Personal Blog

Category: Photography

A new strategy, a new tool?

I think it’s time.

I was talking with a few friends at work a few days ago, when my lead suggested I do some YouTube videos for my blogs, discussing some of the things I would normally just write about.

He pointed out that people learn differently.

I’ve actually been thinking about this for awhile, but I replied honestly, I’ve never been much of a speaker. He said “you’re doing it right now.”

So no excuses.  I should probably do it, and have fun doing it! I’d like to do at least some of them in the nature that surrounds us here in Alaska, maybe even during some still-photo shoots.

I have to figure out what to do for good audio, and then learn the software end of it. So I expect this will happen, hopefully sooner than later. I definitely have the bug.

Had the ‘Christian’ music industry not been so tight on copyright restrictions even for worship music, I would have sung and played with guitar, long ago, some songs to put on YouTube. I understand that many do it anyway, but this is why I haven’t.

I would appreciate your prayers to take on and do well in this new-for-me format.

Jeff : )

What I want my photography to be: “I want to go some place where I can marvel at something”

I don’t know if the movie is worthwhile and wholesome,
but I appreciate what Julia said in the trailer for:


I want to go some place where I can marvel at something.

– Julia Roberts (in character)

Focus on what is marvelous!

Set your sights high!

Be at peace.

Philippians 4:4-8

Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I will say, Rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think about these things. The things which you learned, received, heard, and saw in me: do these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

I just shot the ultimate flower photo!


I just shot the ultimate flower photo! I am so happy!!!

Now, this with the rest of my fairly extensive repertoire (which I’ve cautiously not posted yet), photography full-time is in sight!!

More details later. Thought I’d share my excitement.


: )

I recently discovered Personas for Firefox

I recently discovered how Personas can dress up a Firefox web browsers. I use both Firefox and Safari.

I won’t point you to their main page, because as do so many things today, it suffers badly from the low-cut-top epidemic. This is the scenery theme page. If you’re in Firefox, just put your mouse over the different personas and see how they colorize your browser.

Bora Bora Island – Tahiti is my current favorite, having looked at only a few of the 137 pages of scenery personas. It’s giving me the feel I’m looking for. It has a calm, warm stripe on top that complements the blues and aquas of the image itself.

It’s amazing how colors affect mood, which is one of the main reasons I so greatly like photography, how glorious images can inspire people’s hearts, 24/7.


jeff : )

Update from Jeff, 5/12 — and Rich’s amazing response! (see comments)


Rich asked me how I’m doing, so I thought I’d just write an update to everyone.

We’ve been busy moving at work. Thankfully, it’s almost done. We painted parts of our original, now remodeled cargo building, today.

I did take some photos during the move, including the eagles (one is sitting on the nest), but I haven’t had a chance yet to work on them and get them online.

The Most Beautiful Fine Art Gallery in the World? | Camera Sensor Size Comparison

This may be the most beautiful fine art gallery in the world … those mighty, 600 year old, cedar tree trunks!!! And I can only imagine the cedar wood smell — ummm!

Up, right now on Rodney Lough Jr.’s home page are photos of his new 2,500 square foot gallery in Las Vegas. And if you click on the Press Center tab, you’ll see an overview with the photos.

I spent many hours at Rodney’s tiny Sausalito gallery and his giant, 5,000 square foot Pier 39 gallery last May, where I saw what may be my favorite photo of all time. It looks great online, but the 24 x 40 inch print, seen in person, lit by halogens — magnificent!!! This Outdoor Photographer article pdf file also highlights this photo — large image!

And Rodney achieves the finest detail possible, because he shoots exclusively an 8 x 10 camera which actually uses 8 x 10 inch film! In comparison (Wikipedia has a great chart), most pro photographers shoot SLRs that have an APS sensor that is about 0.9 x 0.6 inches. And the largest sensors in the pocket cameras are 0.3 x 0.2 inches, which is what my G11 uses.

My 5D MkII has a 35mm size sensor that measures 1.4 x .95 inches. And Elizabeth Carmel shoots a Hasselblad that has a medium format sensor measuring about 2 x 1.5 inches.

Her up to 60-inch prints are also stunning. I also visited her gallery in Truckee, CA, last year.

It is wonderful to see, firsthand, what can be done with an 8 x 10. But in my opinion, it’s really overkill (and so limiting to shoot with), unless one would print really, really, REALLY big, which he can definitely do.

His galleries are worth checking out. He has one at the Mall of America too.

Aft Load Begins

Tech Note: Another good color temperature example

The plane isn’t green. But it is lit by the yellowish outdoor lights which have a completely different color temp than the plane’s interior lights. I’ve set the color temp so the van and the inside of the plane would be white, and the plane’s white skin then becomes green.

12/28/09 – Cargo’s Last Stand – 7:14 am

The mostly comat load now begins in the aft
with one of our vans on a 20-footer

I updated my Nancy Rotenberg post at ToBeFree


Photographer Nancy Rotenberg:
What happened to the light we had as small children
when we were filled with awe and excitement?

Photos soon

I just finished reading most of a very helpful Lightroom book (Lightroom 2: Streamlining your digital photography process by Nathaniel Coalson), so I should have some photos posted soon.

Perhaps there is a good side to this Photoshop glitch. As I had considered before, Lightroom may end up being my main processing tool, for which I would then only then go to Photoshop for things Lightroom can’t do.

I very  much appreciate Coalson’s writing style. Based on the later copyright date and how clearly it’s written, it’s obvious this book wasn’t thrown together to meet a publisher’s deadline, like so many computer books are. Though it still doesn’t cover everything that Lightroom can do : (

Also, the fall colors are finally hitting Turnagain Arm and the lower elevations in Anchorage, so I hope to get some colorful shots during the next few days.

God bless!

Jeff : )

Fall Colors in Alaska and Jeff Fenske Update

For those interested:

I had planned on doing a lot of ‘landscape’ photography this summer, but I ended up focusing on flowers mostly instead. Now that flowers are over with and the fall colors are out, I’m hitting the landscape hard. I’m very excited!

Eagle River Road has glorious fall colors! I shot some photos yesterday, and made it to Hatcher Pass too. Upper portions of Hatcher Pass are already beyond their peak.

Turnagain Arm and Girdwood apparently still don’t have the colors fully going yet. It’s interesting how elevation and proximity to the ocean varies starting dates of the display so much. I hope to spend some time there shooting areas I’ve scouted out. It’s hard to get it all done, having to work a real job and the weather not usually ideal.

I shot a photo of Powerline Pass at 4am on 9/7 (2.5 days after the full moon) that really turned out cool. I was only seeing in black and white (rods and cones), but when I took the shot, exposed for daylight (something I’ve wanted to try for awhile), wallah! Fall colors extravagant!!! What a surprise that was! I’ll put up the blue-sky-with-stars image later.

First Post — New Blog — Getting More Personal (Yikes!) — Stepping Out


I’ve been wanting to give some sort of personal updates, but they never seemed to really fit within ToBeFree or ONEcanhappen. So it dawned on me: start a new blog. So here goes. It’s always awkward to start something new, and here I am stepping out of the boat, finally.

Some of you may have gathered from tidbits I shared at my other sites that I’m actually out looking for a full-time job for the first time in 30 years. The airline I’ve worked for has been bought out, and the new owners have announced (the day I got my 30-years commendation) they’re going to no longer fly 747 freighters at all. So I’m looking for work here in Anchorage.

I’m also trying to get my photography business going this year, which is very exciting for me! The economy is tanking, people aren’t buying art, and here I am moving ahead with my fine-art photography business — and I’m excited because art can inspire during tough times!!! Inspiration is my goal!

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