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I met Joe Miller last night

Last night, I met senatorial candidate Joe Miller at Wellspring church.

I mainly wanted to see his stand on preemptive war. I decided not to ask the question publicly during the Q & A, because I thought if he did agree with me [he said in his talk that he was a member of the Friends church — which isn’t the Friends church I knew about (see comments 1 and 2 below)] many of the ‘Christians’ there would decide not to vote for him, because they want to bomb-bomb-bomb Iran whether Iran is really developing nukes or not, and many haven’t yet repented from supporting the immoral Bush Wars I & II.

Didn’t Jesus say: “Do unto others…” and “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God?” How did we get so far off? Didn’t we learn anything from Iraq? Why do we think we can trust our government’s Iran-with-WMDs analysis when now we find they actually fabricated the Iraq version: Newly declassified: Bush team wanted Iraq war from start and White House claims of Iraq pursuing a nuclear weapons program based on confiscated aluminum tubes were fabricated

I thought I’d post a photo of Joe looking good,
because the corporatocracy owned Anchorage Daily News
probably will intentionally do the opposite.

Joe Miller

[20% crop of photo shot from across the room with the tiny LX5]

I was the last person to talk with Joe with I think only his campaign manager listening. I asked him what he thought of preemptive war, mentioning that I heard him say that he was a Friends church [Quakers] member.

He said he should have explained that. He then gave a response that I imagine is pretty close to Rand Paul, who is more willing to bomb Iran than his father, Ron. Ron Paul believes in self-defense when it really is, but preemptive war is most often reverse-Christian:

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

Joe said something like we shouldn’t be nation building with wars, but on the other hand, if just one nuke hits us, that’s the end of our republic. So he’s for bombing Iran, but not to take them over for regime change.

I responded, “But we can’t trust the CIA’s intel.” Right then, the man whom I think is Joe’s campaign manager scurried him off to go to another meeting — so Joe couldn’t answer.

Overall, I was impressed with Joe Miller’s willingness to answer everyone’s questions, and then to answer them directly. He seems like a real, no-nonsense kind of guy, totally unlike Lisa Murkowski, whom I’ve always not voted for.

So I didn’t get a Joe Miller bumper sticker. I can’t 100%-support a candidate who isn’t more careful about preemptive war, but I do think he’s quite amazing, and I hope he wins. He is light years ahead of Lisa, who is so liberal people wonder how she can still be a Republican. She has actually said something like: “I don’t think people care how much we spend.”

Lisa is in many ways the opposite of the Christlike leader, Congressman Ron Paul, whom the evangelicals in Alaska (and elsewhere) mostly dissed in 2008. And it really does seem that Joe Miller is very much like Ron’s son, who could soon join Joe Miller in the U.S. Senate, which would be a great improvement.

I didn’t think that Lisa had a chance, having lost in the primary to Joe, but in this ‘me’ generation, it seems that a large percentage of Alaskans are more concerned with getting federal money than in doing the right thing for the future of this nation, which includes no longer aborting babies.

God bless!

Jeff Fenske
Anchorage, Alaska


Paul Craig Roberts: The Collapse Of Western Morality — “Americans will be the first people sent straight to Hell while thinking that they are the salt of the earth”

Let Your Light Shine

So you wanted to see our freight floor …


This is an example of how cool the LX5’s special 16:9 mode
in conjunction with the wider-than-G11’s 24mm lens.

No other pocket camera could have captured this shot
like this.


I’ve been really enjoying the almost barefoot experience this summer.




Don and God-beams

Fun in the Fog

Midnight – 9/16/10


1/2 second, hand-held LX5

Abbott Loop’s Sign


The Arch — Pinpointing Flattop


First LX5 photo!

Pouring concrete
for an Alaska Airlines hardstand,
next door to our freight facility —
pinpointing Flattop Mountain

Glenn Beck: $73 – $225!!


Dena’ina Center
Anchorage, Alaska


Glenn Beck deceives Anchorage Alaska —
$225 tickets to ‘meet and greet’ 9/11-families-hater
on 9/11

Glenn Beck HATES 911 Victim’s Family Members —
“I don’t think anybody in their right mind
is going to say this out loud,

Glenn Becks Says 9/11 Truth Activists Threaten Obama’s Life:
His assigned task is to characterize the movement as violent and dangerous

Murdoch’s mouthpiece: It’s not what Glenn Beck exposes,
it’s the issues he deflects and who he discredits that counts

All of my Glenn Beck Deception posts

Cathy Giessel

Cathy Giessel for State Senate

Cathy and Rich allowed me to live with their family
for a some months two decades ago.

Kenny G


Shot from the cheap seats (back section) with the little G11

: )

Utopia Realized

Anyone know what this is?

Ted Stevens’ Crash Q & A

© Jeff Fenske


I didn’t know till later that this was a nationwide feed —
Meredith Vieira interviewing these two Stevens’ crash rescuers.

Alaska in Alyeska


A two story display at the Hotel Alyeska, Girdwood, Alaska

In the ceiling is probably a fire sprinkler.

Ready to Soar!


Dr. Michael Ellenburg N.D. — TOLLE CAUSAM – Treat the Cause (not the symptoms)


Dr. Ellenburg removes stitches from my Mom’s hand

Dr. Ellenburg is a drugless naturopathic doctor.
N.Ds. get just as much training as M.Ds.,
but they learn what vitamins, minerals, etc. do
instead of drugs.

Dr. Ellenburg is my GP

Dr. Ellenburg Center for Natural Medicine


Dr. Scott Johnson: Pharmakeia — Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry. “You cannot drug your body into good health.” … “They’ve swept the symptoms under the rug for so long that now they’re a surgical candidate.”

Nesting: The Start of Something Beautiful!


Father eagle visits Momma eagle?
Do you see Mom?

Canon G11

Our Resident Eaglet

Freight Floor Art: “A Tire Runs Over It”


A Tire Runs Over It

John and I were painting the floor
(new yellow over old yeller),
when I noticed that the paint that dripped from John’s roller
left an interesting design.

The dark marks on the left look like it was made by a tire,
so the title is a play on words on: A River Runs Through It.

Freight Floor Art: Palletines

Taylorized 2

5/8/10 – 6:30 am

I taylorized this shadow of me in the Taylor,
projected onto the taxiway’s gravelly support wall

What follows is the non-taylorized version



I taylorized this shadow of me in the Taylor.

Dumpster Transport

© Jeff Fenske


One of my jobs during the move was to transport the four dumpsters
to the new facility with the Taylor —
a slow and rocky three mile journey
across almost the entire airport —
with this gorgeous view!

Wes Hall: Praise


Wes Hall
IHOPU Student Awakening

Enhanced screenshot

I live to lift Your name
I breathe to sing Your praise

No Swimming


Bootlegger Fire


Four-plex fire in Bootlegger Cove,
at the edge of downtown Anchorage

As seen from Cargo’s Last Stand —
about 3 miles away

Where is everyone?


Breakroom — ready for the move

Lehua sits alone
in what used to be a bustling place

The Red Wall: Lehua and Richard


Miguel Guides Us In


From left:
Steve, Rodrigo, Miguel, John, Bob ‘Pineapple’ & Galileo ‘Lee’

Some shots are just really fun!

Some of the guys visit us from “the other end”
where they now work the passenger flights.

The Red Wall: John


The Red Wall: Miguel


Here is Miguel, playing a priest in the movie, Concrete Castle.

He appears towards the end of this 2-minute trailer.

[youtube=]Concrete Castle The Movie

The Red Wall: Galileo ‘Lee’ and Rodrigo


The Red Wall: Galileo ‘Lee’


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