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Author: Jeff Fenske Page 25 of 54

(vid) Sony RX10 Mark IV, 25x Superzoom Review – Ideal camera for many – Gordon Laing from Camera Labs

First superzoom 1-inch sensor camera with phase detection autofocus, which locks onto moving subjects with precision. [Smaller sensor cameras have noisy, mediocre image quality, and previous 1-inch superzooms couldn’t track moving subjects well.]

24-600mm (35mm equivalent focal length) and f/2.4-4.0 lens. 24 fps. 2.4 pounds, weather-sealed.

Gordon discusses video during the midsection, and resumes discussing still photography features at 37:00.

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This Crop Factor Calculator Makes Sensor Math a Breeze

You can’t avoid crop factor these days. Whether your camera sports an APS-C, Micro Four Thirds, 1-inch, or some other size sensor, there will come a time when you’ll have to calculate a “full-frame equivalent” and that’s when the mmCalc Crop Factor Calculator will come in very handy.

mmCalc is a simple online tool that uses your sensor size to instantly convert any focal length and aperture f-stop into its 35mm equivalent.

Whether you’re using a Canon APS-C camera (crop factor 1.6) a Nikon APS-C camera (crop factor 1.5), an old Nikon 1 with a 1-inch sensor (2.7x crop factor), or something completely wacky, chances are the mmCalc calculator has you covered. You can even convert down from medium and large format, although the auto-fill bit under “Education” falls apart once the sensor gets bigger than full-frame.

Entire Article

(vid) The Iron Cowboy Did It! — 50 Ironmans in 50 States in 50 Days!!! – Friend, Rich Roll surprised him on the last adventure!

The Rich Roll podcast of this AMAZING achievement:


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“Just be empowered to do that hard thing in your life…however low you are, wherever you are, there’s someone out there that loves you and there’s someone out there that can support you and there’s a way to climb out of it.”


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New 100MP Trichromatic digital back promises unmatched color quality! — Most have compromised color to get high ISO

Great to see! Hopefully, greater color accuracy and lower base ISO will someday trickle down into other 35mm and other formats too, which have mostly compromised color accuracy to get better low light performance through higher ISOs, which consumers demand more than accurate color, largely because color accuracy isn’t even mentioned by reviewers, and rarely in the forums. Color accuracy is harder to understand.

Canon’s 6D became well known as a high ISO champ, but is also their poorest color performing full frame 35mm camera, based on its color metamerism score of only 69.

Now, the Canon 5D Mark IV has only a mediocre color metamerism score of 85, whereas 95 would be a good score, which some earlier 35mm digital cameras achieved.

(vid) Irix: DISCOVER YOUR NEW LENS – part one

(vid) Steven Anderson: Why I Run Barefoot

Dennis Johnson’s ‘Picture This’ gets new ownership, but changes little — Eagle River, Alaska

It’s sad to see galleries change direction, but Dennis still has Jitters, “where coffee is art” — and where locals’ artwork is still  boldly displayed.

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From: Frontiersman

Eagle River’s Picture This gets new ownership, but changes little

Picture This gift shop in Eagle River is changing ownership, but you’d never know it. Its manager of seventeen years, Michelle Haynes, is taking full reins come this January from longtime friend and owner, Dennis Johnson, who also owns Jitters coffee shop next door. …

Dennis and partner, Jim Starry, started Picture This in a sixteen-foot wide space, when he took to framing up his wildlife photography as a sideline to teaching. Over the years, when most galleries failed to survive, his morphed and expanded into a thriving gift shop, a lot in part to Michelle’s managerial expertise. …

Dennis will keep Jitters, now run in partnership by his daughters Briana and Shanda. He likes the idea of being able to focus on just one business and, of course, to have more time to expand his already lofty fly-fishing goals. …

Dennis Johnson said the ownership transition is smooth but doesn’t come without mixed feelings. Building this “little baby into a monstrosity of sorts with the two businesses” over these past 33 years comes with gratitude to the community for their support. He’s made friends, attended weddings and funerals, and became like family to so many.

Entire Article

Elizabeth Carmel: The Next Display — “I believe we’re on the cusp of another fundamental shift in how we’ll experience and display our photographs”

Two years after Elizabeth wrote this, Samsung has now launched Frame TV, which allows photographs to be displayed as still prints when the TV is not in use, in 55 and 65-inch 4K clarity.

In this article, Elizabeth mentions how impressed she is with the deep blacks that OLED TVs have. Samsung’s Frame TVs use a different type of LEDs, and currently can’t get the deep blacks yet, but OLED TVs that can display stills will likely come as the burn-in problem is solved.

See my article: Samsung’s ‘Frame TV’ Displays Large, Fine Art, Still Images – A Photography Presentation Alternative?

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The Next Display

New opportunities on the horizon for photographers

By Elizabeth Carmel | June 16, 2015

I believe we’re on the cusp of another fundamental shift in how we’ll experience and display our photographs. …

The new 4K TVs are simply stunning, and actually can look better in some instances than a printed and framed photograph. …

Of particular interest to me at CES were the 4K OLED TVs. … This display technology creates incredibly deep blacks and vibrant colors that haven’t been previously possible on consumer displays. …

Viewing high-quality photographs on a large-screen 4K OLED TV may soon rival viewing a high-quality inkjet print. External lighting isn’t an issue with TVs as it is for inkjet or LightJet prints. Furthermore, we now can add high-resolution 4K HDR video to the mix to create a full multimedia experience. …

I think there still will be a demand for the signed, limited-edition photographic print in the future. It will be interesting to see if this new display technology reduces the demand…. I think it’s certain that visual artists will be able to reach a wider audience as people recognize their TVs can also be used as art displays. …

Similar to the challenges facing the music industry, photographers will have a new concern about the ease of copying their high-resolution digital content. I don’t spend too much time worrying about duplication of my low-resolution, 900-pixel website images on the Internet, but I do have greater concern when a 4000-pixel-wide image becomes easy to duplicate and share. The same concerns arise for 4K time-lapse and video content. The question is, will we be able to realize an income from our work when it can be so easily duplicated and shared? Hopefully, future 4K distribution technology will allow for some form of DRM (digital rights management). …

Elizabeth Carmel is a professional landscape and travel photographer. She and her husband Olof Carmel own and operate two art galleries in California, the Carmel Gallery in Calistoga and the Carmel Gallery in Truckee. You can get more information about her prints, galleries, workshops and books at and For more information about her videos, go to

Entire Article

Trumpeter Swans High Above Our Home : )

A group of about 20 trumpeter swans was just now flying high above our house, circling and trumpeting.

First, one broke off, by himself, heading in the direction towards Potter Marsh, one of their favorite places. Who knows what that was all about.

And it looked like the others were splitting up into a few groups, going in separate directions before I couldn’t see them anymore, blocked by the tall birch trees.

Many believe this all evolved by chance; though, it’s miraculous — a sight to behold!

Without TRUTH there can be no FREEDOM — Do not condescend to the Scoffers, rather ASCEND BOLDLY with your sure words of enduring Truth

When one chooses the path of Truth it often leads to a lonely place. The Truthteller, scorned, and derided as ‘extremist,’ even ‘insane’ must March Forward to the Certain, Clarion call that echos from the heart.

The more decadent the day, the more lonely the walk for Ambassadors of Truth.

However in the end all that will endure is Truth. And those who dare speak it become the legacies of their family lineage, their communities, and yes, even to their Nations.

Do not condescend to the Scoffers, rather ASCEND BOLDLY with your sure words of enduring Truth.

Eternity is kind to Truthtellers, and your Children will be your Truth’s Beneficiary.

– author unknown

(vid) What Desk Should I Buy? The Truth About Standing Desks

(vid) Caroline Jones: ‘Bare Feet’ — I want to grow tall and strong like a tree / Touch the sky with my roots so deep

I’m in my bare feet
Cause I want to feel the world’s heartbeat
I want to grow tall and strong like a tree
Touch the sky with my roots so deep

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(vid) Take a Gorgeous Time-Lapse Trip to Rio de Janeiro and Iguazú Falls

My favorite scene is at 2:00.

(video) HOW To CHANGE PLAYBACK SPEED of a YOUTUBE VIDEO — Pitch Stays the Same!

This saves me a ton of time!

I’ve been using this option pretty much daily ever since posting this in 2013: [Timesaver Tip!] How To Speed Up Online Videos — Offline Too! It’s worked fine in all of the browsers I’ve tried. But recently, in Apple’s Safari browser (all other browsers I’ve tried are fine), the sound muffles slightly when videos are speeded up. The speed boost still works in Safari. I sometimes use it anyway, but for best playback audio quality, browsers other than Safari are preferred. Browsers I’ve tried that have excellent sound quality when speed boosted are Firefox, Chrome and Opera.

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(vid) “WHEN YOU DECIDE YOU’RE NOT GOING TO FEAR THEN YOU’RE FREE!!!” – CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government – Heroic Kevin Shipp

One of the most inspiring messages I’ve ever seen!

Rental Camera Gear Destroyed by the Solar Eclipse of 2017

Here are some of the pieces of equipment that we got back, destroyed by the Solar Eclipse of 2017.


Blessed is the Man…


Life in the Son

Godly US Calvary officer rebuked by Robert Duvall for not hating the enemy: “I just think you’re a real sad case. YOU DON’T HATE who you’re fighting against” — ‘Geronimo: An American Legend’ (1993)

I really like this movie, largely because of the outstanding sensitivity and leadership by Lt. Charles B. Gatewood, played by Jason Patric.

Here, he’s rebuked by Robert Duvall (Al Sieber, Chief of Scouts) for not hating the Indians and Geronimo.

Later in the movie, he gives the cross he hung from his neck to Geronimo.

It’s rare for Hollywood to give a Christlike character a leading role.

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Geronimo: An American Legend (1993)

Al Sieber, Chief of Scouts: I just think you’re a real sad case. You don’t love who you’re fighting for, and you don’t hate who you’re fighting against.

1st Lt. Charles B. Gatewood: Perhaps I could learn to hate with the proper vigor from you, Al.

(vid) A Mesmerizing Look at Hummingbirds in Flight – 100 FLAPS/SEC • Some less than the weight of a penny

A Mesmerizing Look at Hummingbirds in Flight

When it comes to aerodynamics, hummingbirds are fine‑tuned machines.

Using a high-speed, high-resolution camera, photographer Anand Varma captures what the naked eye can’t see—the breathtaking maneuvers of a hummingbird in flight. Varma teamed up with scientists studying the biology of hummingbirds to reveal the secrets behind these captivating creatures.

An Anna’s hummingbird drinks artificial nectar from a glass vessel. The bird’s forked tongue makes a sipping motion up to 15 times a second.

Letting hummingbirds loose in wind tunnels allows researchers to probe the mechanics of flight at airspeeds of up to 35 miles an hour. A fog of water vapor makes the wind movement visible.


The wings of some species flap up to a hundred times per second.
A hummingbird shakes off rain the same way a wet dog does, with an oscillation of its head and body.

The smallest hummingbird weighs in at only 1.8 grams, which is less than the weight of a penny. The largest hummingbird tips the scales at around 20 grams.

Hummingbirds are the only birds that can hover in still air for 30 seconds or more.


(vid) Eclipse 2017: Through the Eyes of NASA

Eclipse 2017: Through the Eyes of NASA

Published on Aug 24, 2017

During the eclipse, 14 states across the U.S. were in the path of totality and experienced more than two minutes of darkness in the middle of the day – with a partial eclipse viewable all across North America. The broadcast – Eclipse Across America: Through the Eyes of NASA – covered locations along the path of totality, from Oregon to South Carolina including public reactions from all ages. The eclipse’s long path over land provided a unique opportunity to study the Sun, Earth, Moon and their interaction.

This video is available for download from NASA’s Image and Video Library:

“Total Eclipse Preview Show”, Total Solar Eclipse: “Through The Eyes of NASA,” Part 1…

Total Solar Eclipse: “Through The Eyes of NASA,” Part 2…

Total Solar Eclipse: “Through The Eyes of NASA,” Part 3…

Total Solar Eclipse: “Through The Eyes of NASA,” Part 4…

(vid) 2017 North America Total Solar Eclipse Close-up Real-time 4K

Even shows the solar flares! Filmed through a telescope.

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Story with Videos at Peta Pixel

New Light Paintings That Capture the Movement of Kayaking and Canoeing by Stephen Orlando


Samsung’s ‘Frame TV’ Displays Large, Fine Art, Still Images – A Photography Presentation Alternative?

As a fine art landscape and cityscape photographer who loves big prints, I find this new mode of being able to display prints fascinating. This may be the start of a new trend that other manufactures will also jump onto.

I share some of my ideas of what this could mean for photographers at the end of this compilation of articles, in which I highlight many key points. I’ll start with a video:

(video) THE HEAVENS DECLARE: Lunar eclipses render ‘Flat Earth Society’ a myth — Aristotle: “In eclipses, the outline is always curved, and since it is the interposition of the earth that makes the eclipse, the form of this line will be caused by the form of the earth’s surface, which is therefore spherical”

The Lunar Eclipse — Testament to the Spherical Earth, Detriment to the Flat Earth | David Rives

(video) This is How Shooting the Sun Can Melt Your Camera

“..the focused sunlight had melted through the shutter and sensor.”

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(3 min video) Kung Fu: Caine vs Bullets

Kung Fu: Caine vs Bullets

Published on Aug 18, 2017

This clip taken from the 1970’s TV series “Kung Fu” was from the episode called “My Brother My Executioner” in Series 3. Starring David Carradine as Caine, Richard D. Kelton as Curley Bill, and John Vernon as the journalist observer Forbes.

(video) Ringmasters: ‘Java Jive’

Ringmasters – Java Jive

(video) Ringmasters: ‘Blackbird’

Ringmasters – Blackbird

in Perth December 15, 2012

(video) Glen Campbell: ‘Amazing Grace’ – Live in Concert in Sioux Falls (2001) – Bagpipes!

Glen Campbell Live in Concert in Sioux Falls (2001) – Amazing Grace 

(video) Glen Campbell & Jimmy Webb: ‘Wichita Lineman’ on “The View” 

Glen Campbell & Jimmy Webb Visit “The View” 

Published on Nov 12, 2015

From May 2000, Glen Campbell & Jimmy Webb talk with hosts Meredith Vieira & Star Jones about their history together, and perform a seriously gorgeous, heavenly rendition of “Wichita Lineman”.

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