Personal Blog

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 48 of 54

Forklift: Cesar & Jeff


12/31/12 Last Day


Forklift: Cesar


12/31/12 Last Day


Taylor: ‘Riders’

[Updated 3/1/17]

Kelly behind William Wallace in the Taylor (diesel, high capacity forklift) — last day at NWA-Delta freight — having worked there 33 years. Delta outsourced all of our jobs to a contractor.

– –




Taylor: Cesar & Jeff



Cesar & Me

: )



Taylor: Cesar



Cesar’s last day

He’s a natural on this machine!


Taylor: Jeff



Yours Truly


10-second-delay-timer self-portrait with the Canon 5D Mark III

I thought I’d have some fun while I still had my ID

Inside the Taylor

I’ve spent a lot of time in this:




The black-buttoned plunger ‘kills’ the engine

The switch kills the battery

Last Locker?



Clean-out time

Will this be my last locker?

That’s Herb Pharm turmeric on the top shelf,
by the way.

I practice what I preach.

Last Time Clock?



Will this be my last time clock?

I had to take a self-portrait, punching out for the last time —
at least at this time clock.


Escorted On My Last Load



Escorted by the police and military,
as I loaded my last load.


The story is likely here and here.





We expedite body parts

In My Lunchbox…



I found this on top of my rice pudding
on my last day.

My GREAT, right-with-God-and-people Mom!!!!!!!

: )

Mike Signals: ‘This Really is the End’



Mike declares:

“This is the end” –

but thankfully not for them.

The passenger side is still Delta employed.

The beat goes on.

The Last Bash




retiring, furlowing, transfering,
two sons
and my mom : )


When Delta told us our jobs were being outsourced, they offered the option of transferring to open positions in the lower 48, which is where Don B. (on the forklift here) elected to go.

Here he’s forking his own goods.

* * *



Don R. guides Don B.:

“A little bit to the right.”

Today is MY LAST DAY…

I just wrote this on Facebook:

Today is MY LAST DAY working for NWA (Delta) Airlines. I started in January of 1979, and have worked at Anchorage International since 1980.

Delta decided to outsource our jobs to $10-an-hour people (minimum wage is $7.75 in Alaska). It kind of hurts, but I have important things to do that I can now fully concentrate on (at least for now).

Emotional day. This will be a big change.

My main goals are to help get the revival going and make it as a photographer (not an easy task these days, but especially if ‘ONE’ happens I have a good shot at it). I do plan on staying in Anchorage.

I’ll be able to seek God more easily, and perhaps write my first book, with the “Let Us Be ONE” prophecy as the theme:

“Let Us Be ONE” (A Prophecy — 2001-02, 2008)

And I’d like to now finally do some YouTube teaching videos to help get this thing rolling. It’s way out of my comfort zone, but I have no choice. Maybe more people will listen to my prophecy than read it, for example. And I would like to cover some important topics like lust, who goes to heaven, praying in tongues to be free.

And speaking of FREEDOM, I plan on being more diligent in praying forgiving prayers as often as necessary.

THANKS for all of your prayers, encouragement and INTERACTIONS!!! I can really use your prayers. There is so much to do. I’ll need all of my cylinders firing. I’m even joining a health club.

And as always, I’m open to suggestions.

I’ll probably ball like crazy as I drive away this morning — to start a new day : )

May God bless you all as you do what you believe you should to help bring life into this increasingly barren land.

I feel like the timing is perfect for this to happen. it’s kind of the perfect storm in a good way. And I actually had a dream about a decade ago which I told a prophetic friend, who also has tried to get ‘ONE’ happening, and helped inspire me many years ago. He felt God was telling me to retire at the age I now am, to then make it as a photographer. I had forgotten all about that, but now it makes sense. But there is so much work to do if I’m going to be able to make it doing part of what I love.

I’ll probably ball like crazy as I drive away this morning —
to start a new day : )

Power to the peaceful!

May ‘ONE’ soon happen — Jesus’ heart-cry for us in John 17 — as we abide in Him, finally ‘ONE’ with each other — “that the world will know” — and I’ll be a happy camper.

I wish I had a camper, by the way. Maybe someday.

Jeff : )

Taylor Masters Bob & Cesar



Bob A. ‘Pineapple’ and Cesar


In front of the mighty Taylor —
that we’ve had the privilege to drive for decades
(largest forklift at Anchorage International)

We’re not sure what will happen to it, now.

Departure — sigh…

Don’s Last Day



Don R. drives out of air freight for the last time

Sad day for both of us…

He and I have worked together since 1980

We’ve been through a lot, together

Thanks for all of your help!

Bless you, Don!!!




Classic Mark Y. profile

It’s been good to work with you!

“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 2

My photos of the group in our 4-day Mountain Light Autumn in Wine Country workshop, taught by Elizabeth Carmel and Jerry Dodrill, 11/29-12/2, 2012 — Day 2.

I had a wonderful time, despite the extreme weather. Some said it was the worst storm in 30 years — about 10 inches of rain in 3 days!

NOTE: I don’t have any photos of the group from day one. It was raining too hard. I should have taken a photo of Allyn’s tripod umbrella holder, though.

* * *


Kevin dials it at Castello di Amorsa in with Jerry and Olof


Allyn is wonderfully: ‘Mr. Precision’


Concentration — in the room that went ‘boom, boom!


“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 3

“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 4

Puddles (Eleanor’s photo of me during the workshop)

Autumn in Wine Country Workshop (Allyn’s portrait collection)

“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 3

My photos continue of the group in our 4-day Mountain Light Autumn in Wine Country workshop, taught by Elizabeth Carmel and Jerry Dodrill, 11/29-12/2, 2012 — Day 3.

* * *


Jerry Dodrill in total control


The group

Heads from left to right:
Jerry Dodrill, Olof Carmel, Gerald (Jerry), Mary, Kevin, Allyn, Eleanor, & Elizabeth Carmel


Jerry’s camera cover


“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 2

“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 4

Puddles (Eleanor’s photo of me during the workshop)

Autumn in Wine Country Workshop (Allyn’s portrait collection)

“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 4

My photos continue of the group in our 4-day Mountain Light Autumn in Wine Country workshop, taught by Elizabeth Carmel and Jerry Dodrill, 11/29-12/2, 2012 — Day 4.

Olof Carmel was teaching too!

* * *


Olof Carmel shares his expertise
in their almost finished Calistoga home
(Olof is an amazing builder!)


And Elizabeth Carmel demonstrates…


I concluded that the chairs at our conference room at Mount View Hotel (in Calistoga) were the perfect ergonomic design for posture and comfort in a straight back, wood chair. The large gap at the bottom of the back allowed the glutes to sit back so the lumbar support fit perfectly. The tilt also seems to be ideal. So I just had to photograph it. This is my new standard reference….


“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 2

“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 3

Puddles (Eleanor’s photo of me during the workshop)

Autumn in Wine Country Workshop (Allyn’s portrait collection)

[photo] Abbott Loop Christian Center (Abbott Loop Community Church) — 1985!

Abbott Loop Christian Center (now called Abbott Loop Community Church) — 1985.

I’m in here somewhere. Many good memories from those days!

May we be ‘ONE’! (see links, below)

– –



Abbott Loop CC Cross: We MUST Die In Order To Live!!!

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

Faded NWA Colors

Some of our rear cargo doors (that the public doesn’t see) still have NWA cargo colors on the trim; though, the red is quite faded.

I shot this from inside the building during a snowstorm that dumped about a foot of heavy (just below freezing) snow.

– –



Interesting swirls


Farewell Open House


Reta Cuts the Cake — End of NWA/Delta Cargo Anchorage

Notice the NWA emphasis : )



During the end of NWA/Delta Cargo open house


Flores De Columbia



Bob and I helped Alvaro cube out his van with almost 100 boxes of flowers

It’s been a pleasure serving Alvaro, owner of Flores De Columbia!

[Best of ToBeFree —1-minute videos] Bill Clinton fakes crying at Ron Brown’s funeral — Suddenly switches from laughing to crying when he sees someone filming him

I’m bringing this over from my reality check, blog. This is probably one of the clearest examples of how Presidents lie.

And of course, they’re all doing it — to our peril.

– –

I remembering watching Rush Limbaugh show this on his TV show (1996), which I enjoyed.  He did some really good work back then. But something has happened to Rush, since. Why didn’t Rush support Ron Paul, screening out Ron Paul supporters from even talking on his show, for example?

I don’t trust him, but this is EXCELLENT!

– –

[youtube=]Clinton leaving Ron Brown funeral

* * *

[youtube=]Bill Clinton fakes crying at Ron Brown’s funeral

Uploaded on Jan 22, 2008

Bill Clinton caught on film suddenly switching from a laugh to a cry when realizes someone is filming him.


Barack Obama pretends to cry about school shooting — while drone-bombing children, women and men in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan…

Ken Duncan, panoramic photographer stands up for CHRISTmas

One of my favorite photographers, Ken Duncan said this in an email sent today:

Happy Christmas to all our lovely friends.  May your Christmas break be filled with love and hope.

I love the message of Christmas and I find it sad when some try to take away aspects of it.

I’ve heard that in one shopping centre this year, Santa is walking around just saying Merry, Merry, Merry.  When asked why he was not saying Merry Christmas, Santa said centre management had instructed him he was not allowed to mention the name of Christ – as in Christmas.  How sad our world is when we give up our right to our own opinions and beliefs.

In a world that is virtually besieged by fear, why should we prohibit any reference to one of the greatest messengers of faith and hope that ever walked this planet?  Whether you believe in God or not, I believe the concept of God giving His best  for others, and then Jesus giving everything He had for others, shows us a valuable key to life.

If we truly want to live a life of purpose and find peace that endures despite our circumstances, then maybe life needs to be less about what we get … and more about what we give.

This year we have sent you a link to a beautiful Christmas Audio Visual production we put together in conjunction with Gina Jeffery’s and her inspiring song “Christmas Wish”.

I hope it inspires you as it does me.

Thank you for your encouragement and for being part of our journey.

May you have a wonderful New Year full of hope and faith.

Ken and Pam Duncan



Eleanor Preger took this of me at the Autumn in Wine Country workshop
with Elizabeth Carmel and Jerry Dodrill.

It rained about 10 inches during 3 days of our 4-day workshop,
making it one of the worst storms in 30 years.

But there were still some lulls.

: )


“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 2

“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 3

“Autumn In Wine Country” Workshop with Elizabeth Carmel & Jerry Dodrill – Day 4

Autumn in Wine Country Workshop (Allyn’s portrait collection)

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