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Category: Best of ONEcanhappen! Page 4 of 5

SPIRITUAL AWAKENING: OUR ONLY HOPE — “There is no political messiah that will save us … United States needs a spiritual awakening like it has never needed before … we need to pray for the church” – Greg Laurie


“We need to pray that America has a spiritual awakening. That is really our only hope. There is no political messiah that will save us. This is bigger than politics. This is bigger than culture. We need a spiritual solution. The United States needs a spiritual awakening like it has never needed before. We need to pray for that. And we need to pray for the church.”

– Greg Laurie


(video) Rand Paul: America Needs a Spiritual Revival — “Don’t look toward your politicians for all the answers. Look to your spiritual leaders. This country needs a revival and a cultural reformation, but it’s not going to come from government or a law”

Rand Paul: Spiritual leaders need to step up and bring in the Third Great Awakening ! To be fully pro-life, war is the last resort!

[100+ FREEdom Quotes] The Founding Fathers & Others: LIBERTY REQUIRES VIRTUE — “Without virtue there can be no liberty.” “Where licentiousness begins, liberty ends.” “History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to overcome the moral lapse, OR a progressive deterioration leading to ULTIMATE NATIONAL DISASTER.”

‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel! (This may not be far away now, once China is ready to assist Russia, early in the next decade. Most Americans will probably die from the effects of the EMP pulse alone. Imagine: no electricity for a year! We’ve amused ourselves to death.)

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

John Knox – NO HATE: “In my heart, I never hated the persons of those against whom I thundered God’s judgments; I did only hate their sins, and labored, according to my power, to gain them to Christ”


November 24: Death of John Knox (1572)

On the 17th of  November, the Session of St. Giles was called to his bedside. The parting words of the Reformer are too important to be absent here, so here they are:

“The time is approaching, for which I have long thirsted, wherein I shall be relieved and be free from all cares, and be with my Savior forever; and now, God is my witness, whom I have served with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that I have taught  nothing but the true and solid doctrines of the gospel, and that end which I purposed in all my doctrine, was to instruct the ignorant, to confirm the weak, to comfort the consciences of those that were humbled under the sense of their sins, and to denounce the threatening of God’s Word against such as were rebellious. I am not ignorant, that, in my heart, I never hated the persons of those against whom I thundered God’s judgments; I did only hate their sins, and labored, according to my power, to gain them to Christ; that I did forbear none of whatsoever condition, I did it out of fear to my God, who placed me in this function of the ministry, and I know will bring me to an account.” After some words to the new pastor, he commended the whole Session to the grace of God.

Entire Article Here

(video) Deer FREED From Tomato Cage! — Spiritual illustration TO BE FREE from both demons and condemnation!!!!!!!

I’m glad this deer TOTALLY gets FREE! My concern would be the deer would pull himself/herself away before the job was done. Looks like the deer was cut badly, trying to free him/herself.

I was thinking about this video this morning, while praying specifically for a number of people. Many are BOUND by actual demons, and praying in the Spirit for people can help FREE them.

And many wish (pray/James-3 curse) that people would be against people, which happens to me many times every day. When we pray for the bullies the people they have cursed get FREE!!! I believe this could be easily clinically proven someday.

I’ve been praying in the Spirit for people since the early ‘80s.

One of the great deceptions in these last days is the widespread ignoring of the effect that demons have on people, which is totally unlike what was taught and practiced in the New Testament. The result is that most Christians now have many demons in them, affecting them directly, even making people sick and lethargic, which I prove can happen here:

Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!

I believe that’s why Paul prayed in tongues more than anyone, to get FREE. He was a point man who was James-3 cursed a lot. This prophecy partially describes what’s going on and ways to get free:

(prophesy) A Gift that Will Set Many FREE! (A Death Warrant is Out for Your Souls) — “I’ve given you the gift of tongues from My heart to you”

Getting right with those we’ve hurt can FREE us from guilt and condemnation too. This is an important video in many ways. I’ve been pushing for a permanent Asbury to happen, ONE can happen, perhaps starting here in Anchorage, once key people get right with those they’ve hurt — especially one key person, who seems to be holding up this FREEDOM fest. I don’t know what he’s waiting for. I’d be scared to death to die with guilt on my conscience.

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

Jesus said we need to reconcile (Mt. 5 & Jn. 17). Paul did it (Acts 24:16):

“Herein I also practice *always* having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” (Acts 24:16)

Our consciences must be clean when we see Jesus face to FACE!:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT

Imagine what a permanent Asbury would be like. Awesome video here!:

(video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’m free!’”

To Be FREE!!!!!!!

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[youtube=]Deer Stuck in a Tomato Cage


How Jezebel Killed One of the Greatest Revivals Ever — Before Azusa Street in 1906, there was the Welsh Revival in 1904

From: Charisma Magazine

How Jezebel Killed One of the Greatest Revivals Ever

Jennifer LeClaire

Before Azusa Street in 1906, there was the Welsh Revival in 1904. It was one of the greatest revivals ever and perhaps the one with the most tragic end. That’s because the spirit of Jezebel cut off the voice of Evan Roberts, a young man God used to set a nation on fire for God.

As history tells it, over 100,000 souls came to Jesus in Wales over the course of nine months. Hundreds of thousands more would come to know the Lord over the next couple of years—and it all started in Moriah Chapel in Loughor, South Wales where Roberts gathered with a few youth and began to pray, “Bend us! Bend us!” and eventually “Bend me! Bend me!” …

Beware the Spirit of Jezebel

..late-night services that sometimes lasted until sunrise. Those meetings ignited a revival that spread across the world, including to Azusa Street in Los Angeles. But it wasn’t long before Roberts cracked under the strain of the pressure.

“By 1905, Roberts’ mind became confused from physical and emotional exhaustion. He began hearing conflicting voices in his head and doubted his ability to distinguish the voice of the Spirit among them,” Liardon writes. …

The revival finally fizzled out in 1905 when the spirit of Jezebel operating through Jesse Penn-Lewis [Jessie Penn-Lewis], a Welsh evangelical speaker and author, beguiled young Roberts. Penn-Lewis seduced and deceived the revivalist in the prime of his anointing.

Penn-Lewis, whose doctrine was largely rejected in Wales and is even now described as apostate teaching by some modern theologians, sought to ride on Roberts’ coat-tails. Ironically, this Jezebelic woman flattered him with words that aimed to ease the suffering he was experiencing from the religious spirits in the midst of revival. But her smooth words didn’t heal his soul. He suffered a nervous breakdown and went to live at this wealthy woman’s home to recover. …

Jezebel Hates Revival

… I am believing for a Third Great Awakening. But as we move closer …. We must root out anything in us that would give these spirits a hook in our heart.

Entire Article Here


The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

Effects of the WELSH REVIVAL 1904-05: Whole communities were radically changed FROM DEPRAVITY TO GLORIOUS GOODNESS. The CRIME RATE dropped, often to nothing. THE POLICE had little more to do than supervise the coming and going of the people to the chapel prayer meetings. THE UNDERGROUND MINES echoed with the sounds of PRAYER and HYMNS, instead of nasty jokes and gossip. People who had fallen out BECAME FRIENDS AGAIN!!!!!!!

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is MIGHT and there is POWER and there is GLORY, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

Rick Joyner: “REPENTANCE includes RESTITUTION for the wrongs that have caused injury to others”

Can ‘Christians’ use Paul’s “Forgetting the things which are behind…I press on” statement as an excuse to not get right with those they’ve hurt? Paul also said: “I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” What if you don’t repent? And what will happen when you do? The Third Great Awakening can start with us!!! We can all be happy — ‘ONE’!

(video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’M FREE!’”

What Does God Say About Lying PRESStitutes, Politicians & Pastors: “ALL LIARS, their part is in the lake that burns with fire”

Why Leaders Won’t Repent: “I was HURTING INSIDE, but I was much TOO PROUD TO SHOW IT.” “A leader has to have been broken in order to get himself out of the way and realize that he’s not really in the control he thinks he is.” “My gods were ‘get ahead,’ ‘get power.’ I really enjoyed it. I loved being saluted” – Chuck Colson

The Achan Factor — Because of one man’s disobedience the entire nation of Israel had to deal with the “Achan factor” among them before they could come under the umbrella of Almighty God’s blessings once again!

Wes Hall [IHOP] on William Seymour’s 1909 prophecy of the shekinah glory returning to the church in 100 years: “Let me tell you about the church in the book of Acts. …the fear of God was on the community, and no one dared join them. But they were highly esteemed. Why did no one dare join them?”

The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “How upside-down the ‘church’ is today.”

My Dream of ‘ONE’ Happening at Abbott Loop CC!

(video) A taste of JESUS’ AGONY because His people have HURT SO MANY… – Gary Clark Jr: When My Train Pulls In (Live at Farm Aid 2014)

‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”

Hume on Reconciliation: ~”IF YOU’VE MADE A MISTAKE, a blunder, ADMIT IT to yourself, and then GO to the people affected by it, and admit it to them, and TELL THEM YOU’RE SORRY — FULL-HEARTedly and OPENLY. People who do that make an enormous impression. It is the RIGHT, MORAL and SMART thing to do.”

My comment on Francis Frangipane’s post: “Francis, do you remember how you prophesied in Wasilla, Alaska about the REVIVAL happening up here to such a great degree that…” | Paul made sure he was right with everyone, but how many pastors can say that today? | “There is might and there is power and there is GLORY, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right…

“No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible”

Leaders Who Have Hurt People But Refuse to Repent (prophecy)

[WordPower!] In Psalm 50 God Warns: “You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought that I was just like you. … Now consider this…lest I tear you into pieces and there be none to deliver” (Hell?)

The Azusa Street Revival (1906-15): The biggest move of miracles in the history of America — The fire of God’s glory on the roof! “Even the fingernails grew back!” In 1909, Seymour prophesied the next revival will come in about 100 years! We’re due!!!

Rhydian Roberts: The Prayer — “Let this be our prayer WHEN WE LOSE OUR WAY. Lead us…guide us with your grace to A PLACE WHERE WE’LL BE SAFE” (Rhydian Roberts is Welsh, by the way)

Theme for the Third Great Awakening, Rhydian Roberts: Somewhere — “We’ll find a new way of living. We’ll find a way of forgiving – Somehow – Someday – Somewhere!” — ‘ONE’ Will Happen!!!!!!!

Rhydian Roberts: The Impossible Dream (Precarious Climb and Static Photo Versions)

Benny Hester: “When God Ran” — God will RUN when we come back to Him!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

All of my Revival posts

“The fact that there’s a HIGHWAY TO HELL and only a STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers”

“The fact that there’s a highway to hell and only a stairway to heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers.”

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Howard Pittman was told this 2.5% figure at the gate of heaven 30 years ago (having died on the way to the hospital), before internet porn even existed, before the low-cut-top epidemic hit America, when more people were honest, and hate and anger wasn’t off the charts — before once-saved-always-saved became the norm.

The figure is likely less than 2.5% now.

How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many are Finding the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%?!!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

When the ‘people of God’ honor what a leader says without examining that instruction in the light of scripture the Church’s greatest mistakes occur!

‘The Church’s greatest mistakes occur when the people of God honor what a leader says without examining that instruction in the light of scripture.”

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It’s amazing to me that HARDLY ANY STUDY what the New Testament really teaches about WHO GOES TO HEAVEN. What subject could be more important? There are very few BEREANS today, whom Paul said were “more noble.” They CHECKED the scriptures daily to make sure what Paul taught them was true. It’s just common sense to make sure, right? Especially when the Bible predicted that false doctrine would prevail in the last days:

“For the time will come when they *will not listen to the sound doctrine*, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers *after their own lusts*; and will *turn away their ears from the truth*, and turn aside to *fables*.” – 2 Tim. 4:3-4


“D. A. Carson: The Problem of the Canon Within the Canon — A subset of scriptures taught in exclusion of those that would result in true doctrine. “We badly need to listen to one another, especially when we least like what we hear.”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

Could smartphones be the mark of the Beast, without which one can’t buy or sell? — Fingerprint reader (‘hand’) & iris scanner (‘forehead’) — + Google Glass (‘forehead’)

Someone asked this on Facebook, so I looked into it.

If anyone has more insight into the Greek words, please let me know.

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Could the smartphone be the mark of the Beast, without which one can’t buy or sell? It is held in the hand, and Google Glass is worn on the forehead, and could easily be the only way to buy or sell.

Smartphones can already read the hand (fingerprints) and can be held up to the forehead to scan irises.

Nick Begich is less known than his famous politician brother, here in Alaska, but he is an expert on technology and mind control. In the video below, he’s asked about implantable chips, and mentions the the iris and fingerprint scan possibilities.


..the image of the beast should both speak, and cause as many as wouldn’t worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, to be given marks on their right hands, or on their foreheads; and that no one would be able to buy or to sell, unless he has that mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six hundred sixty-six. – Rev. 13:15-18

I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and such as didn’t worship the beast nor his image, and didn’t receive the mark on their forehead and on their hand. – Rev. 20:4b

The Greek preposition used in Rev. 13:16 and 20:4 is epi (Strongs #1909), and is usually translated as ‘on,’ ‘in,’ and even ‘upon.’ So that seems to be vague enough to fit this possibility.

The Greek word for ‘mark’ is χάραγμα/charagma (Strongs #5480), and is defined here.

It does seem like it’s a mark on or beneath the skin, but possibly it’s a device held in the hand (iPhone) or worn on the forehead (like Google Glass?), and would be the only way to buy or sell, for those who have sold their souls to do so.

Many cell phones already have fingerprint scanning technology that connects the phone with the user. An iris scan can also, right now, electronically tie the phone to the owner.


Katherine Albrecht, author of “Spychips” and I Won’t Take the Mark: A Bible Book and Contract for Childrenis an expert on this general topic, which she discusses a lot on her online radio show, and has shown that implanted RFID chips can cause cancer.

Embedded microchips are already in use in people and animals, but because they could cause health problems for some, an iPhone or Google Glass perhaps is a possibility, or maybe an option.

Whichever technology they use, it’s already here, for the first time, ever!

I think it’s likely that we will see the end of America and the birth of the NWO, prophesied in Revelation, so it’s really important to consider these things, and determine to never worship the Beast to be able to buy or sell.

Katherine Albrecht talks about the privilege of being able to be martyred for the Lord. She has a refreshing perspective, and has a lot of information in her audio broadcasts, which I’ve listened to for many years.

NEVER worship the Beast!

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Minute-7:30 — what about the chip?[youtube=]Weaponized Wi-fi: Population Control

The Alex Jones Channel








“GRACE does not grant permission to live in the flesh; it supplies POWER to live in the Spirit”

“GRACE does not grant permission to live in the flesh;
it supplies POWER to live in the Spirit”

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The meaning of “Grace” (χαρις) in the Bible: It’s not what you think?

David Wilkerson: True Grace — “According to Paul, we are not walking in grace until we have broken from worldly corruptions. Unless we are endeavoring through the power of the Holy Spirit to lead godly and righteous lives, looking for the Lord’s coming in our every waking moment, we do not know God’s grace.”

Britt Williams: Biblical Grace, What Is It?

“Grace”: To Give You Life to Overcome—Not a License to Sin

(video) Dan Corner: True Grace Vs False Grace — Charles Stanley’s security in sin: “You cannot out-sin the grace of God” Vs Jesus: “He who endures to the end will be saved”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many Find the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%!?!!

What is liberal Christian theology? — “Love” of our fellow man becomes the defining issue. The Greatest Commandment, ‘Life in the Son’ is ignored — where our yoke is easy and our burden is light, and we’ll find rest for our souls

Kevin Conner on the Believer’s CONDITIONAL Security: “OBEDIENCE IS the very law of SECURITY for all created beings. There can be NO SUCH THING as UNCONDITIONAL security.”

The CHIEF PILLAR of Eternal Security (OSAS) Toppled – John 10:27-29! — “Only those who are hearing and following Christ right now are his sheep”

Leonard Ravenhill: Romans 7 vs 8 — Life before the Son vs Life in the Son — “Romans 7 is a funeral march, Romans 8 is a wedding march … it’s a Spirit dominated life in chapter 8.”


[WordPOWER!] In Psalm 50 God Warns: “You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought that I was just like you. … Now consider this…lest I tear you into pieces and there be none to deliver” (Hell?)

D. A. Carson: The Problem of the Canon Within the Canon — A subset of scriptures taught in exclusion of those that would result in true doctrine. “We badly need to listen to one another, especially when we least like what we hear.”


Dan Corner: “If you’re lusting in your heart, you are an adulterer, and you won’t inherit the kingdom.”

[Lust “the poison that kills the soul” FREEDOM] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because…

Gandhi: Widespread Belief Doesn’t Make an Error True

HeartQuotes: Truth — “A thing does not therefore cease to be true because it is not accepted by many” – Spinoza


Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it WAS PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’” Many need to get right with people they’ve hurt to be free! Then God can move!

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

Can ‘Christians’ use Paul’s “Forgetting the things which are behind…I press on” statement as an excuse to not get right with those they’ve hurt? Paul also said: “I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” What if you don’t repent? And what will happen when you do? The Third Great Awakening can start with us!!! We can all be happy — ‘ONE’!

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

[ video – The MOST BEAUTIFUL SONG! ] Benny Hester: “When God Ran”

When you tell someone ‘do not judge’ you are being hypocritical

When you tell someone ‘do not judge,’ you are being hypocritical.

First, you have to judge that they are being judgmental.
Second, you have to judge that what they are doing is wrong.
Thus, you have violated your own standard for not judging others.

Instead, understand the entire Bible’s teaching on judging so you can do as Jesus instructed.
“Do not judge according to appearances, but make a righteous judgment.

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What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others? — “First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” What Jesus was condemning was hypocritical, self-righteous judgments of others

Is It Right: To Judge, To Expose Error & To Name Names?

Meekness is Not Weakness — Jesus got angry at the right things at the right times. Meekness is power under control, part of the fruit of the Spirit.

Naming Names? Is that Biblical?: Paul did — Those who teach “any other gospel” are “accursed” of God and to be marked

Greg Laurie: Don’t Judge? — We are to judge, but we are not to condemn. In fact, a better translation of Matthew 7:1 would be: “Do not condemn others, and you will not be condemned.”

Who are You To Judge? | Good Fight Ministries

“Shout, ‘Get thee behind me, Satan!’ — and you will have the best time on earth. Whisper it, and you won’t” – Smith Wigglesworth

“Shout, ‘Get thee behind me, Satan!’ — and you will have the best
time on earth. Whisper it, and you won’t.”

– Smith Wigglesworth

Bikini Facts: The bikini was introduced by inspiration of Satan. When the bikini was first invented…

From: Marc Roy

((( THE BIKINI )))











MAT 18:6.
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

MAT 5:28.
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.


The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

LUST ‘the poison that kills the soul’ FREEDOM! *My experience*: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because freedom lies straight ahead!

2014 Pornography Survey of ‘Christian’ Men: MAJORITY not only lusting, but into porn!!

[ video ] Jessica Rey: The Evolution of the Swimsuit — Can Modesty Make a Comeback?

Survey of Christian Men on the Subject of Women’s Clothing — Men responded: “This area is the greatest challenge in my life!” • “Men are created in such a way as to be stimulated by sight.” • “Demon influence and demon possession is rampant. Evil triumphs when the church does nothing!” • Many more

[FreedomQuote] “Women, the way a man looks at you is out of your control, but what you reveal is up to you.”

[Princeton study] Is it wrong to wear a bikini? — The fully-clothed women were seen as being in control of their own actions, whereas the immodest ones were objects to be acted upon

How Premarital Sex Rewires the Brain — Knowing how these neurochemicals interact and change the brain help us understand why sex is meant to be kept within the boundaries of marriage

To my homosexual friends: May we all be ‘ONE’ in Christ! What is the ‘fury fire’ that Piper Perabo talks about? How can it be tamed? What is God’s true perspective in “The Homosexuals Will Arise” prophecy and what does Romans 1 really say?

What does God say? Women, children and men exposing themselves to TSAs in NAKED BODY SCANNERS!

[Lust Freedom!] As Cautiously as Folding Our Own Parachute — “We ought to think out each step with the same kind of rationale and determination that a man uses when he folds his own parachute. Small, careful decisions can save his life. 5 minutes of pleasure earned Esau the loss of a lifetime of blessing and the enmity of God. Is it worth it?”

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Separation from the World — What the Early Christians Believed About Separation from the World. D. Bercot. The Bible exhorts us: “Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” So…

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Modest Dress and Cosmetics — How literally did the early Christians take Peter’s exortation?

Wes Hall: It’s Not Just Porn! “You’re asking for power and there are areas of hidden compromise in your life. … I’m not talking about the R-rated movies. I’m talking about the PG-13s … certain sitcoms, TV shows where your spirit is being defiled.”

A Nation ‘Bewitched’: Farrah Fawcett — “When the show [Charlie’s Angels] got to be No. 3, I figured it was our acting. When it got to be No. 1, I decided it could only be because none of us wears a bra”

Fox: Not quite porn… or news — Distracting viewers with mis-information and ‘info-babes’

[ video ] Reality-check comedian Russell Brand points out MSNBC’s female anchor’s IMMODESTY, while exposing MSM’s ‘superficial’ bias — “Be careful. That’s a LOW-CUT DRESS. I’m only flesh and blood. I’ve got instincts” — Mika Brzezinski actually changed her dress after this segment — Why don’t more men speak up for what is right?

1942 Minnesota: Bathing beaches prior to the low-cut top epidemic

Amazing Dress: India Arie singing with Carlos Santana on The Tonight Show. This is grace!

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

All of my Lust Freedom! posts [latest appear first, 10 posts per page]

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

[illustration] How FREEDOM from sin and what what LIFE in the Son should feel like inside!!!

This is how FREEDOM from sin and what what LIFE in the Son should feel like inside — especially when we’re all in ‘ONE’ accord, abiding in the Vine together — Jesus sharing His JOY with us, that our JOY may be FULL!!!!!!!

Jesus promised in John 15:10-12:

IF you keep my commandments, YOU WILL REMAIN IN MY LOVE; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and remain in his love. I have spoken these things to you, that MY JOY may remain IN YOU, and that your JOY may be made FULL. This is my commandment, that you LOVE ONE ANOTHER, even AS I have loved you.


Therefore don’t be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Don’t be drunken with wine, in which is dissipation (unsavedness), but be FILLED with the Spiritspeaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; singing, and making melody in your heart to the Lord; giving thanks always concerning all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to God, even the Father; subjecting yourselves one to another in the fear of Christ. – Eph. 5:17-21

HERESY ALERT & Balance: “There are 6 Scriptures about homosexuality in the Bible. Here’s what they really say”

This video by Matthew Vines is a good example of the deception being used to claim that the Bible does not condemn gay marriage. It’s very slick and smooth.

He doesn’t even read the key New Testament text that says homosexuals cannot go to heaven, 1 Cor. 6:9. He also does not read 1 Timothy 1:10. And the Greek word arsenokoitai is plenty clear. Good explanation here (What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? By Kevin DeYoung).

Hmmm, I had forgotten this: Homosexuals On the NIV Translating Committee

THE BALANCE, please?

For balance, ‘Christians,’ please keep in mind that Paul also said that heterosexual lusters will not go to heaven too (Galatians 5 & 6). Jesus said this too in Matthew 5.

“Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

We need to take the PLANK out of our own eye so we can see clearly to take the speck out of our neighbor’s eye — so we can be salt and light — abiding in the Vine!

We need to focus on ourselves being right with God, so we can go to heaven, living in the Son, and so ‘ONE’ can happen, “that the world will know” (John 17)! This is what homosexuals need to see and hear, instead of all of this condemning. Many of them have been hurt:

(prophecy) The Homosexuals Will Arise — “Show them the way through your smile”

Focusing on homosexuals’ sin, when most ‘Christians’ are willfully lusting isn’t Jesus’ way. It’s not life in the Son. But this seems to be what so many evangelicals are doing, now that the Supremes declared gay ‘marriage’ as legit.

Our lives must pass the smell test by not being hypocritical in any way. Too much of what evangelicals are doing doesn’t taste good for the world to see.

We need to be truthful about what the Bible says about homosexuality, and also truthful about what God’s Word says about heterosexual lusting.

The latter doesn’t seem to be happening much. ‘Christians’ don’t want to admit that they need to overcome lust sins too.

“For the time will come when they WILL NOT LISTEN TO SOUND DOCTRINE, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY their ears FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to FABLES” (2 Tim. 4:3-5).

The once-saved-always-saved heresy shows itself again to be the key doctrine destroying Christianity in the US, and the US itself.

We should have had revival long ago, that the world would know.

Let’s focus on doing right.


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The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The BELIEVERS, not the non-believers, have OPENED THE GATE TO SIN, which is why this country has deteriorated

[Lust Freedom!] As Cautiously as Folding Our Own Parachute — “We ought to think out each step with the same kind of rationale and determination that a man uses when he folds his own parachute. Small, careful decisions can save his life. 5 minutes of pleasure earned Esau the loss of a lifetime of blessing and the enmity of God. Is it worth it?”

A Facebook friend wrote these wise words. I’ll see if she’d like me to include her name.

She writes this excellent, parachute folding analogy:

I was in a jump club in college. I witnessed the care with which jumpers folded their chutes — generally with more precision and concern than a lot of us make minute by minute [in our] choices.

I think the greatest doctrinal tragedy is the idea of ‘once saved always saved.’ It’s not Biblical; else, why would satan work so hard to lead Christians astray, if he couldn’t impact their salvation?

A vast quantity of scriptures teach Christians how to live AFTER they are saved, so that they may hold fast to that which they have. How many men in the churches, who think they can ‘get away’ with the sin of pornography because of this satanic lie; are on a fast track to a hellish eternity?

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Before he wrote his plaintive confession in Psalm 51, David used his eyes amiss. The consequences of that ‘benign’ sin, looking on a naked woman who was not his wife, led to a great deal of tragedy in David’s life. By the time he wrote Psalm 101:3, David had learned that there is no such thing as a harmless or benign sin, and wrote; “I will lead NO evil before my eyes.”

Jesus counseled that our acts begin with our thoughts. If we can [make] our thoughts captive, our acts will follow. Each act in our lives is a step that we take, either towards the narrow gate or away from it. The trajectory of steps over the course of a lifetime will determine our ultimate destination.

We ought to think out each step with the same kind of rationale and determination that a man uses when he folds his own parachute. Small, careful decisions can save his life.

5 minutes of pleasure earned Esau the loss of a lifetime of blessing and the enmity of God. Is it worth it?


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT” — Includes my dream of being in danger of going to hell just for lusting while watching TV

LUST ‘the poison that kills the soul’ FREEDOM! *My experience*: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because freedom lies straight ahead!

To my homosexual friends: May we all be ‘ONE’ in Christ! What is the ‘fury fire’ that Piper Perabo talks about? How can it be tamed? What is God’s true perspective in “The Homosexuals Will Arise” prophecy and what does Romans 1 really say?

Against Masturbation: “Men rob themselves of the very essence and energy that fuel their lives and protect their health”

When Sin Looks Delicious: TAKE THE BLAME for wanting to sin; RESIST Satan; RESOLVE that you will not sin; GIVE THANKS for Jesus’ enabling grace

(video) Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution: Resentment against Christ and Gentiles is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and pornography

The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

[science] Why is Lust Addictive? — SEX increases dopamine by 200 units (1/6 the height of a METH euphoria)

2014 Pornography Survey of ‘Christian’ Men: MAJORITY not only lusting, but into porn!!

[ video ] Jessica Rey: The Evolution of the Swimsuit — Can Modesty Make a Comeback?

[FreedomQuote] “Women, the way a man looks at you is out of your control, but what you reveal is up to you.”

Lust: Another Name For Adultery – Dan Corner

ROMANCE NOVELS Can Become ADDICTIVE — Women experience the same addicting chemical release as men do from viewing porn

Charles Finney (1835): Instruction of Young Converts — “AIM AT BEING PERFECT. It should be their constant purpose to live wholly to God…. IF THEY SHOULD SIN it would be an inconsistency…. THEY OUGHT NOT TO SIN AT ALL; they are bound to be as holy as God is. And young converts should be taught to set out in the right course OR THEY WILL NEVER BE RIGHT”

I’ve finally shared much of what I know about and what can be done through the TREMENDOUS and mostly misunderstood and underused gift of tongues. A reader thankfully put me over the edge : ) I need to re-write this someday so it’s not written mostly in a comment. But it’s all there.

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated

Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!

Joel Osteen: ‘Homosexuals Get Into Heaven’ [But ‘Christians’ keep in mind that lusting HETEROsexuals WON’T INHERIT the kingdom either. We must all be holy so we can all be ONE!]

Survey of Christian Men on the Subject of Women’s Clothing — Men responded: “This area is the greatest challenge in my life!” • “Men are created in such a way as to be stimulated by sight.” • “Demon influence and demon possession is rampant. Evil triumphs when the church does nothing!” • Many more

[Princeton study] Is it wrong to wear a bikini? — The fully-clothed women were seen as being in control of their own actions, whereas the immodest ones were objects to be acted upon

What does God say? Women, children and men exposing themselves to TSAs in NAKED BODY SCANNERS!

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Separation from the World — What the Early Christians Believed About Separation from the World. D. Bercot. The Bible exhorts us: “Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” So…

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Modest Dress and Cosmetics — How literally did the early Christians take Peter’s exortation?

Wes Hall: It’s Not Just Porn! “You’re asking for power and there are areas of hidden compromise in your life. … I’m not talking about the R-rated movies. I’m talking about the PG-13s … certain sitcoms, TV shows where your spirit is being defiled.”

A Nation ‘Bewitched’: Farrah Fawcett — “When the show [Charlie’s Angels] got to be No. 3, I figured it was our acting. When it got to be No. 1, I decided it could only be because none of us wears a bra”

1942 Minnesota: Bathing beaches prior to the low-cut top epidemic

Amazing Dress: India Arie singing with Carlos Santana on The Tonight Show. This is grace!

All of my Lust Freedom! posts [latest appear first, 10 posts per page]


26 Bible Verses about Conspiracies — Evil people conspire; that’s what they do!


33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know…

(video) 18 “Conspiracy Theories” That Were Proven True

10 Health Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be Real — Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier • Use Of Antidepressants By Mothers Has Been Scientifically Linked To Autism In Their Babies • Fluoride In Our Water Is Really Bad For Us • Overprescription Of Antibiotics Is Causing The Rise Of Antibiotic-Resistant “Superbugs” • Hospitals Are Massively Overcharging Their Patients • Americans Are The Most Drugged Up People On The Face Of The Earth …

FOX News Won RIGHT TO LIE in Court 2003

(video) Reporters Expose FOX News’ Collusion with Monsanto to Lie About BGH/Cancer Link — “The news is what we say it is”

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26 Bible Verses about Conspiracies

Psalms 83:5

For they have conspired together with one mind; Against You they make a covenant:

Jeremiah 11:9

Then the LORD said to me, “A conspiracy has been found among the men of Judah and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

Isaiah 8:12

“You are not to say, ‘It is a conspiracy!’ In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it.

Psalms 83:3

They make shrewd plans against Your people, And conspire together against Your treasured ones.

2 Samuel 15:31

Now someone told David, saying, “Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom ” And David said, “O LORD, I pray, make the counsel of Ahithophel foolishness.”

1 Kings 16:20

Now the rest of the acts of Zimri and his conspiracy which he carried out, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

Amos 7:10

Then Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, sent word to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, “Amos has conspired against you in the midst of the house of Israel; the land is unable to endure all his words.

Ezekiel 22:25

“There is a conspiracy of her prophets in her midst like a roaring lion tearing the prey They have devoured lives; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made many widows in the midst of her.

John 11:53

So from that day on they planned together to kill Him.

2 Samuel 15:12

And Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David’s counselor, from his city Giloh, while he was offering the sacrifices And the conspiracy was strong, for the people increased continually with Absalom.

1 Samuel 22:13

Saul then said to him, “Why have you and the son of Jesse conspired against me, in that you have given him bread and a sword and have inquired of God for him, so that he would rise up against me by lying in ambush as it is this day?”

1 Kings 15:27

Then Baasha the son of Ahijah of the house of Issachar conspired against him, and Baasha struck him down at Gibbethon, which belonged to the Philistines, while Nadab and all Israel were laying siege to Gibbethon.

2 Kings 15:30

And Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah, and struck him and put him to death and became king in his place, in the twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah.

2 Kings 17:4

But the king of Assyria found conspiracy in Hoshea, who had sent messengers to So king of Egypt and had offered no tribute to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year; so the king of Assyria shut him up and bound him in prison.

2 Kings 9:14

So Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi conspired against Joram. Now Joram with all Israel was defending Ramoth-gilead against Hazael king of Aram,

2 Kings 10:9

Now in the morning he went out and stood and said to all the people, “You are innocent; behold, I conspired against my master and killed him, but who killed all these?

2 Kings 15:25

Then Pekah son of Remaliah, his officer, conspired against him and struck him in Samaria, in the castle of the king’s house with Argob and Arieh; and with him were fifty men of the Gileadites, and he killed him and became king in his place.

Nehemiah 4:8

All of them conspired together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause a disturbance in it.

2 Kings 15:10

Then Shallum the son of Jabesh conspired against him and struck him before the people and killed him, and reigned in his place.

2 Kings 15:15

Now the rest of the acts of Shallum and his conspiracy which he made, behold they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

1 Kings 16:9

His servant Zimri, commander of half his chariots, conspired against him Now he was at Tirzah drinking himself drunk in the house of Arza, who was over the household at Tirzah.

1 Kings 16:16

The people who were camped heard it said, “Zimri has conspired and has also struck down the king.” Therefore all Israel made Omri, the commander of the army, king over Israel that day in the camp.

2 Kings 12:20

His servants arose and made a conspiracy and struck down Joash at the house of Millo as he was going down to Silla.

2 Kings 21:23

The servants of Amon conspired against him and killed the king in his own house.

2 Kings 14:19

They conspired against him in Jerusalem, and he fled to Lachish; but they sent after him to Lachish and killed him there.

Acts 20:3

And there he spent three months, and when a plot was formed against him by the Jews as he was about to set sail for Syria, he decided to return through Macedonia.

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The BELIEVERS, not the non-believers, have OPENED THE GATE TO SIN, which is why this country has deteriorated

This is so true!! My heart leaped when I read this!

From: Revival School (Andrew Strom)

THE RED GATE PROPHECY – Michael Quintana.

I was awakened a few years ago by a disturbing dream I had one morning. The disturbing thing about this dream was that I had no idea where it came from, what it meant, and why I was shown this dream. There was no interpretation given me of what this dream meant which added frustration to my not knowing. The reality, intensity and urgency of this dream left me with many questions that were not immediately answered. The interpretation of this dream was given to me about two years later by God again but this time it was given to me through an extraordinary day vision. This dream had to do with me, California and the country.


It was early 2002 that this disturbing dream came to me while I was asleep one night. I was fast asleep when all of a sudden I woke up in the middle of nowhere in what looked to be the middle of the Central California valley. I recognized the valley because of the mountains east and west of me. I grew up in this Central California valley and I am very familiar with the surroundings. I was not scared but it was odd standing there in the middle of nowhere and not in my bedroom. This may seem odd but I felt wide awake like when I wake up every morning. The only difference was that my senses seemed to be on extra sensitive.

In fact I felt more awake, alert, and alive than when I wake up normally in my bedroom. I woke up into this incredible bright sunny beautiful day with the clearest clean air and a clearest blue sky I ever saw. I was standing on what seemed to be a greener than green oasis. I could clearly see the mountains in front of and behind me. This was just like when I was a child after a rain. I could clearly see the mountains on the east and west side of me. What caught my attention between me on the oasis and the mountains east and west of me were the miles and miles of this rich dark soiled dirt.

I then took notice that I was standing on the north side of this little green grassy oasis which was about two to 4 acres. Right at the edge of this green oasis just north of me was this big brighter than bright red gate. It was just standing on the outer edge of the greener than green oasis.

It was so odd to see this big red gate standing in front of me in the middle of nowhere. Everything looked like it belonged except this red gate. There was no fence or wall attached to this big bright red gate. It was just odd to see it standing there by itself.

I felt happiness and joy to be there in front of this big red gate. All of a sudden, I heard God’s voice out of nowhere. He then gave me very stern instructions. I knew this was God’s voice because I have heard his voice before and I know his voice. He said in a stern voice, “Mike, do not open the red gate”!

“We tend to be very good students of our teachers, and not always very good students of the Scriptures, unfortunately” – Joel Richardson

I’m not endorsing his teaching or books. I just saw him for the first time here. This is a great quote that explains a lot!

This is why so many are getting jacked. Paul praised the “more noble” Bereans, because they not only eagerly accepted what he said, but checked the Scriptures daily to make sure Paul was telling them the truth!

We’re also supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit, Who will “lead [us] into all truth.”

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“We tend to be very good students of our teachers, and not always very good students of the Scriptures, unfortunately.”

– Joel Richardson, author of Mideast Beast, on The 700 Club, 6/16/2015

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

(video) 5 Lies Culture Tells Christian Singles

REALLY GOOD, except #4 is probably TRUE for most of us — and #3 should include the problem of going to Hell:

Lie # 1: You should be ashamed of chastity. Because movie director Judd Apatow has a better plan for your sexuality than God does.

Lie #2: You need some sort of sexual release. Because we should do our thinking with any other body part than our brains.

Lie #3: There’s nothing wrong with sleeping around as long as you use protection. Because clearly the connections between multiple partners and unwanted pregnancies/STDs isn’t worth worrying about.

Lie #4: You’re somehow incomplete if you’re not married. Because Jane Austen or Queen Elizabeth the First or Florence Nightingale or Sir Isaac Newton led meaningless lives.

Lie #5: You must be a loser if you’re alone. Because when the Apostle Paul said he wished everyone remained single as he was, he just wanted to keep everyone else down. (source)

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[youtube=]5 Lies Culture Tells Christian Singles

Covenant Eyes

Covenant Eyes

Published on Jun 12, 2015

Society heavily influences singles on how they should be living their “single” lives. This is only a few of the lies Christians believe from culture about how they should be living out their lives before they get married.

Download our new e-book if you would like more information.…

“Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy” – Thomas Merton

This is so excellent!!!

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Metallica channels Satan in ‘MASTER OF PUPPETS’: “I’m pulling your strings, twisting your mind and smashing your dreams. Blinded by me, you can’t see a thing. Just call my name, ’cause I’ll hear you scream, ‘Master’!” — “I’m your source of self-destruction”

It’s amazing what Satan gets by with, straightforwardly admitting his diabolically evil, destructive agenda in this very popular song, Master of Puppets.

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Satan dangles the carrots to pull us in, sending real demonic spirits to drive sin, if we let them in:

Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!

The “love of money” is a demonic stronghold that we must overcome.

Just like we must overcome the demonic stronghold of lust.

The world is our testing ground, and because so many have succumbed to temptation and have not overcome, for decades now, the world is becoming a cesspool of filth.

So evil is all around us — and now at our fingertips on the net, unlike the days in which I grew up.

So we need to be even more vigilant and completely determined to not let sin reign in our lives, cold turkey, or demons will drive lust and the love for money, driving many straight into hell.

Check out these lyrics by Metallica, who makes Satanism look cool. But read for yourself Satan’s clearly stated agenda. Notice how it starts: “end of passion play, which is us taking up our cross and following Christ.

* Pas·sion play – noun
  1. a dramatic performance representing Christ’s Passion from the Last Supper to the Crucifixion.

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End of passion play
Crumbling away
I’m your source of self-destruction

Taste me you will see
More is all you need

Dedicated to
How I’m killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets
I’m pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams

Blinded by me
You can’t see a thing
Just call my name ’cause I’ll hear you scream


Through Christ we can overcome, Who will give us the grace, the strength to say ‘No!’ to sin:
“No temptation has taken you except what is common to man. God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able, but will with the temptation also make the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it” (1 Cor. 10:13).
When we don’t give the Devil a place, by not entertaining lust at all, turning off TalmudVision (TV), then we can be free from these lust demons. “Submit to God; resist the Devil, and he will flee.” Demons drive lust:

[Lust FREEDOM — “The Poison that Kills the Soul”] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because freedom lies straight ahead!

The Bible says to be filled with the HOLY Spirit:

Magnify Your Happiness! – When ‘ONE’ Happens ‘the World Will Know’! — “That MY JOY may remain IN YOU, and that YOUR JOY may be made FULL. This is My commandment, that you LOVE ONE ANOTHER even AS I HAVE loved you” – Jesus

..instead of getting high on what is forbidden.

[science] Why is Lust Addictive? — SEX increases dopamine by 200 units (1/6 the height of a METH euphoria)

And we must overcome, contrary to the mainstream deception that is popular today, once-saved-always-saved:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Let’s be serious about overcoming now; otherwise, one day it will be too late.



[And I thought Metallica was bad] Qlimax: Satanism through techno! — “Get ready, ’cause tonight the Devil is a DJ! … The lord’s advantage lies in his ability to influence the weak-minded.”

Magnify Your Happiness! – When ‘ONE’ Happens ‘the World Will Know’! — “That MY JOY may remain IN YOU, and that YOUR JOY may be made FULL. This is My commandment, that you LOVE ONE ANOTHER even AS I HAVE loved you” – Jesus

When ‘ONE’ happens ‘the world will know,’ Jesus promised in John 17, because He will share His glory with us in this way!!!

Jesus in John 15:11-12:

“I have spoken these things to you, that MY JOY may remain IN YOU, and that YOUR JOY may be made FULL.

This is my commandment, that you LOVE ONE ANOTHER, even AS I HAVE loved you.



My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is MIGHT and there is POWER and there is GLORY, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

“(video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’M FREE!’”

Why Leaders Won’t Repent: “I was HURTING INSIDE, but I was much TOO PROUD TO SHOW IT.” “A leader has to have been broken in order to get himself out of the way and realize that he’s not really in the control he thinks he is.” “My gods were ‘get ahead,’ ‘get power.’ I really enjoyed it. I loved being saluted” – Chuck Colson

“I was hurting inside, but I was much too proud to show it.”

“A leader has to have been broken in order to get himself out of the way and realize that he’s not really in the control he thinks he is.”

“My gods were ‘get ahead,’ ‘get power.’ I really enjoyed it. I loved being saluted. I loved being able to sit with the President and talk about great issues. I loved being able to advise him. I realize now, as I look back on it, that’s what I was worshiping. That was my god. And all that had happened when I was broken completely was I realized I wasn’t really as good as I thought I was.”

– Chuck Colson

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from God’s at War, City on a Hill Productions with Kyle Idleman


My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is MIGHT and there is POWER and there is GLORY, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

Can ‘Christians’ use Paul’s “Forgetting the things which are behind…I press on” statement as an excuse to not get right with those they’ve hurt? Paul also said: “I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” What if you don’t repent? And what will happen when you do? The Third Great Awakening can start with us!!! We can all be happy — ‘ONE’!

(video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’m free!’”

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

Effects of the WELSH REVIVAL 1904-05: Whole communities were radically changed FROM DEPRAVITY TO GLORIOUS GOODNESS. The CRIME RATE dropped, often to nothing. THE POLICE had little more to do than supervise the coming and going of the people to the chapel prayer meetings. THE UNDERGROUND MINES echoed with the sounds of PRAYER and HYMNS, instead of nasty jokes and gossip. People who had fallen out BECAME FRIENDS AGAIN!!!!!!!

Rick Joyner: “REPENTANCE includes RESTITUTION for the wrongs that have caused injury to others”

What Does God Say About Lying PRESStitutes, Politicians & Pastors: “ALL LIARS, their part is in the lake that burns with fire”

The Achan Factor — Because of one man’s disobedience the entire nation of Israel had to deal with the “Achan factor” among them before they could come under the umbrella of Almighty God’s blessings once again!

(video) A taste of JESUS’ AGONY because His people have HURT SO MANY… – Gary Clark Jr: When My Train Pulls In (Live at Farm Aid 2014)

‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”

(video) The Azusa Street Revival (1906-15): The biggest move of miracles in the history of America — The fire of God’s glory on the roof! “Even the fingernails grew back!” In 1909, Seymour prophesied the next, even greater revival will come in about 100 years! We’re due!!!

[9-minute AMAZING video] Arrested in Iran, horrified missionary, Dan Baumann has VISION OF JESUS in jail, Whose love SETS HIM FREE TO LOVE his torturer, who leads others to Christ. Set free in his heart, God gives Dan TOTALLY HONEST words to speak at the trial for 20 minutes. And Dan was released from Iran too! — “God gave me the grace to stand up and speak the truth. And in doing so it brought freedom in my heart. I AM FREE!!!!!!!”

Study: LYING less may BOOST physical and mental HEALTH — “Americans average about 11 lies per week” — “When you find that you don’t lie, you have LESS STRESS.” — And we WON’T BE BANNED from HEAVEN!

Charisma Editor: An Asbury-like Spiritual Awakening is the “Only Thing That Will Save Us”

The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “How upside-down the ‘church’ is today.”

My Dream of ‘ONE’ Happening at Abbott Loop CC!

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

Wes Hall [IHOP] on William Seymour’s 1909 prophecy of the shekinah glory returning to the church in 100 years: “Let me tell you about the church in the book of Acts. …the fear of God was on the community, and no one dared join them. But they were highly esteemed. Why did no one dare join them?”

Wes Hall to church leaders: “There’s a cry in your heart saying ‘I am not prepared to walk forward another step in dead works and dead religion”

REVIVAL at ASBURY College 1970–God Showed Up Big-Time!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Better to Be a Poor Man than a Liar

(video – The MOST BEAUTIFUL SONG!) Benny Hester: “When God Ran” — God will RUN when we come back to Him!

Ted Haggard: I’d still rather be the way I am now—broke, a man of disrepute—than have “that HORRIFIC INTERNAL STRUGGLE”

[Liars-will-be-found-out example. We must overcome to be free!] Mike Adams: Linguistic analysis of Rand Paul’s endorsement of Romney contradicts his words – Rand Paul is disgusted with him!

[ audio ] Parents stop lying to your kids about Santa Claus — “Look them in the eyes, beg forgiveness, because you’ve really been lying to them and setting them up….”

The Moody Blues: No More Lies

If we build it He will come:
“Let Us Be ONE” (A Prophecy)

All of my Lying posts at ToBeFree, including Why Do People Lie? Fear, Lack of Love & Greed

All of my Revival posts

[leadership] Why CSN Let Neil Young Lead During 2006 Anti-war Tour — “Not because he demands it, not because he bosses people around. It’s because HE THINKS ABOUT THIS STUFF ALL THE TIME” – David Crosby

As I watched the CSNY / Deja Vu “freedom of speech tour” video, this statement by David Crosby struck me as a profound explanation about who should lead in relationships:

CSNY is not a democracy. It’s a dictatorship. but it’s a benevolent dictatorship. Neil is in charge. And that’s not because he demands it, and that’s not because he bosses people around. It’s because *he thinks about this stuff all the time*.

– David Crosby

* * *

“This was completely against everything I’ve been raised to believe. And there was no way I would kill women and children. This is why I went to Iraq. I thought if I went and died there, I’d protect my Mom and sister back home, but in fact, I was just killing someone else’s Mom and sister.”

– Iraq war veteran

Quotes transcribed by Jeff Fenske


(video) Attributes of a Godly Woman — Young ladies, if you can’t look at the guy you’re thinking about marrying and say: ‘that’s somebody I want to follow; this is somebody that I want to help; this is someone that I want to lead me for the rest of my life’ [as we are both led by the Holy Spirit], then you should not marry that guy

Adrian Rogers on MEN and WOMEN: Celebrate the Difference — “God made us different that He might make us ONE.” It’s time to stop trying to be the be the same or resenting each other because of our differences

Study: The hardwired ‘stark’ difference between male and female brains explains why women rely more on intuition — “It’s quite striking how COMPLEMENTARY the brains of women and men really are.” | God knew what He was doing : )

Scientists: WOMEN better at MULTI-TASKING, MEN better at CONCENTRATING on SINGLE Complex TASKS; Women have better connections between the LEFT & RIGHT sides of the brain • Men have better connections between the FRONT & BACK — ‘COMPLEMENTARY’ PROVEN!

(video) David Pawson: “Leadership is Male” (in the home and in the church) — “The demand for IDENTITY between the sexes has caused so many problems. …  I’ve found that every woman, deep down in their heart, want to see their men-folk taking responsible leadership”

Satanists used “sexual liberation,” to undermine humanity: “we corrupt in order to conquer” — For a woman, sex is an act of self-sacrifice and surrender. By definition, it requires trust, i.e. love and devotion to one man. When she has casual sex, inevitably she is disappointed and feels used. She starts to hate men and falls victim to feminism and lesbianism

How The Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women — The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young

(video) Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and Set Up the NWO – Aaron Russo

“The greatest thing a man can do to a woman is to lead her closer to God than to himself”

The Purpose of Feminism articles at ToBeFree (10 posts per page, latest appear first)

(video) Key To FULLNESS of JOY! Rick Joyner on ‘It’s Supernatural’: “Wanted, A Friend for God” — Most believers are after their joy, but when you go after God’s joy, what’s going to make Him joyful…!!!

From the written transcript:

RICK JOYNER: … He said, that is the key to eternal joy, because it is the joy of the Lord, not our joy, that is our strength.

SID ROTH: And so the paradigm is all wrong for most believers. Most believers are after their joy and it’s a paradox when you go, if I’m understanding you right, Rick, when you go after God’s joy, what is going to make him joyful, you end up with more joy than if you were going after your joy. Is that what you’re saying?

RICK JOYNER: He says we were created for his pleasure. So I did a study, research, what are the things that bring God joy? And I set my heart to do these things every day. As much as I can, I’m going to, today I’m going to bring the Lord joy. And when I set about to do that, that somehow that was the key.

* * *

So Jesus wants to SHARE HIS JOY WITH US, which will happen by doing what He wants. And HE WANTS OUR JOY TO BE FULL! He says in John 15:9-14:

Even as the Father has loved me, I also have loved you. Remain in my love. IF YOU KEEP my commandments, YOU WILL REMAIN IN MY LOVE; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and remain in his love. I have spoken these things to you, THAT MY JOY MAY *REMAIN* IN YOU, and THAT YOUR JOY MAY BE MADE FULL.

“This is my commandment, that you LOVE ONE ANOTHER, EVEN AS I HAVE loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, IF YOU DO WHATEVER I COMMAND YOU.

* * *

Longer version here

[youtube=]Wanted: A Friend for God | Rick Joyner | Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!


(video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’M FREE!’”

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

Effects of the WELSH REVIVAL 1904-05: Whole communities were radically changed FROM DEPRAVITY TO GLORIOUS GOODNESS. The CRIME RATE dropped, often to nothing. THE POLICE had little more to do than supervise the coming and going of the people to the chapel prayer meetings. THE UNDERGROUND MINES echoed with the sounds of PRAYER and HYMNS, instead of nasty jokes and gossip. People who had fallen out BECAME FRIENDS AGAIN!!!!!!!

Rick Joyner: “REPENTANCE includes RESTITUTION for the wrongs that have caused injury to others”

‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”

“Christians must not let their light be diffused in a dark and confused society, becoming fifty shades of gray”

Christians must not let their light be diffused in a dark and confused society,
becoming fifty shades of gray.

Robert Klous

* * *

The result of ‘Christians’ no longer being salt (a preservative) and light:

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The BELIEVERS, not the non-believers, have OPENED THE GATE TO SIN, which is why this country has deteriorated

(video) The Importance Of Music — “Seven times a day, I praise You!” – David

David worshiped God in song seven times a day!

– –

“Seven times a day, I praise you, because of your righteous ordinances.”

– David in Psalm 119:164

* * *

[youtube=]The Importance Of Music

Ray Hughes

Ray Hughes

Published on Apr 19, 2015

Ray Hughes lives in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. He has traveled the world for over 40 years as an author, storyteller, songwriter, and poet. He is passionate about creativity and training creative people. He is also passionate about biscuits, old guitars, and looking gift horses in the mouth (but not necessarily in that order). He doesn’t trust people that good dogs don’t like.

(video) Roger Waters on ‘Amused to Death’ – Profound album remixed — Do we love our neighbor enough to help bring in the kingdom ‘that the world will know?!!’

This is a heavy album with some heavy language (some might even consider it blasphemy), but I’ve always liked it a lot. It contains powerful, profound truths — and is clearly meant to deliver hearts from the madness that is locking many into the Matrix!

I remember listening to it during one of my 2-hour, late night prayer walks while attending seminary the second time, north of Chicago.

He’s right about QSound too.

Roger clearly has a prophetic gift; though, isn’t yet a Christian.

So are we going to get ‘ONE’ happening so the world will know, including Roger Waters?

Rethinking Matthew 24: “..then the end will come” — after the Pete Townshends “know?” — Millions, if not billions of people, right now, are not compelled to become Christians because of the bitter taste that professing Christians are leaving in their stomachs. People have a right to see the real thing!

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[youtube=]Roger Waters – Roger Waters on Amused to Death


Published on Apr 15, 2015

Watch as Roger Waters discusses the 2015 edition of Amused to Death, completed by longtime Roger Waters and Pink Floyd collaborator and co-producer, James Guthrie.

Pre-Order Amused to Death (2015):
iTunes –…
Amazon –…

About the album:
An unblinking look at an entertainment-obsessed society, Amused to Death addresses issues that have only grown in complexity and urgency over the past two decades. In 2015, television is just one option in an endless array of distractions available to us anytime, anywhere, courtesy of our laptops, tablets and smartphones. With eyes glued to our screens, the dilemmas and injustices of the real world can easily recede from view.

Watch as Roger Waters discusses the original Amused to Death album (1992):….

Follow Roger Waters on Spotify:…
Follow Roger Waters on Twitter:…
Like Roger Waters on Facebook:…
Subscribe to the Roger Waters YouTube Channel:…


Roger Waters: “It was the Greatest Show On Earth … And when they found our shadows grouped ’round the TV sets … This species has AMUSED ITSELF TO DEATH”

Rethinking Matthew 24: “..then the end will come” — after the Pete Townshends “know?” — Millions, if not billions of people, right now, are not compelled to become Christians because of the bitter taste that professing Christians are leaving in their stomachs. People have a right to see the real thing!

Effects of the WELSH REVIVAL 1904-05: Whole communities were radically changed FROM DEPRAVITY TO GLORIOUS GOODNESS. The CRIME RATE dropped, often to nothing. THE POLICE had little more to do than supervise the coming and going of the people to the chapel prayer meetings. THE UNDERGROUND MINES echoed with the sounds of PRAYER and HYMNS, instead of nasty jokes and gossip. People who had fallen out BECAME FRIENDS AGAIN!!!!!!!

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

(video) HUMAN Footprints Among DINOSAUR Tracks Proven – Texas!

[youtube=]The Paluxy fossil human footprints – Genesis Week, special episode #33, season 2 Ian Juby Wazooloo



Published on Apr 26, 2013

In this special edition of Genesis Week, we examine the Paluxy fossil human footprints and interview Dr. Carl Baugh, founder of Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas, whose life was radically changed when he discovered fossil human footprints among dinosaur tracks in the Paluxy.

Complete transcript available here:

Random References:
Creation Evidence Museum:

And David Lines’ YouTube channel which hosts CEM’s videos:…

“In quest of the African Dinosaur,” Dr. Louis Jacobs, page 261

Dr. Don Patton’s exhaustive page on his research on the Paluxy tracks:

CT scans of the “Delk Track”…


Kent Hovind: The Hovind Theory about the Creation, the Curse and the Flood – Creation Seminar 6 — The worldwide Genesis flood actually makes total sense, scientifically!

(video) Creation Seminar 3 – Kent Hovind – Dinosaurs (FULL)

Kent Hovind: Did Ron Wyatt Find the Ark of the Covenant?

The Universe is Young — Evidence from Space, Earth, Biology & History

The 10 Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth

Give God Glory! How much energy does the Sun produce in a single second?

How much energy does the Sun produce in a single second?

Total Energy of the Stars in the Universe!

Scientists Find 200 Sextillion More Stars in the Sky — The new estimate is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!

Star Size Comparison HD

Photo: God’s Universe: Our Milky Way–90° Panorama

Ron Wyatt – January 1999: Ark of the Covenant Discovery

[8-minute video] The crucifixion site of Christ: Ron Wyatt’s AMAZING Ark of the Covenant discovery! — Jesus’ blood travelled down the crack in the rock to fall on the MERCY SEAT on the ark!

[ audio ] Ron Wyatt Blood of Christ

The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah – Discovered by Ron Wyatt

Revealing God’s Treasure: Red Sea Crossing — See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground!

Revealing God’s Treasure: Mt. Sinai — See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed!

Revealing God’s Treasure – Ark of the Covenant — North of Jerusalem, hidden in a cave, rests the Ark of the Covenant, found by Ron Wyatt thru the Lord’s leading!

Revealing God’s Treasure: Noah’s Ark Found by the Late Ron Wyatt

17 verses in the Bible state that God expanded the size of the Universe from its original size. What affect did that have on time, and on red and blue shift?

Louie Giglio: How GREAT Is Our GOD — The Heavens Proclaim the GLORY of GOD!

What Does God Say About Lying PRESStitutes, Politicians & Pastors: “ALL LIARS, their part is in the lake that burns with fire”

Revelation 21:

1 I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away, and the sea is no more. 2 I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. 3 I heard a loud voice out of heaven saying, “Behold, God’s dwelling is with people, and he will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. 4 He will wipe away from them every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; neither will there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more. The first things have passed away.”

He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” He said, “Write, for these words of God are faithful and true.” 6 He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give freely to him who is thirsty from the spring of the water of life. 7 He who overcomes, I will give him these things. I will be his God, and he will be my son. 8 But for the cowardly, unbelieving, sinners, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

Jesus Mentions Hell and Destruction in 46 Verses! — We don’t need to know Greek to be able to clearly see hell is real and eternal. We better beware and tell others too!

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

(video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’M FREE!’”

(video) Katy Perry, the Super Bowl and Satan — Under her bright persona lies great darkness!

Excellent, detailed exposé by Joe Schimmel!

– –

[youtube=]Katy Perry, the Super Bowl and Satan

Good Fight Ministries

Good Fight Ministries

Published on Feb 2, 2015

Katy Perry has drawn in millions of unsuspecting, young fans into her web with her seemingly fun loving, innocent, bubble gum persona. But as with so many other leading artists in the satanically dominated music industry, there is far more to Katy Perry than meets the eye, as under her bright persona lies great darkness.

To learn more about our ministry, please visit:


(video) Katy Perry Super Bowl Illuminati Bisexual Halftime Show Review

(video) Feminism Designed To Break The Family Up — Super Bowl commercials used to push feminist agenda

Katy Perry Says She Sold Her Soul to the Devil — “I wanted to be like the Amy Grant of music, but it didn’t work out, so I sold my soul to the Devil”

Katy Perry: “I’M NOT CHRISTIAN” — Pop Star Rejects Her Childhood Faith

(video) Katy Perry “Dark Horse” Illuminati Themed Music Video Secrets Revealed

How The Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women — The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young

Satanists used “sexual liberation,” to undermine humanity: “we corrupt in order to conquer” — For a woman, sex is an act of self-sacrifice and surrender. By definition, it requires trust, i.e. love and devotion to one man. When she has casual sex, inevitably she is disappointed and feels used. She starts to hate men and falls victim to feminism and lesbianism

Nicole Scherzinger: You Have to Sell Your Soul to the Devil

(video) Kesha: The Satanic Cult Leader – “I’ll keep dancing with the Devil — Perversion & partying till the end of the world

[ video ] Mark Dice: Kesha Admits She’s a Satanist — “I sold my soul, it’s a dead-end road / But there ain’t no turning back / I keep on dancing with the Devil / Hey-heey-hey”

Kanye West: “I Sold my Soul to the Devil”

[ video ] Roger Morneau’s SECRET SOCIETY occult experience: How the SPIRITS SEDUCE AND EMPOWER the ‘elite’ to control society and make big MONEY — SUPERNATURAL GAMBLING* insight — MUSICIANS are spirit energized — TEACHERS OF EVOLUTION receive great capacity and power to induce spiritual blindness so students reject the Creator

(video) They Sold Their Souls: AC/DC — “Hey Satan, paid my dues…. I’m on a highway to hell.” Yeah!

[4-hour video exposé] Joe Schimmel: They Sold Their Souls to Rock ‘n Roll! — Actual quotes from musicians we know…

Michael Jackson Exposed: They Sold Their Souls For Rock & Roll

(audio) Diane Dimond: Inside the Michael Jackson Case — Be Careful Who You Love (3-14-14)

If you sold you soul . . . unsell it!

[Lust “the poison that kills the soul” FREEDOM] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because freedom lies straight ahead!

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