Helps with 100 illnesses!
• Would cut hospital visits drastically!


– –

“As an aside, Vitamin D has been one of the most attacked substances over the last three or four decades by the pharmaceutical industry. Tucker: ‘why?’ It threatens the disease model. We could do an hour on vitamin D, Tucker…. They’re terrified of vitamin D.” – Dr. Pierre Kory

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Dr. Mercola: Exciting News Announcement: A Bright New Chapter Unfolds!

I have an exciting announcement for you! As you may recall, September 23, 2022, the Mercola website was cyberattacked and taken offline. Because of that attack, we switched to a process where our newsletter content was only viewable on the website for 48 hours. After that, it was migrated to our Censored Library on Substack, where most was kept behind a paywall. But guess what? Change is here!

Today I am thrilled to announce that our content will no longer have a time limit on it or be restricted to paid subscribers. Yes, you read that right! All our insightful articles and resources will once again be freely accessible on


Jimmy Dore Standup: Public Shaming for Being Informed – “Before Covid, ‘doing your own research” used to be called ‘reading'”

“Before Covid, ‘doing your own research” used to be called ‘reading.'” – Jimmy Dore

The Level of Evil We’re Dealing With!

Patrick Henry: “Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation”

“Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation.”

– Patrick Henry

Patrick Henry: “Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains”

“Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains.”

– Patrick Henry

How I See Race

Study: People who are unwilling to express their views have tripled since 1950 — “This has to stop” – Dr. Phil

“There’s a study that I talk about in ‘We’ve Got Issues,’ where we compared people’s willingness to speak up in 1950 verses people’s willingness to speak up now in 2023. People who are unwilling to express their views have tripled since 1950. People don’t want to talk now, because if you do…. People say ‘it’s easier not to speak out,’ and that has to stop.”

– Dr. Phil McGraw on ‘Jesse Waters,’ 2/26/23, transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Pioneering Vitamin D researcher Dr. David Grimes w/ Dr. John Campbell

Neither doctor has seen one case of hypercalcemia from taking too much vitamin D.

Dr. Grimes says hypercalcemia would require a dose of 100,000 iu/day.

Both say hospitals should be prescribing fast acting D, calcifidiol for sick patients, to get D levels up fast. UK doesn’t even make calcifidiol available to any patients for anything, which is “criminal.”

Rand Paul’s Senate Floor Filibuster! – Fund our border, not wars; facemasks don’t work, protect free speech, how much is $1 billion? …

Whitewater, Wisconsin (Pop. 15,000) gets 1,000 illegal migrants in 2022 — “increased domestic violence, sexual assault and sex trafficking!”

Illegal immigrants in violent NYPD attack give MIDDLE FINGER after release — Brazenly attacked two New York City police officers and then mock US citizens!

Heads Up, Your Car is Spying On You! How EV’s & Modern Cars Encourage Big Brother Spying!!!

A recent review of 25 different car brans showed that 100% of them are collecting far too much personal information, much of which is either being sold to major corporations or given to governments.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth proves that car companies are now collecting your “sexual activity, your health diagnosis data, your psychological trends, your predispositions, behavoirs, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.”

The article: It’s Official: Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy

The ways that car companies collect and share your data are so vast and complicated that we wrote an entire piece on how that works

Mark Dice: The Illuminati, Secret Societies, Communism – Real History Overview


Tucker: Spiritual Forces are Real! — “Every person can feel that IN THEMSELVES. There are moments when you are MOVED TO DO THINGS MUCH BETTER than you actually are, and MORE EVIL and DESTRUCTIVE than you actually are”

38:45 “One thing I know for a dead certain fact, having seen it is that there is good and evil. We’re being acted upon at all times. And I think every person can feel that in themselves. I mean there are moments when you are moved to do things that are much better than you actually are, and there are also more evil and destructive than you actually are. You are subject to forces from outside yourself. That is absolutely true. …

So there are forces that are not human that do exist in a spiritual realm of some kind that we cannot see. … That is real!”

The psychiatric industry has turned every negative human emotion and behavior into a disease — They never consider how demons often significantly affect human behavior!

Related: Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!


Edward Dowd on ‘Tucker’: Excess Deaths from Vaccines Proven!

Ed prayed to God to be of service.

Has exposed the huge number of excess deaths from the vaccines!

Shaw: False knowledge more dangerous than ignorance!

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” – Bernard Shaw

C.S. Lewis: People shutting their eyes to the facts is cowardly

“One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to the facts.” – C.S. Lewis

Morgan Ariel: Why people are so cowardly and compliant – “When you place the world above God you’re going to be afraid”

“Fear cripples people. … When you place the world above God, then you’re going to be afraid and you’re probably going to allow people to influence and impact you.” – Morgan Ariel @ 9:40

TalmudVision: NBC Censors NFL Quarterback for Sharing Jesus?

“If he was giving praise to any false God, they would allow him to say it.”

“People who say ‘it cannot be done’ should not interrupt those who are doing it”

Millstone Report: Satanism Rising In West, Christians Must WAKE UP, Alistair Begg Faces BACKLASH

Includes examples!

Satanism Rising In West, Christians Must WAKE UP, Alistair Begg Faces BACKLASH

Watch ‘American Groomer’ Free – The disturbing truth about sexualization of children in American schools

American Groomer is a documentary revealing the disturbing truth about sexualization of children in American schools. 

The average citizen is totally unaware of the societal, physical, emotional, and behavioral dangers of this appalling, astonishing fetish. Kids are being introduced to kink, taught incomplete science behind STDs,  and are being encouraged to make dangerous choices.

And in 39 states, it’s perfectly legal to show your kids the filthiest porn available in school. Yes, really.


Atheists’ Logic — Mt. Rushmore

Proof The Horse Never Evolved From A Common Ancestor. It Was Created!

Evolutionary scientists claim that the horse evolved from a small rodent like creature named Eohippus. You can see the comparison in the photo. You can imagine that finding any evidence of these two supposed long lost relatives, living together at the same time would do some serious damage to the idea that the horse ever evolved. Well guess what? It happened. Eohippus fossils were discovered alongside bones of modern day horses. (source)

Tucker: “Nikki Haley is not a conservative, but a committed neoliberal.” Dems backing her instead of Biden. Could do VERY well in New Hampshire!

“The Democratic party is stuck with two fatally unpopular candidates. … Their only option… is to run a Republican who has the same views as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. …Nikky Haley.”

“Haley’s approval numbers among self-described conservatives remain remarkably high. Why? Because she’s been endlessly promoted on the news outlets they watch and read. … Those outlets have not been telling the truth. Nikki Haley is not a conservative. …is a committed neoliberal….”

Haley supports:

Danica Patrick: The Surprising Extra Benefits of Pushing Your Mind and Body to New Limits

A part of your brain grows when you do something you don’t like to do, like cold plunging.

The Charlie Kirk Show

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