My photos at Jitters Coffee House,
Eagle River, Alaska in all of March
More to come.
24 x 34 inch (print) “Eagle River Road” and 24 x 36 inch “Rise” —
16 x 24 inch “Alaska RR” and “Chiffon” —
with 24 x 36 inch “Midnight Canopy” overhead
Mom and Dennis (owner) in front of 24 x 36 inch “Midnight Canopy” and “Praise”
24 x 36 inch “Smile” (inside an Orchid) and “Glory!” (Lewisia flower close-up)
“Golden Eklutna” is hidden here behind “Smile”
Can’t wait to get over there and take a look!! Is Jitters open on Sunday? It would be fun to drive out there with the family. I’m getting cabin fever and ready to get out of ANC even if its a short drive.
Your Mom looks SOOOOOO happy and proud!! And rightfully so!!
Never mind the hours Jeff, I found their website!!
Jeff Fenske
This is actually the first time I’ve seen “their website,” having looked for it before. I think it may be new, but not sure.
Sunday would probably be a great day to visit. Maxine was there during a weekday morning, and said it was swamped.
I am planning on changing a few photos next week. I’m thinking of swapping out “Smile” with “Harp.” Harp will be a Chugach falls photo.
And I’ll likely replace the vertical “Midnight Canopy” Redwoods night photo with a daylight version, taken in a different area with a different lens. The ceiling mounted photo will remain where it’s at. We were able to mount it much lower than I had expected, so there really is no reason for the wall mounted version. I thought people would want to pixel peep — but also had this in mind from the get go.
Three more photos should be at the framer tomorrow. And I’m hoping to finish and hang “5th Avenue” by the weekend too. We’ll see.
Some of these photos take me 20-25 hours to work on in the digital darkroom until I’m satisfied with them. I’m pushing parameters here. You saw how great some looked in the back of the camera. But printing on paper has a much lower contrast and color gamut. It’s quite a challenge. I’m mostly quite happy with the results. I never could have achieved this without having this state-of-the-art printing set up.
It’s a lot of work.
Jeff Fenske
Update on Jitters
I wasn’t able to get any more photos up this week.
“Lady” (a sleeping lady bug in a Dahlia flower) turned out to be problematic and “Wings” crashed in Photoshop crashed every time I tried to reopen the work I had done on it. I did get “Fire” (a flower which looks like flames) done, but it’s a minor piece that I’ll only bring in when I have others too.
“Lady” was the most frustrating. I actually printed about 40 proofs in trying to get it right (no exaggeration). I was able to get it as good as I possibly could, but the vertical just will not work as a print. And this is the image I have written down on Dennis’ sheet to fill the smaller vertical spot. And Dennis is out of town for a few more days, so I couldn’t change it.
I’m going to try to replace “Lady —” which I may end up calling “Sleeping Lady;” though, it’s a bug not a mountain — with a waterfall image. But I have to talk with Dennis first.
I’ve been thinking lately about swapping out more than just “Smile,” sometime mid-month. It would be nice to see how some of the other photos look printed big in Jitters.
So if you’re planning on visiting, some that are up now may be replaced with others later this month.
God bless!
jeff : )
Jeff, I think that Ben & I might make the drive out to Jitters this afternoon. It depends on his nap and the timing of everything. If not then maybe Sunday with the whole family. Other than the printing frustrations, how is it going?
Jeff Fenske
Regarding Jitters, I’m only getting feedback when I go out there and the people are like “WoW” — asking me all kinds of questions — all excited!
I think it would be fun to have a gallery someday in which to talk with the people directly. It’s all kind of a mystery to me, as Jitters is 20 miles away, and I’ve been there mainly just before and after closing hours. I’d like to know more of what the people are thinking. I’m sure I’ll learn in time.
If anyone sees the prints, please email me (email address is at “About Jeff Fenske,” near the top of every page on the right) or post your comments. I’m interested.
Well, we drove out to E.R. on Saturday afternoon and had a cup of coffee and admired your photos. VERY NICE Jeff!! I think my favorite of the ones you have up are in order…Rise, Canopy and E.R. Road.
Congrats Jeff!!
Jeff Fenske
Thanks for checking them out, Rich!
I was out there last night moving some things around. “Glory!” (the Lewisia) is now in the better light, where “Smile” was. I don’t think people understand “Smile” is a real picture of the inside of an orchid. “Glory!” looks MUCH better now. It was my favorite when I shot it, and is my favorite print so far. It doesn’t need a spotlight (which Jitters doesn’t have), but it does need to be in light to really work.
I’m really happy how the prints illuminate not having glass to keep them from shining.
I was again researching today to find the most transparent glass for the framed prints. Tru Vue is sending me some samples.
Perhaps when you get back from your trip you’d have time to go out there again. I should have some major additions and changes.
I’m really pleased how these prints have turned out and can brighten up a room! And they can be hung from a ceiling.
I’ve been having a hard time concentrating on Photoshop and printing in the last few days though. I’ve been following what is going on in Japan, and posting a fair amount at ToBeFree.
Have a good trip!
jeff : )