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Sam Abell: The Life of a Photograph

National Geographic photographer, Sam Abell
at the Anchorage Museum, ASONP


Sam making a point


His eyes…

Suzy Visits Alaska



Suzy, Mom and me


Chase Jarvis on Career Hurdles: “You’re going to come across a bunch of hurdles, and those hurdles predominantly should be there to keep people who don’t want it as much as you do out.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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“You’re going to come across a bunch of hurdles,
and those hurdles predominantly should be there
to keep people who don’t want it as much as you do out.”

– Chase Jarvis, photographer

Chase Jarvis: Ep. 106: reDefine: Adorama Photography TV

Secret world of insects revealed in fascinating science PHOTOS from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab

This is super cool!!!

God’s creation reveals His detailed, diverse and masterful handiwork even after “the fall of man” goofed things up.

Still photos with video:

Secret world of insects revealed in fascinating science photos from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab

[Photography Ethics] How a Photographer Contrived a Hummingbird Shot

This bothers me, and seems to be unethical and deceptive business practice to me, unless the photographer is fully up front, telling every potential customer that he put sugar in the flowers, and that the beautiful floral background is a large print he hung on a tripod behind the flower, that replaced the feeder, which he placed there first so the hummingbirds would be accustomed to landing in this artificially created spot.

Replacing the feeder with a flower, and constantly spiking it with sugar:

Once the birds are acclimated to the position of my feeders and the surrounding flashes, I search for local flowers.

I remove the feeder and mount the flower in its place. The birds are primed to return to this location (they have very good spatial memory) for food. Some of them will leave when they don’t see the familiar feeder. But some will try the flower. To satisfy them further, I spike the flower with sugar water from a syringe.

Creating a fake floral background:

One consequence of setting all the flashes to be brighter than the ambient light is that a distant background will be black, as if it were night. That’s because the light from the flashes falls off very quickly at greater distances. (As described by the Inverse Square Law. … To solve this problem, you can put an artificial background behind the hummingbird, close enough to the flashes that it will be properly exposed (but far enough back to avoid shadows). In this case, I’d prepared several backgrounds at home that were natural looking blurs of plants and flowers similar to what we’d find in Ecuador. I often shoot out-of-focus pictures of flowers and vegetation for this purpose, and further blur them in Photoshop. Use your creativity and artistry.

Entire Article is Here:

How I got the shot: The Long-tailed Sylph – Hummingbird photography at the Equator, by Ralph Paonessa

Toasted In-Shell Peanuts, 5 pounds for $6.55 at Costco — How to keep them fresh!

Update 1/14:

I’ve changed my mind, and have adopted the unsalted variety, discovering they rock with even more fresh taste. Many are luscious white, inside. Awesome!

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For a few years, I’ve been getting Hoody’s Toasted In-Shell Peanuts at Costco: a really good deal, currently priced at 5 pounds for $6.55!

I get the salted variety, because salt not only seasons, but also helps preserve the peanuts. Big Pharma has many afraid of eating salt, but it’s in the Bible as a seasoning, and is very healthy. It seems that it becomes unhealthy when foods are made with a lot of corn syrup or sugar, which they then balance with salt — like some Americanized Mexican food, for example.

I always get a package that is still obviously tightly vacuum packed. The bag should fit like a glove. Healthy fats go bad fast — rancid — especially at room temperature. And most of the bags seem to lose their vacuumed seal.

I used to vacuum pack them in jars, and store them in the fridge, but they still wouldn’t stay totally fresh very long.

One day, I saw my chiropractor at Costco, who told me that he freezes them, and even at 0° they don’t turn solid. This is a great tip, as long as we tightly seal the bag; otherwise, the flavors will flavor the freezer and not remain in the peanuts.

Really good source of calcium, protein and healthy oils. Put them into the freezer as soon as you get home.


Spicy Red Pepper Hummus at Costco — and five more

Costco on Dimond in Anchorage was giving out samples a few days ago for their six varieties of hummus from Garden Fresh Gourmet.

I particularly liked the Garlic and their Spicy Red Pepper offerings, and bought the Spicy Red Pepper: two 24 oz. containers for $6.99.

The second ingredient is sesame tahini (ground sesame seeds). Very tasty. Info here:

Good with Costco’s Kirkland brand organic tortilla chips.


10 Bogus Excuses People Use When They Steal Photos from the Web

From: Petapixel

10 Bogus Excuses People Use When They Steal Photos from the Web

So you think you have a good reason or excuse to use a photo you found on the Internet without asking the photographer who took it? Let’s see if it can stand the test.


4. It’s on Facebook, and everything on Facebook is on public domain

Contrary to popular belief, a photographer does not lose his/her copyright when a photo is uploaded on Facebook. Facebook’s Term of Service says:

You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook

So can you share a photo posted on Facebook? Usually, but under certain conditions. Facebook Term of Service says:

you can control how [your photo] is shared through your privacy and application settings.

That means a photo on Facebook can be shared by another user only by using the “share” button and only if the photographer allows it from his/her privacy setting. You cannot save it on your computer and use it anywhere else on Facebook or the Internet.


10. Millions of people are doing it!

This argument is invalid. Unless of course you can point me out the article of law that tells exactly how many people doing something illegal it takes to make that act legal.

Entire Article Here

Anchorage Daily News charging $79.95 for unlimited online reading — Only 15 free reads In 30 days

I’ve been an Anchorage resident since 1980, when we had two newspapers : The locally owned Anchorage Times and the Anchorage Daily News (owned by McClatchy since 1979).

With their deep pockets, McClatchy put the Times out of business, which left Anchorage with just one, corporately owned newspaper, putting out the standard, big government propaganda — acting like Alan Keyes and Ron Paul weren’t even in the Presidential debates, over the years.

And now they want to charge $79.95 a year to read their articles online! I just now found out, because apparently I never read enough articles a month to reach the limit:

Anchorage Daily News To Become The Latest McClatchy Newspaper To Institute A Metered Pay Wall; Only 15 Free Reads In 30 Days Effective December 18th

Here is ADN’s original announcement:

Publisher: Daily News introduces digital news subscription

And here is more of the rest of the story from the Anchorage Press:

Letter: Paywall screams desperation

Very soon, visitors to the Anchorage Daily News’ website will be expected to pay for subscription access to read online content. ADN publisher Pat Doyle stated, “We can no longer expect only advertisers and print subscribers to shoulder the complete burden of supporting news-gathering and distribution… Having all our readers share that cost is an essential and important step toward preserving the foundations of a free and independent press for future generations of Alaskans.”

Curiously enough, Doyle makes no mention to Alaskans that the online paywall is part of a nationwide initiative by McClatchy, their parent company, to introduce paywalls to all their newspapers. Not only is failing to disclose this exceedingly misleading, but Doyle’s claims are virtually meritless. McClatchy posted roughly $54.4 million in net income and a sheer $1.3 billion in revenue for 2011. Of that revenue, $956.3 million was attributed to advertising and $262.3 million to circulation. However, in a press release on their third quarter earnings, McClatchy president Pat Talamantes said the paywalls “could add more than $20 million” in new revenue for 2013. $20 million compared to the $262.3 million they make in circulation screams either unenthusiasm or bad idea or both. It also trivializes the supposed necessity of the paywalls, considering the number of readers they’re likely to upset with them, if not lose entirely.

Entire Article Here

[video] Barossa Sourdough

Beautifully filmed video of making handcrafted sourdough!

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(video) Glenn Greenwald Speaks Out: The COURAGE of SNOWDEN & WHY PRESSTITUTES DEMONIZE — “He will set an example for other people to similarly come forward” | “COURAGE is CONTAGIOUS. If you take a courageous step as an individual, you will literally change the world because you will affect all sorts of people in your immediate vicinity, who will then affect others and then affect others. You should NEVER DOUBT YOUR ABILITY to change the world” | “They’re STORING EVERY CALL and have the capability to listen to them at any time”

This video is quite inspirational to me! And surprisingly so, because it’s hosted by the Socialism Conference. Rarely are people this fired up. Here leftists enthusiastically rally to oppose President Obama’s unconstitutional violations! Amazing!

Jeremy Scahill is also excellent in his fervor to do what is right!

I love what Glenn says about courage!

And he was very impressed by Edward Snowden’s commitment to do what’s right no matter what!



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[youtube=]Glenn Greenwald Speaks Out


Published on Jun 28, 2013

Glenn Greenwald speaks via Skype to the Socialism 2013 conference in Chicago regarding Edward Snowden’s revelations about the NSA’s mass surveillance program. Introductions by Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater and the filmmaker behind Dirty Wars, and Sherry Wolf, author of Sexuality and Socialism. #Socialism2013 #Snowden #NSA

Check out more audio and video recordings from the Socialism 2013 conference at

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From: Glenn Greenwald’s Speech to the Socialism Conference [with Transcript]

When I got to Hong Kong and I met him for the first time, I was more disoriented and just completely confused than I think I had ever been in my life. Not only wasn’t he sixty-five. He was twenty-nine, but he looked much younger. And so, when we went back to his hotel room and began questioning him—it was Laura Poitras, the filmmaker, and I, who went back to his hotel room—what I really wanted to understand more than anything else was what it is that led him to make this extraordinary choice in part because I didn’t want to be part of an event that would destroy somebody’s life if they weren’t completely open-eyed and rational about the decision they were making but also in part because I really wanted to understand, just for my own sense of curiosity, what would lead somebody with their entire live in front of him, who had a perfectly desirable life living with his long-time girlfriend in Hawaii with career stability, a reasonable well-paying job—What would lead somebody to throw all that away and become an instant fugitive and somebody who would probably spend the rest of their life in a cage.

The more I spoke with him about it, the more I understood, and the more overwhelmed I became and the more of a formative experience it had for me and will have for the rest of my life because what he told me over and over in different ways—and it was so pure and passionate that I never doubted its authenticity for a moment—is that there is more to life than material comfort or career stability or trying to simply prolong your life as long possible. What he continuously told me is he judged his life not by the things he thought about himself but by the actions he took in pursuit of those beliefs.

When I asked him how he got himself to the point where he was willing to take the risk that he knew he was taking, he told me that he for a long time had been looking for a leader, somebody who would come and fix these problems. And then one day he realized there’s no point in waiting or a leader, that leadership is about going first and setting and example for others. What he ultimately said was he simply didn’t want to live in a world where the United States government was permitted to engage in these extraordinary invasions, to build a system that had as its goal the destruction of all individual privacy, that he didn’t want to live in a world like that and that he could not in good conscience standby and allow that to happen knowing that he had the power to help stop it.

The thing that was most striking to me about this was I was with him for eleven straight days. I was with him when he was unknown because we hadn’t yet divulged who his identity was and I watched him watch the debates unfold on CNN and NBC and MSNBC and every other channel around the world that he had really hoped to provoke with the actions he had taken. And I also watched him once he had been revealed that he had become the most wanted man in the world, that official Washington was calling him a traitor, was calling for his head. What was truly staggering and continues to be staggering to me was there was never an iota, never any remorse or regret or fear in any way. This was an individual completely at peace with the choice that he had made because the choice that he made was so incredibly powerful.

I was incredibly inspired myself by being in proximity to somebody to somebody who had reached a state of such tranquility because they were so convicted that what they had done was right and his courage and that passion infected me to the point where I had vowed that no matter what I did in my life with this story and beyond that I would devote myself to doing justice to the incredible act of self-sacrifice that Edward Snowden had made.

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What I actually started to realize about all this is two things. Number one, courage is contagious. If you take a courageous step as an individual, you will literally change the world because you will affect all sorts of people in your immediate vicinity, who will then affect others and then affect others. You should never doubt your ability to change the world. The other thing that I realized is it doesn’t matter who you are as an individual or how formidable or powerful the institutions that you want to challenge are. Mr. Snowden is a high school dropout. His parents work for the federal government. He grew up in a lower middle class environment in a military community in Virginia. He ended up enlisting in the United States Army because he thought the Iraq War at first was noble. He then did the same with the NSA and the CIA because he thought those institutions were noble. He’s a person who has zero privilege, zero power, zero position and zero prestige and yet he by himself has literally changed the world and therefore [so can you]. …

The reason why it’s always so common for people like Edward Snowden to be demonized, the reason it’s so important to attribute psychological illness—the way they did with Bradley Manning, the way they try to do with all whistleblowers, the way they tried to do with Daniel Ellsberg—is because they precisely know what I said, which is that courage is contagious. And that he will set an example for other people to similarly come forward and blow the whistle on the corrupt and illegal and deceitful things that they’re doing in the dark. They need to make a negative example so that doesn’t happen and that’s the reason why people like Edward Snowden are so demonized and attacked and it’s why it’s up to all of us to defend him and hold him up as the noble example that he is so he [does get proper recognition].

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Another document that I probably shouldn’t share since it’s not published but I am going to share it with you anyway—and this one’s coming soon but you’re getting a little preview—It talks about how a brand new technology enables the National Security Agency to redirect into its repositories one billion cell phone calls every single day, one billion cell phone calls every single day.

What we are really talking about here is a globalized system that prevents any form of electronic communication from taking place without its being stored and monitored by the National Security Agency. It doesn’t mean they’re listening to every call. It means they’re storing every call and have the capability to listen to them at any time and it does mean that they’re collecting millions upon million upon millions of our phone and email records. It is a globalized system designed to destroy all privacy and what’s incredibly menacing about it is it is all taking place in the dark, with no accountability and virtually no safeguards and the purpose of our story and the purpose of Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing is not singularly or unilaterally to destroy those systems.

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So the last point I want to make is that one of the things I set out to do and I think that Mr. Snowden set out to do and that I know the people at The Guardian set out to do was not simply to publish some stories about the NSA. It was to really shake up the foundations of the corrupted and rotted roots of America’s political and media culture. And the reason I say that is that there is an economist Dean Baker, who yesterday on Twitter wrote that he thinks the stories that we’re doing are shining as much light on the corruption of American journalism as they are on the corruption of the National Security Agency.

I think that is true for several different reasons. Number one is if you look at the “debate” over—the charming, very endearing debate over whether or not I should be arrested, prosecuted and then imprisoned under Espionage Act statutes for doing journalism—What you find is that debate is being led by other people who are TV actors who play the role of journalists on TV. They’re ones who are actually leading the debate and the reason they are doing that is they purport to be adversaries of political power or watchdogs of political power but what they really are servants to political power. They’re appendages to political power.

What you find is they always lead the way in attacking whoever challenges the political system in Washington because that is the system in which they are a part. That is the system that props them up and gives them oxygen and provides them with all of their privilege, wealth and access. And I think their true role, which is not to serve as adversaries of people in government power or protect what they’re doing but to protect and shield what they are doing and amplify their message, has become more vividly exposed in the last four weeks than it has in quite a long time.

The thing that really amazes me is if you look at how whistleblowers are treated, whether it be Bradley Manning or WikiLeaks or Thomas Drake of the NSA or Edward Snowden—I can understand why Americans in general, just ordinary Americans, have ambivalence about those whistleblowers. Some people think security is more important or secrecy is something that should be decided by democratically elected representatives, not whistleblowers. That I all get, but what I don’t understand and can never believe is anybody who at any point thought of themselves as somebody who had a journalistic ethos would look at people who are shining on the world’s most powerful factions and do anything but applaud them and express gratitude for them since that’s supposed to be the function that they, the journalists, themselves are serving. And yet what you find is the exact opposite.\


(video) Fmr Agent Russell Tice Accuses Obama, NSA Of LYING — “NSA, today, is COLLECTING EVERYTHING — including CONTENT — of every digital communication in this country, both COMPUTER and PHONE, and that information is being STORED INDEFINITELY”

Fmr Agent Russ Tice: NSA has been BLACKMAILING Supreme Court judges, Congressmen and PRESIDENT OBAMA! — We must now assume the NSA is in charge, not elected representatives

[ video ] Daniel Ellsberg on Snowden, Manning, Government and Whistleblowers: Regain Democracy & Renounce Empire — Bradley Manning’s revelations forced the end of the Iraq war • NSA is storing every email and every phone conversations to be listened to when they feel like it

[ video ] Rand Paul: Director of National Intelligence James CLAPPER LIED, Edward SNOWDEN TOLD THE TRUTH!

[ video ] Ben Swann: NSA’s Criminal Activity Should Be the Focus

History Shows Bradley Manning Did NOT “Put the Troops in Harms Way”

Greenwald on ‘coming’ leak: NSA can obtain one billion cell phone calls a day, store them and listen

[ video ] Trey’s Variety Hour #79: Backing up your Photos – The Latest! Physical and cloud…

Good discussion (though at times way technical!) on various ways to back up photos, and why it’s crucially important.

Trey said on his Facebook post of this video:

In short, if you are a basic user, Eric Cheng recommends that you just get two external hard drives so you have a total of three copies. And keep one off-site or at a friend’s place. If you are more HARDCORE, then there are a ton of solutions in here! Lots of good suggestions from all the guests including Scott Jarvie John Pozadzides Scott Kublin Peter Adams – also Dave Veffer is putting together the full show notes for this, so I will share it again soon! 🙂

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Actual back-up discussion starts at minute-21[youtube=]Trey’s Variety Hour #79: Backing up your Photos – The Latest! Physical and cloud…

Trey Ratcliff Trey Ratcliff

Streamed live on Jun 24, 2013

Backups, backups and more backups! John Pozadzides, Eric Cheng, Scott Kublin, Peter Adams, Scott Jarvie, and I go over a ton of different backup options and workflows. Later in the show we share some photos and finish the show with our G+ Discoveries.

G+ Photographer Discoveries:
Lace Andersen, Jim Shoemaker, Robbie Peterson, Douglas Sonders, Matt Adcock, and Phillip Colla.

Thanks to Dave Veffer for helping out with the whole production!

Official website:

You can subscribe for free to my YouTube channel at:

(recipe) Dandelion Pesto: Eat Your Weeds — “Years of agriculture have bred the nutrients out of common supermarket foods but their wild relatives are way good for you”

From: ADN

Julia O’Malley: Eat your weeds

Laurie Constantino, a local cookbook author, is one of those people you see stooped on the green slopes of city parks with her knife and grocery bag. She’s out there because she knows something the rest of us probably don’t. A lot of plants that we think are weeds are also good, nutrient-packed eating.

I follow Constantino’s food website, which has a trove of interesting recipes for wild edible Alaska plants. (Cow parsnip ice cream, anyone?) I visited her at her home the Hillside this past week because I was curious about the scourge of my lawn: dandelions. I don’t do pesticides (mainly out of laziness) and I can’t beat them. I wondered: Could I eat them?

Constantino’s answer: Oh yes. Then she offered to show me how to make pesto.

A little Internet research told me that dandelion greens have more than twice the vitamin A and vitamin C as spinach. I also read an article in The New York Times about how years of agriculture have bred the nutrients out of common supermarket foods but their wild relatives are way good for you. Crab apples have zillions of times more nutrients than Golden Delicious apples, for example. Wild purple potatoes are way better than Yukon Golds. Naturally, spinach kills iceberg lettuce in the antioxidant department. But dandelion greens crush spinach.


Dandelion pesto

  • 3 cups packed clean dandelion greens, stems removed.
  • 1/2 cup parsley
  • 3 to 5 cloves garlic (depending on your love of garlic)
  • 2 ounces Parmesan, Romano or other hard Italian cheese (a block about the size of an Altoid box), roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup toasted pine nuts, walnuts, almonds or pumpkin seeds (optional)
  • 1/2 cup good olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste
  • Pepper

In a food processor, mince the garlic well. Add the cheese. Pulse it a few times. Add other ingredients. Pulse a few more times until well combined. Store in a jar with a layer of olive oil over the top to prevent discoloration. Can be refrigerated for two weeks as long is there is oil on the top.

Entire Article with Recipe Here

The Great Alaska Mosquito Invasion of June 2013! — “It was a perfect overwintering blanket for insects”

Anchorage Mosquitoes were HORRENDOUS for about 3 weeks this summer, after about a 3 week late start. Here is a theory why they were so bad, as well as a funny and so true commentary from the Anchorage Daily News:

Mosquito invasion in Southcentral Alaska leads to run on supplies

Published: June 17, 2013

“Mosquito populations are fairly high everywhere,” said Janice Chumley, integrated pest management technician at the Kenai Peninsula District office of Cooperative Extension Service.

Why? Because of weather we had nine months ago. Southcentral Alaska experienced an extremely wet fall followed directly by snow. The snow covered and insulated the ground before it could freeze very deep.

“It was a perfect overwintering blanket for insects,” Chumley said.

How perfect wasn’t immediately apparent because breakup came late this year; much of the state got smacked by a snowstorm a month ago. The extended cool weather delayed the hatchout, Chumley said. “But the minute it warmed up, all of those successfully overwintering sites produced clouds of mosquitoes.” …

What is not anecdotal is the fact that the Anchorage store shelves on which mosquito control products are usually stocked have become bare in the past few days. …

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Elise Patkotak: Tropical heat in Anchorage? This isn’t right

Published: June 18, 2013

OK, let’s get one thing straight. If I’d wanted to have bright, hot sunshine for weeks in a row I’d have moved to Fairbanks or Hawaii or Mexico or, if I was really desperate, Florida. If I wanted to devote an hour every morning killing mosquitoes in my office before I could work, I’d have moved to a tropical forest. If I wanted to spend my time outdoors batting wildly at my head while screaming, “Get away from me, you beasts from hell” I’d have done a remake of “Bedlam.”

And I know I’m not alone. There are a lot of us out there in the Anchorage bowl, hiding in our own special closets with netting covering our entire bodies and fans blowing cold air from ice cubes to help us maintain our sanity.

My dogs scurry through the door to go into the yard at top speed because they fear that their tails will be slammed into the door I’m shutting as quickly as possible to keep the next horde of blood suckers out. They eye me fearfully as I stalk through the rooms of my house, bloody magazine in hand, inspecting walls and ceilings for another evil biter to squash beneath my avenging hand. …


Bloodletting worsens during Alaska’s legendary mosquito infestation

June 30, 2013

The insect uprising — courtesy of a swampy spring and late-season snow — has prompted many Alaskans to wonder when relief will come. …

It’s hard to know, because we have over 40 species in Alaska that rely on different habitats. The large mosquitoes are called the snow mosquitoes, and there are six species of those. They’re much slower, and some people call them “training mosquitoes” to get us ready for the next wave. Those are mostly gone. The ones we are seeing now are mostly in the genus ochlerotatus. They’re smaller and faster.

[ video ] Trippy Mirrored Hyperlapse Videos Shot on Japanese Monorail Systems

From: PetaPixel

Mirroring your time-lapse footage can yield a trippy, ethereal quality to an otherwise standard video. Riding on the Japanese monorail, for example, is nothing particularly special. Creating a hyperlapse of the experience, while cool, probably won’t stand out.

A few users, however, have come up with some interesting takes on a monorail hyperlapse by mirroring the footage and taking you on a much stranger journey.

The video above was shot by Vimeo user darwinfish105 using a Panasonic DMC-GH3 attached to an Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm f/4.0-5.6. All of the photos were shot at a 1 second shutter, with help from an ND400 filter for daytime shots and setting the ISO at 400 (sans filter, obviously) at night. He then mirrored and vertically flipped the footage in post to get the final product.

Of course, he’s not the only person to have done something like this. Vimeo user Daihei Shibata‘s video Shinkansen ver.2 (above) takes you on a similar journey. His video captures the trip from Shinosaka to Tokyo as you would see it out of the right side window — assuming you had mirrored vision, that is. His was shot using an Olympus Pen EP-1.

If you want to see more trippy mirrored videos, check out this Chicago time-lapse we shared a few years ago, or read through the comments on the video at the top.

Entire Article Here

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[ video ] Floating Chicago – A collection of mirrored skyline timelapses

[ video ] Floating Chicago – A collection of mirrored skyline timelapses

From: PetaPixel

Mirror Filter Transforms Dash Cam Footage into an Ethereal Experience

This surreal video might seem like some sort of abstract, computer-generated art project at first glance, but take a closer look and you’ll probably realize what’s going on. Flickr user cshimala attached a GoPro Hero HD to his front windshield and shot some footage as he drove around Chicago. He then mirrored the footage in post, sped it up, and set it to Liquid Summer by Diamond Messages.

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The mirror effect was added later with a filter in Vegas Movie Studio HD


[ video ] Trippy Mirrored Hyperlapse Videos Shot on Japanese Monorail Systems

Rodney Lough Jr. asks: “Do you prefer color?” — My take and his… : )

Rodney Lough Jr. asked on Facebook, discussing this image:

More Yosemite for Wednesday; here’s Reflections Along the Merced! What do you think, do you like black and white images? Do you want me to see more of them, or do you prefer color?

I commented:

It seems to me that color almost always touches the heart more, perhaps because it more accurately shows off God’s creation, the way He made it. It shows His glory!

Rodney responded:

Thanks for your answers, everyone! Those of you who like color; don’t worry, I won’t stop releasing photos in nature’s glorious colors, including the image I’m going to be releasing in a little more than a week, Cathedral Forest. Those of you who like black and white, though… Well, I guess I’ll just say stay tuned


Here is more on my perspective. I just shared this with a Facebook friend who prefers black and white:

… I’ve studied Ansel. I like some of his work, and have seen some of his originals in Monterey. He can emphasize a particular feature with extreme contrast, etc., making a piece of rock look really gnarly, and the sky super dark, for example. And I do like his later darkroom technique over his earlier, where he was more conservative. But I still don’t get the ‘awe’ factor that I get with many color photos.

In this photo, one of my favorites of his, Ansel used a red filter to greatly darken the sky, etc., and heavy dodging and burning. It does emphasize how mighty this piece of rock is. And it may be more stunning than the color photo would be, taken during that same moment, especially if it was midday. But to me, a color photo taken during the right light could still be even much more impressive.

In general, in order to make a black and white look impressive, the photographer has to tone down certain colors and/or crank certain tones up, because a green tree will only look dissimilar in shape to the cliff behind it if they’re both the same brightness. So the photographer might greatly brighten the tree while darkening the cliff, so they can be more distinguishable.

The end result of doing that throughout a photograph for the different elements may be interesting, and draw me in to look at the photo more (which is good), but these photos rarely make me rejoice.

Another possible factor, which I don’t understand why it’s taking so long to solve, is that most computer monitors aren’t color accurate without being specially calibrated, which mostly only photographers do. So the photos don’t look the way they’re supposed to. If you ever get to see a Rodney Lough Jr. gallery in person, please do.

Accurate color isn’t a high priority for most consumers, so computer manufacturers can probably make a screen brighter without subduing certain colors in order to present color naturally.

Many people lose their color accuracy as they get older too. I think it’s probably a nutritional deficiency, mainly, and older photographers may have a hard time getting the colors right, so end up doing black and white instead.

[ video ] Genetic Roulette: Jeffrey M Smith on the Dangers of GMO ‘Food’

Quite amazing — the latest updates!

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[youtube=]Genetic Roulette: The Dangers of GMO


Published on May 11, 2013

Lee Ann Mcadoo Interviews Jeffrey M Smith on the Dangers of GMO. His documentaries shattere the biotech industry’s claim that genetically modified (GM) foods are safe. In this new DVD he presents never before seen evidence that points to how genetically engineered foods are contributing to rising disease rates. Get informed and protect you and your family from these very real dangers with this powerful and money saving special.…
Genetic Roulette DVD & Book Special
Retail Price: $47.90
On sale $39.95**
Your Savings: $7.95

How Premarital Sex Rewires the Brain — Knowing how these neurochemicals interact and change the brain help us understand why sex is meant to be kept within the boundaries of marriage

From: Charisma Magazine

How Premarital Sex Rewires the Brain

There’s a reason why breaking up from a sexual relationship is much more emotionally painful and much harder to forget than one that didn’t involve sex. There are several neurochemical processes that occur during sex, which are the “glue” to human bonding.

Sex is a powerful brain stimulant. When someone is involved sexually, it makes him or her want to repeat that act. Their brain produces lots of dopamine—a powerful chemical, which is compared to heroin on the brain. Dopamine is your internal pleasure/reward system. When dopamine is involved, it changes how we remember.

The other part is oxytocin, which is designed to mainly help us forget what is painful. Oxytocin is a hormone produced primarily in women’s bodies. When a woman has a child and she is breastfeeding, she produces lots of oxytocin, which bonds her to her child. For this reason, mothers will die for their child, because they’ve become emotionally bonded due to the oxytocin that is released when they’re skin-to-skin with their child.

The same phenomenon occurs when a woman is intimate with a man. Oxytocin is released, and this makes her bond to him emotionally. Have you wondered sometimes why a woman will stay with a man who’s abusing her? We know now that it’s because she bonded to him emotionally because of the oxytocin released during sex.

Men produce vasopressin, which is also referred to as the “monogamy hormone,” and it has the same effect as oxytocin has on a woman. It bonds a man to a woman.

These “bonding” agents narrow our selection to one person. That is wonderful in a marriage relationship but….

Entire Article Here


The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

[Lust FREEDOM — “The Poison that Kills the Soul”] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because…

Survey of Christian Men on the Subject of Women’s Clothing — Men responded: “This area is the greatest challenge in my life!” • “Men are created in such a way as to be stimulated by sight.” • “Demon influence and demon possession is rampant. Evil triumphs when the church does nothing!” • Many more

[FreedomQuote] “Women, the way a man looks at you is out of your control, but what you reveal is up to you.”

[Princeton study] Is it wrong to wear a bikini? — The fully-clothed women were seen as being in control of their own actions, whereas the immodest ones were objects to be acted upon

What does God say? Women, children and men exposing themselves to TSAs in NAKED BODY SCANNERS!

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Separation from the World — What the Early Christians Believed About Separation from the World. D. Bercot. The Bible exhorts us: “Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” So…

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Modest Dress and Cosmetics — How literally did the early Christians take Peter’s exortation?

Wes Hall: It’s Not Just Porn! “You’re asking for power and there are areas of hidden compromise in your life. … I’m not talking about the R-rated movies. I’m talking about the PG-13s … certain sitcoms, TV shows where your spirit is being defiled.”

A Nation ‘Bewitched’: Farrah Fawcett — “When the show [Charlie’s Angels] got to be No. 3, I figured it was our acting. When it got to be No. 1, I decided it could only be because none of us wears a bra”

1942 Minnesota: Bathing beaches prior to the low-cut top epidemic

Amazing Dress: India Arie singing with Carlos Santana on The Tonight Show. This is grace!

All of my Lust Freedom! posts [latest appear first, 10 posts per page]

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

[ BBC video ] “Eat, Fast and Live Longer” with Mike Mosely — When IGF-1 levels drop, the body slows production of new cells and instead, repairs existing cells. DNA damage gets fixed and age-related diseases don’t happen!


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Watch Video Here

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Eat, Fast and Live Longer – Horizon

Did you know reducing IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1) by fasting is one of the best ways to reduce weight and stave off life threatening diseases such as cancer and diabetes?

Fasting seems to finally be getting some of the much deserved attention it’s been owed.  There’s still a long way to go but a program recently aired by the BBC entitled ‘Horizon: Eat, Fast and Live Longer’, is creating a lot of new talk about fasting on health forums everywhere.

In the airing, Michael Mosley sets out with a goal of trying to slow the aging process.  He looks at success stories and visits a fair share of institutions that deal specifically with the effects of the body on calorie restriction… aka: “fasting”.

Mosley learns that fasting has benefits that might only otherwise be found by bathing in the legendary Fountain of Youth. …

Key Points Made in Video

From 1929 to 1933, in the darkest years of the great depression when people were eating far less, life expectancy increased by 6 years.

IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1) growth hormone links calorie restriction and longevity and inhibits apoptosis of cells.

When IGF-1 levels drop, the body slows production of new cells and instead, repairs existing cells. DNA damage gets fixed and age-related diseases don’t happen. …

Mosely tried the 5:2 diet and after 5 weeks of the 5:2 diet, IGF-1 was reduced by 50%. Blood sugar (glucose) became normal and good cholesterol was increased. The risk of developing life threatening diseases was greatly reduced, including the top 2; cancer and diabetes.

Here’s a great study that supports the findings of Michael Mosely and the benefits of alternate day fasting. …

One of the fears of fasting is people often believe they’ll lose muscle by not eating frequently.  Meal frequency is a proven myth and books such as Eat Stop Eat Expanded really delve into this. …

Entire Article with Video Here

[ video ] Argentine Horse Whisperer — ONE with a Horse!


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[youtube=]Doma India de Caballos (Martín Tata)

 El Tarito

Published on Apr 29, 2013

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[youtube=]Martin Tata Argentine Horse Whisperer

 David Smith

Uploaded on Apr 25, 2011

Martin Tata, Argentine Horse Whisperer performs at the Estancia La Cinacina, in San Antonio de Areco, province of Buenos Aires in March 2011.

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Doma India International Certificate Course

The Doma India School was first established over 50 years ago in San Luis, Argentina as an innovative horse-taming program based on non-violence and respect for the animal itself. The method consists of reaching a veritable communication between man and horse, without provoking fear or pain, while allowing the tamer to gain its full trust and loyalty.

Through Doma India there is no need for forceful interaction. The tamer must not necessarily be strong or physically privileged. He must, however, be able to tap deeply into the horse’s psyche, and thus learn to teach and train it.

These methods have transcended the equestrian domain and are used as motivation and leadership tools in the business world as well. Research equates the behavior of pack animals, such as horses, with the interaction between staff members in a firm. In both situations, a leader is needed to guide and encourage the entire team in order to achieve a common goal. Horses, in particular, learn through persuasion, and only by knowing their nature, behavior and psychology is it possible to influence them and lead them to excel in any discipline. At the same time, Doma India places priority in imparting pleasure and enjoyable experiences. This is why the method is used today as an important leadership, confidence-building, training and empowerment tool for humans as well. In addition, these objectives fit in a framework of respect for the environment and nature in general, making Doma India not only a course and enjoyable learning experience, but also a philosophy of life.

Entire Article Here


We still a lot of snow in our yard in Anchorage, while I’ve found that the last snow pile is usually totally gone by April 15th. I’ve been guessing that for us, breakup has been delayed about 3 weeks, which is very significant!


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Anchorage Daily News posted Tire Reprieve #1 on April 14:

Studded tire reprieve

Published: April 14, 2009

By Anchorage Daily News

Alaska drivers who had faced a deadline of today to remove their studded tires have gotten a reprieve.

They now have until May 1 to ditch the studs. That’s already the deadline for Sterling Highway communities, Anchorage and points north.

State Public Safety Commissioner Joe Masters on Tuesday issued an emergency order to extend the deadline from April 15 to May 1 because of poor road conditions.

Normally, drivers in regions including Kodiak and Southeast Alaska — everything south of 60 degrees north latitude — must have their studs off by April 15.

Anyone driving with studded tires after the deadline can be issued a ticket with a $50 fine for each tire.

Weather continued to be so much colder than normal that ADN then they posted Tire Reprieve #2 on April 30th:

State pushes to May 15 studded tire removal

Published: April 30, 2013

 The Associated Press

ANCHORAGE, ALASKA — The state has moved back the deadline to remove studded snow tires.

The Alaska Department of Public Safety says in a release the deadline has been moved to May 15 for all roads in Alaska.

This coming Wednesday was the previous deadline to remove studded tires, but the decision was made to provide safety to drivers on roads in parts of Alaska where winter continues to linger.

[video] Californians Sign Petition For Nazi Takeover — Watch and be amazed — YEEEEEEKS!!

Why we’re getting jacked…

[youtube=]Californians Sign Petition For Nazi Takeover

TheAlexJonesChannel Published on Apr 25, 2013

Just as we got Austinites to sign a petition to ban water. Infowars and Marc Dice teamed up to ask Californians to sign up for a Nazi Takeover, Door to Door Gun Confiscation, Add More Police Powers etc. Watch and be amazed.

Mark Dice wrote on his Facebook post:

The Infowars crew was in SoCal last week so I showed them how, in 15 minutes, we could fill up a petition with signatures by simply asking people to support insane things like implementing an Orwellian Police State modeled after Nineteen Eighty-Four; have the Marines do door to door gun confiscations, and even inject the children with mercury. Seriously, it took just minutes to shoot this video.

If you didn’t see my post about it two weeks ago, I buried the hatchet with Alex Jones and have decided to come together and unify The Resistance, setting aside petty and personal differences because the country is almost an Idiocracy bankrupt wasteland. We had a little falling out a few years ago over a misunderstanding that I then took a bit too far.

This doesn’t mean Alex Jones is a sacred cow or that Infowars is off limits from my criticism when needed, but if we work together to fight the New World Order, we will dramatically increase our effectiveness and chances of saving America before it’s too late, cuz it’s getting pretty freaking late in the game.

[video] Wringing a Wet Towel in Orbit

What happens if you wring out a wet towel while floating in space?
The water shouldn’t fall toward the floor because while orbiting the Earth,
free falling objects will appear to float.
But will the water fly out from the towel, or what?

Watch Video Here

[video] How to Clear Your Cache in Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome or Safari — Speed up your browser

‘History’ and ‘Cookies’ don’t need to be emptied every time we empty the cache, though.

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[youtube=]How to Clear Your Cache in Firefox (PPtv)

 RealPlanetInfowars Published on Dec 14, 2012

The new and updated just launched and several of you are having issues with the website.
If you’re getting a ‘blank screen’ or an ‘invalid token’ message, clear your browsing history / cache and it should fix the issue.

[youtube=]How to Clear Your Cache in IE (PPtv)

[youtube=]How to Clear Your Cache in Chrome (PPtv)

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To clear the cache in Safari:

You can enable the Develop menu to clear the cache if you don’t want to clear your history…

From your Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Advanced tab.

Select:  Show Develop menu in menu bar

Now from the menu bar click Develop >  Empty Caches


[video] Journalist Ben Swann: Why MSM is A Joke — Ben is leaving Fox 19 in Cincinnati to… | Alex talks about how he became successful through passion, hard work, and NOT BEING AFRAID OF WHAT PEOPLE THINK!


And Alex talks about how he became successful through passion, hard work, and not being afraid of what people think!

I’m encouraged by this last point. I think I was actually called a “jerk” today by a ‘Christian’ on a friend’s Facebook page — but she only knows a small fraction of the story. The entirety would not be right for me to publicly tell.


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[youtube=]Journalist Ben Swann: Why MSM is A Joke


Published on Apr 12, 2013

On the show today, Alex welcomes primetime anchor at WXIX Fox 19 in Cincinnati and investigative journalist Ben Swann to discuss his courageous work in questioning and exposing controversial news items.


[video] RECONCILIATION!!! Alex Jones: Conscience — Mark Dice buries the hatchet after Alex applauds Mark’s brilliant work!

I’m very excited about this, having actively tried to do what I could to mend this relationship.

Very important for Alex, Mark and who knows how many…!


jeff : )

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After watching the following segment of yesterday’s Alex Jones Show transmission, Mark Dice then posted this on his Facebook page:

Mark Dice

I have buried the hatchet with Alex Jones from Infowars. That does not mean Infowars is a sacred cow or that I won’t critically analyze any stories they put out when I feel it’s needed (I am a media analyst after all), but consider the hatchet buried for the sake of coming together to fight the New World Order and save as many people as possible from falling into the Illuminati abyss.

Despite my very harsh criticism of Alex in the past, he has taken the high road and today acknowledged that I do good work and gave me a shout out on his radio show for my “Repeal the 2nd Amendment” video. Looking back, I’m sure my criticism actually helped Infowars up their game and be a bit more careful about some of the stories they put out and double check their info and analysis.

For those who don’t know, we had a little falling out a few years ago due to a misunderstanding that I then took a little too far cuz I’m a bit crazy sometimes (so is Alex for that matter) but anyway, now onto more important things and setting aside personal differences for sake of unifying The Resistance to fight the Illuminati and their planned destruction of our freedoms, economy, health, and peace of mind.

Then, two days later, Mark posted this on his Facebook page:

Big thanks to Alex Jones, Drudge Report, and everyone else who helped spread the “Repeal the Second Amendment” Petition video around to help jolt people into waking up and thinking about the Bill of Rights. JUST WAIT until you see tomorrow’s “Man on the Street Monday” video! It might be even more crazy than this one!

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and be sure to select “Show in News Feed” on my Facebook page. I don’t post all videos here on FB, and because this is a fan page, not every status update shows up on everyone’s page unless I pay PER STATUS update, FYI. Here’s last week’s “Repeal the 2nd Amendment” video if you missed it.

Check my previous status update from Friday to read the details about me burying the hatchet with Alex for the sake of coming together to fight our common enemy: The Illuminati.

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TheAlexJonesChannel TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Apr 13, 2013



Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Ban Free Speech

[video] Revealing God’s Treasure: Red Sea Crossing — See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground!

[youtube=]Revealing God’s Treasure – Red Sea Crossing


Uploaded on May 7, 2008

See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground.


Revealing God’s Treasure: Mt. Sinai — See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed!

Revealing God’s Treasure – Ark of the Covenant — North of Jerusalem, hidden in a cave, rests the Ark of the Covenant, found by Ron Wyatt thru the Lord’s leading!

Revealing God’s Treasure: Noah’s Ark Found by the Late Ron Wyatt

Ron Wyatt – January 1999: Ark of the Covenant Discovery

[8-minute video] The crucifixion site of Christ: Ron Wyatt’s AMAZING Ark of the Covenant discovery! — Jesus’ blood travelled down the crack in the rock to fall on the MERCY SEAT on the ark!

Kent Hovind: Did Ron Wyatt Find the Ark of the Covenant?

[ audio ] Ron Wyatt Blood of Christ

The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah – Discovered by Ron Wyatt

[video] Revealing God’s Treasure: Mt. Sinai — See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed!

[youtube=]Revealing God’s Treasure – Mt. Sinai


Uploaded on May 7, 2008

The real Mt. Sinai is over in Saudi Arabia, just as Paul said. See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed.


Revealing God’s Treasure: Red Sea Crossing — See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground!

Revealing God’s Treasure: Noah’s Ark Found by the Late Ron Wyatt

Revealing God’s Treasure – Ark of the Covenant — North of Jerusalem, hidden in a cave, rests the Ark of the Covenant, found by Ron Wyatt thru the Lord’s leading!

Ron Wyatt – January 1999: Ark of the Covenant Discovery

[8-minute video] The crucifixion site of Christ: Ron Wyatt’s AMAZING Ark of the Covenant discovery! — Jesus’ blood travelled down the crack in the rock to fall on the MERCY SEAT on the ark!

Kent Hovind: Did Ron Wyatt Find the Ark of the Covenant?

[ audio ] Ron Wyatt Blood of Christ

The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah – Discovered by Ron Wyatt

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