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Author: Jeff Fenske Page 30 of 54

(1 min video) Kung Fu: Taking out of Need

Kung Fu – Taking out of Need – S01E14 The Third Man

(3 min video) Kung Fu: True Strength – ‘They laugh at me, master’

Caine (David Carradine): They laugh at me, master.

Master Po (Keye Luke): Good. To bring joy to others honours the giver.

Caine: But their laughter is not joyful, for it derides me.

Master Po: Are you hurt by it?

Caine: Yes.

Master Po: Because you gave comfort where comfort is needed?

Caine: Was this not unmanly?

Master Po: There is a strength in us that can shatter an invisible object with a hand, which comes from a strong and disciplined body. There is another strength that allows us to feel the pain of others, and give comfort where comfort is needed. This comes from a compassionate heart. True strength must combine both, for that is in harmony with the duality of our natures. For what you have done, you may indeed take comfort in their laughter.

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Kung Fu: On Policing the Bro Code

(1 min video) Kung Fu: When to be Silent and When to Speak

KCC: “If one’s words are not better than silence, one should keep silent.”

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Kung Fu: When to be Silent and When to Speak

(1 min video) Kung Fu: The Best Ways of Dealing With Force

Disciple Caine: ‘Master Tae, What is the best way to deal with force?’
-Master Tae
: ‘As we prize peace and quiet above victory, there is a simple and preferred method…. Run away.’

Kan: Do not meet a wave head on. Avoid it. You do not have to stop force. It is easier to redirect it. Learn more ways to preserve, than to destroy. Avoid, rather than check. Check, rather than hurt. Hurt, rather than maim. Maim, rather than kill. For all life is precious. Nor can any be replaced.

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Kung Fu: The Best Ways of Dealing With Force

ALASKA: The curious popularity of a water pipe on the Seward Highway — Locals, suspicious of treated city water, make the drive regularly • People are too trusting of the government and media…. Fluoride… He “won’t touch” tap water

I used to regularly get water here.

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The curious popularity of a water pipe on the Seward Highway

A trickle from the rocks at Mile 109 draws people who like its taste and like the fact that it’s not treated city tap water. But is it safe?

A 3-inch hole in a rock wall at Mile 109 of the Seward Highway quenches many thirsts.

Tourists pull over for a cup of refreshing liquid Alaska, wild and cold. Locals, suspicious of treated city water, make the drive regularly to resupply their homes, even though there’s less known about this source of water than the water from their sinks. Others simply prefer the taste of the water that trickles there, supplemental hydration they take away one Nalgene bottle at a time.

This drainage hole in the rock between Beluga Point and Windy Corner on Turnagain Arm draws visitors all day long. Anyone who has driven the highway with any regularity has seen them, perhaps wondered why, and maybe had to brake for them as they dart across the road. …

Mica Sexton pulled up next. … People are too trusting of the government and media, he said. Fluoride is one reason, he said, that he “won’t touch” tap water.

“I think most people, when you tell them that somebody that they trust to look out for their good is putting something bad in their water, most people just look at you and tell you you need a tinfoil hat,” Sexton said.

Sexton said he also suspects city water treatment removes healthy minerals he believes he’s getting from this large drinking straw poked into the Chugach Mountains. …

Water quality

…Alaska Dispatch News collected a sample and delivered it to ARS Aleut Analytical….

In short, all categories fell within the maximum contaminant limits set for drinking water by Alaska’s Department of Environmental Conservation. At least they did that day. ARS Aleut Analytical lab manager Ian Schacht said that a water quality test is just a snapshot of one point in time, which can’t replace regular monitoring. Results could fluctuate for many reasons.

Entire Article

(1 min video) Kung Fu: The Risk of Loving Others — “A good man’s heart is open to the hearts of others”

KCC: Master, we are taught that a good man’s heart is not shut within itself, but is open to the hearts of others.
Po: The sage says “Find good people good, and bad people good, because I am good enough. Trust men of their word, and liars, if I am true enough.” To be yourself, Grasshopper, feel the heartbeats of others, above your own.
KCC: But if I shall love others how can I be sure that they, in return, will love me?
Po: Do you seek love or barter?
KCC: But if I love others, and they do not love me, I shall feel great pain.
Po: That is what you risk, Grasshopper. Great pain, or great joy.

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Kung Fu: The Risk of Love

(2 min video) Kung Fu: Master Po Helps Caine Understand Women

Po: Grasshopper, do you find mystery in the fire?
KCC: My thoughts are of a girl I saw in the marketplace. She as very pretty. She sought my friendship. And then when she had it, she did not want it. Master, why can the female not be direct and open as the man can?
Po: Is it not better that the female act as a female?
KCC: She seeks only to confuse. The truth is not within her.
Po: Perhaps you only fail to perceive it.
KCC: I do not know that I wish to perceive it
Po: (Pointing to a coal fire) What is it that makes the heat? The coal or the flame?
KCC: The coal. The heat is within the coal.
Po: What if the coal is not touched be the flame?
KCC: The heat is not felt.
Po: Are not male and female, coal and flame? If the coal does not seek to know the flame, can either fulfill their destiny?

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Kung Fu: Master Po Helps Caine Understand Women

(2 min video) Kung Fu: Caine Stops an Old Man From Being Bullied

Kung Fu: Caine Stops an Old Man From Being Bullied

(2 min video) Kung Fu: Don’t Bow to Superstition

Kung Fu: Don’t Bow to Superstition

(3 min video) Kung Fu: Running Away From a Fight is Not Cowardice, but the Love of Life

KCC: Master, I am troubled. We learn to make powerful the force of out bodies. Yet we are taught to reverence all against whom we may use such force.
Kan: When your life is threatened, or the innocent life of another, you will be prepared to defend them.
KCC: Being thus prepared better than others, should I not always stand and fight?
Kan: Ignore the insulting tongue, duck the provoking blow, run from the assault of the strong.
KCC: Are these not the actions of a coward?
Kan: The wild boar runs from the tiger. Knowing that each being well armed by nature with deadly strength, may kill the other. Running, he saves his own life, and that of the tiger. This is not cowardice. It is the love of life.

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Kung Fu: Why Running Away From a Fight is Not Cowardice

(2 min video) Kung Fu: Caine the Horse Whisperer

Kung Fu: Caine the Horse Whisperer

(4 min video) Foal and Mother in Distress

Kung Fu: The Hands are the Eyes of Touch

(2 min video) Kung Fu: 3 TREASURES – From MERCY comes courage • From FRUGALITY comes generosity • From HUMILITY comes leadership.

Po: I have three treasures which I hold and keep. The first is mercy. For from mercy comes courage. The second is frugality. From which comes generosity to others. The third is humility. For from it comes leadership.

KCC: Strange treasures. How shall I keep them?
Po: Keep them in your deeds, Grasshopper.

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Kung Fu: The Wisdom Behind the Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

(video) Kung Fu: The Anti-Revenge TV Series – The Journey From Grasshopper to Caine

The TV program that influenced me more than any other

Related: All of my Kung Fu – No Hate ’70s Series posts

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Old Man: If I don’t have a right to revenge, who does?!
KCC: No one.

David Carradine: That was the theme, really. It’s an anti-revenge television series.

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Kung Fu: The Journey From Grasshopper to Caine

(3 min video) Kung Fu: The Best Fighters Don’t Contend

“The power of not contending”

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Kung Fu: The Best Fighters Don’t Contend

(4 min video) Kung Fu: On Revenge (With a Young Don Johnson)

Kung Fu: On Revenge (With a Young Don Johnson)

(4 min video) Kung Fu: ‘Saving Your Own Life’ vs ‘Killing an Opponent’ — “If men would contend with you, seek not their death, but choose your own life”

“Remember this, if men would contend with you, seek not their death, but choose your own life.”

– Master Kan

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Kung Fu: “Saving Your Own Life” vs “Killing an Opponent”

(1 min video) Kung Fu – “Vengeance is a Water Vessel with a Hole. It carries nothing but the promise of emptiness” • “Repay injury with justice and forgiveness” – Master Po

Master Po: Did your eye meet your own fist?
Young Caine: Then shall I seek ways to repay?
Master Po: What is the debt?
Young Caine: My suffering.
Master Po: Vengeance is a water vessel with a hole. It carries nothing but the promise of emptiness.
Young Caine: Shall I then repay injury always with kindness?
Master Po: Repay injury with justice and forgiveness, but kindness always with kindness

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Kung Fu – Vengeance – S01E04 An Eye For An Eye – David Carradine

Kung Fu Posture Advice: “You walk too much with your head down. You oughta keep your eyes up towards the sun”

“You walk too much with your head down. You oughta keep your eyes up towards the sun.”

– John Drew Barrymore

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Kung Fu: John Drew Barrymore Gives Caine Some Advice

(video) Kung Fu – The Anti-Revenge Series: When Angry, ‘Be Like Still Water’

KCC: Master, I am troubled.

Kan: Why?

KCC: My parents are long dead. General Jung is tumbled from his arrogance and power. Yet within me anger boils as water in a heated pot.

Kan: Observe the day lily. Each morning, with the warmth of the sun it opens in lovely blossom. Each night it closes.

KCC: I do not understand. What has a flower have to do with my anger?

Kan: Once your anger warmed you, and like the flower you opened to it. That is long past. It is night.

KCC: Am I then to do nothing, feel nothing, be still?

Kan: Still water is like glass. It is the perfect level. A carpenter can use it. The heart of a wise man is tranquil and still. Thus, it’s the mirror of heaven and earth. The glass of everything. Be like still water. You look into it, and see yourself.

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Kung Fu – Be Like Still Water

(3 min video) Kung Fu: The Way of Violence Has No Mind — “To be violent is to be weak. Is it not wiser to seek a man’s love than to desire his swift defeat?” – Master Kan

“Yet to be violent is to be weak. Violence has no mind. Is it not wiser to seek a man’s love than to desire his swift defeat?” – Master Kan

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Kung Fu: The Way of Violence Has No Mind

(1 min video) Kung Fu: Caine’s Absolute Reluctance to Fight Unless He Has To

Kung Fu: Caine’s Absolute Reluctance to Fight Unless He Has To

(2 min video) Kung Fu: Master Kan Tells Caine Off for Showing Off in Front of the Younger Students — “Is it not better to see yourself truly than care about how others see you?”

“Is it not better to see yourself truly than care about how others see you?” – Master Kan

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Kung Fu: Master Kan Tells Caine off for Showing Off in Front of the Younger Students

Fenske Family Portrait

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year,

Buddy Pat Jeff

Our Christmas card – happy, creative days! Mom estimates I was about age-5.

I barely remember that my mouth was red because I had just been to the dentist where they used red dye to help spot cavities.

My dad’s real name was Philip, but many called him Buddy.

The famous Jesus-knocking-on-the-door painting is overhead.

Rangefinder camera on self-timer with bulb flash

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Special Mom with Friend – Coastal Trail Wild Roses

My precious Mom and her friend!

June 18, 2014

Olympus E-PL5

Coastal Trail, Anchorage, Alaska

The Sentinel – Kelly

Kelly, near the end of our driveway, looking out for animals of interest, six years ago.

August 8, 2011

Panasonic LX-5

Moose Poop Pile Record!

The snow is almost gone, which is about two weeks late this year, so I walked through this part of our yard to see exactly how many moose poop piles were dropped by our visitors this winter, and counted 36 piles of moose poop in this area we see here — and 48 piles in the entire yard!

April 25, 2017

Canon 5Ds R

Anchorage, Alaska

(audio) Kenny Loggins: ‘Celebrate Me Home’ (Live from Grand Canyon 1992)

ON FIRE around halfway through!

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 Kenny Loggins – Celebrate Me Home (Live from Grand Canyon 1993)

(music video) John Legend: Costco Song on the Late Show — HILLARIOUS!

HILLARIOUS if you shop at Costco!

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The good part starts @ 2:20

 John Legend Makes Mundane Things Sound Sexy

(music video) Kenny Loggins: Outside From The Redwoods – ‘Danny’s Song’

Years ago, I enjoyed this concert on DVD very much, and just now got it out to have another look.

Even though these are young Redwoods, this must be a great setting for a concert in which love is showcased — to actually be there — and be able to look straight up — can’t be fully captured in 2D!!!

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 Kenny Loggins: Outside From The Redwoods

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