Personal Blog

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 31 of 54

(audio) Kenny Loggins: ‘Conviction of the Heart’ – Outside From the Redwoods

After Kenny sang this at the PAC in Anchorage, Alaska, I stood to show my appreciation. I was surprised when no one else joined me, since to me, this is such a great song — my favorite by  Kenny.

To me, this song is about attitude, when we stand up for what really is right.

Great lines:

How long must we wait to change
This world bound in chains that we live in
To know what it is to forgive,
And be forgiven?

Do you care enough
To talk with Conviction of the Heart?


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Live, Outside from the Redwoods version:

Studio version:

(1 min video) AWESOME Northern Lights Corona Display – Looking Straight Up!!!

Corona is my favorite type of northern lights. Watch what happens when Sean points the camera straight up!!!

To me, viewing this live here in Alaska, and even through this excellent video, my heart lights up! Displays such as this say something magnificent about the glory of our Creator!

“…the invisible things of Him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity….” – Romans 1:20

Sean is based out of North Pole, Alaska, near Fairbanks.

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 Real time video of aurora borealis corona

(video) He picks up her newborn cub, now watch the lioness!

South African zookeeper Kevin Richardson has developed an extremely special relationship with lions. The man is an animal behaviorist who has worked extensively with native animals of Africa. In fact, his relationship with lions is so spectacular that many have nicknamed Kevin “The Lion Whisperer.” (source)

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 Kevin Richardson, a very special Lioness, & her Cubs

Riding with Harvey

Harvey, my Irish Setter on my Triumph 750

He could ride for a few miles before tiring.

My father took this from in front of our house in Bloomington, Minnesota,
a few years before I moved out west — without Harvey 🙁

Late ’70s

Photo of a faded print

(video) Jake M. – 💕 Meet My New Puppy & Help Me Name Him 🐶

💕 Meet My New Puppy & Help Me Name Him 🐶

(video) Jake M. – 💕 Meet My New Puppy & Help Me Name Him 🐶

💕 Meet My New Puppy & Help Me Name Him 🐶

(video) Distant Shores Visits Beautiful, Pre-ISIS Syria! – ‘The best kept secret!’ — “The Syrian people have been fabulous. Everyone has been so friendly, just one-to-one in the streets. They try to help you in any way they can. It really is the best kept secret. So if you get a chance, I think you should try to get out to Syria. It is really one of the most beautiful countries we’ve visited, and I think you will find the same thing” – Sheryl Shard

This is so sad now. If Americans only knew….

I’ve watched about 50 Distant Shores’ episodes: Distant Shores The Sailing Adventure TV Series. The two on Syria were among the most impactful, because they opened my eyes as to how wonderful this country was, before the CIA/Mossad decided to regime-change Assad through ISIS — and would have, but Russia stepped in. Much of the country is now destroyed, including some historical artifacts.

Distant Shores’ other episode on Syria showed city life more than this one, and how modern much of Syria was. With a secular government, all of the people have freedom of religion. Many are ‘Christian.’

This is where the apostle Paul prayed and studied for three years after becoming a Christian. The most accurate New Testament manuscripts are Syrian. It’s rich in history, and we have no business being there.

I transcribed the following:

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@9:45 Paul Shard: “The people are so friendly.”

@18:50 German engineer: [Sheryl Shard: “Do you like it here in Syria?”] “Oh, I like it so much. If you spend 10 years of your life in the country it’s like your home country. [“What is it that you like here? What made you stay here?”] “Especially the loving of the people. The people are so kind here.” [‘We’re finding that too.”]

@22:30 Sheryl Shard: “The Syrian people have been fabulous. Everyone has been so friendly, just one-to-one in the streets. They try to help you in any way they can. It really is the best kept secret. So if you get a chance, I think you should try to get out to Syria. It is really one of the most beautiful countries we’ve visited, and I think you will find the same thing.”

Damascus, Syria – Distant Shores, Travel Channel

20 Organic Foods You Should Buy at Costco | Save Money Live Joyfully


Flexy Kelly

Kelly, the most flexible dog I’ve ever had!

Significant progress here! When we rescued him 10 weeks earlier, he wouldn’t even look me in the eye — after three years without a home. Story: Kelly – the boy nobody wanted

I love this photo — as if he is still with us!

We became so close:

“That’s my boy!”

Canon G11


Kelly Finds a Porcupine!!

(3 photos below)

In 2013, while I was photographing a bridge and stream, Kelly came back looking like this.

He let me pull them out with a pliers. A few quills were even attached to the inside of his mouth. I thought those would be the worst, but the one in his nail bed…! (see photo below)

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One of these must have been in his nail bed, because he snapped at my hand when that one came out. He didn’t hurt me, but I got the message! I’m glad there wasn’t another like that one.

Birdbath Island

Mom spotted the remains of our often 18-inch mound of snow on top of the birdbath.

We still have quite a bit of snow left on the ground on April 5th, here in Anchorage; though, some of this was snowblowed here to clear underneath Mom’s wash lines.

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Canon 5Ds R

Mom, Dad & Harvey at Whittier, Alaska

Mom and Dad visiting Alaska with my dog Harvey at the port of Whittier, Alaska — early ’80s.

As can be seen in this picture, Dad loved Alaska, and they would have moved here had he not gotten sick. He died in 1989. Mom moved to Alaska 2.5 years later.

I raised Harvey, my Irish Setter, from a pup, and had to leave him with Mom and Dad when moving to Montana and Alaska in 1980, because of apartment living and working long hours in summer. I still remember crying on the stairs in our house in Bloomington, Minnesota, the night before leaving him to live out west.

Though we didn’t see eye to eye on everything, Dad was probably close to being the perfect father. He taught me a lot, and introduced me to nature. As a family, we visited all of the contiguous states west of the Mississippi, camping. Glacier National Park probably made the biggest impression. Dad encouraged me to try things, and  gave me space to adventure on my own. Amazing!

Being a people person with a keen eye for detail, he and his brother owned a very successful barbershop in Minneapolis. His handyman skills were also impressive, even building his sister and brother-in-law’s house at age-18. He could fix almost anything.

He left us so early. Doctors couldn’t figure out why, and everything they tried made his condition worse. He was miraculously healed in ~’74, after which he was fine until I encouraged him to attend a church that had a pastor who hid his true emotions…. Ugh! I wish I never would have done that. Churches can be toxic, and I didn’t know at the time how much. Many pastors were never even called to be church leaders, but are confidence men. I write about James-3 cursing in my spiritual blog, having learned a lot the hard way.

Digital camera scan of a glossy print

Photo Buddy!

William Wallace by my side, while Kelly sought small game — 4 years ago.

As William got older, he didn’t run as much, while Kelly would never stop investigating in his later years.

The intimate landscape I was trying to capture with the Canon is of two, red Columbine flowers and this little falls. The gentle wind was moving the Columbine just enough to thwart our effort. The telephoto lens magnifies any movement.

Grateful, I cherish this moment, together!!! How can a price tag be put on such a faithful companion?

I miss my boy.


Sony RX-100 Handheld

(video) 3 Active Stretches for Hamstrings

3 Active Stretches for Hamstrings | #MuscleMonday

(video) Skagit Valley Tulip Festival – Flowers Scenery | 4K Nature Relax Video in 3 Parts – Trailer

It’s interesting to notice how the different, rich colors affect one’s heart, when watching in full screen, of course.

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Skagit Valley Tulip Festival – Flowers Scenery | 4K Nature Relax Video in 3 Parts – Trailer

Kellyman = Superman?!!

A few months after we rescued him — age-3. Agile speedboy!

I would often call Kelly ‘Kellyman’ (pronounced kellee-mun – Jamaican style), so he wouldn’t sound like a girl.

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“It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Kellyman — Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!!”


Canon G11

Related: Kelly – the boy nobody wanted

The hardest thing about having a dog: the goodbye

Costco’s Sweet Mesquite Seasoning — Out of this world tasty!

This seasoning may be the best I’ve ever tasted — contains robust “natural mesquite smoke flavor.” They don’t mess around!

I don’t know yet how it will store. Maybe it’s best to keep it in the fridge.

I’ll have to double check on the price, but I think in the store it’s only about $6.95 for a 20 ounce container. Really good deal!!!

Kirkland Signature Sweet Mesquite Seasoning

(photo) Kelly’s Last Night – Tight with Mom!

Kelly was a special needs, rescue dog who was abused by a woman. We got him at age-3, unaware of the great challenge. It took years for him to trust Mom. I tell the story here, including how Kelly ended up being my favorite dog, ever: Kelly – the boy nobody wanted.

This shows the beautiful success; though, is sadly Kelly’s last night, which I explain here: Kelly’s Last Day.


With Mom’s 15 pound Dachshund

Also related: 

(photo) Kelly – The Last Hug

Kelly’s Last Day

“That’s my boy,” I used to tell him. He was really something! We had so many adventures together.

Mom took this photo just before we drove to the vet.

Story continues below…

3/3/17 1:41pm  – vet appointment was 2pm

Kelly’s hairdo was natural. I didn’t comb it that way.

Kelly loved to run, and collapsed the day before while running on the trail, just after passing me. After about a minute, he could stand, and then walk, but I knew this was probably the end, based upon a similar experience I had with my previous Gordon Setter, William Wallace. And while lying next to him later that night, the ugly sounds coming from his heart made it clear what to do.

[It’s amazing how hearts work extra hard to maintain enough oxygen, even after the valves are failing — a credit to our masterful Creator!]

After examining Kelly, the vet went in the back room to prepare the concoction, but Kelly’s heart completely gave out in front of Mom and me on its own.

So at least I never have to wonder that putting him to sleep was the right decision. But it was really hard to lose him at age-10.
I tell more of Kelly’s unique story here: Kelly – the boy nobody wanted.

Another image: (photo) Kelly – The Last Hug

(photo) Kelly – The Last Hug

The agony of my heart just before driving Kelly to the vet.

I was an only child, and have always been single. When I’ve been able to have dogs they’ve meant a lot to me!

Setters are my favorite, but Kelly was a special challenge — and reward!

I tell the story here:

Kelly’s Last Day

Kelly – the boy nobody wanted

3/3/17 1:33pm  – vet appointment was 2pm

Handheld self-portrait

Quality Control: Why Camera Lens Copies Vary – Home of the L-series: Inside Canon’s Utsunomiya lens factory — Master Craftsmen can tell when to apply more or less pressure by feel alone. Some processes, like this one, are considered so critical that they must be performed by hand

The home of the L-series: Inside Canon’s Utsunomiya lens factory

With decades’ of experience, Master Craftsmen (or ‘Takumi’) can tell when to apply more or less pressure by feel alone. Some processes, like this one, are considered so critical that they must be performed by hand.

It typically takes between 25-30 years before a lens polishing technician attains the status of ‘Meister’, and their experience is essential to the production line.


Dogs – After they’re gone…

(video) Why Don’t Dogs Live Forever? | Rodney Habib | TEDx

Oldest known dog: 30 years

Oldest known cat: 38 years

Super cute dog @ 13:35

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Why Don’t Dogs Live Forever? | Rodney Habib | TEDxNSCCWaterfront

(1 min video) Be Like Jesus / Fruit of the Spirit : )

Be Like Jesus / Fruit of the Spirit

(video) The Lord’s Prayer: ‘Forgive us our sins’ – Christopher Frost


Filmed in Wales with a Canon 6D and 70D with Samyang 24mm f/1.4, Samyang 50mm f/1.4, and Canon 85mm f/1.8 lenses.

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The Lord’s Prayer: (5/6) ‘Forgive us our sins’

(video) Dr. Nick Begich: How To Break The Zombie Trance — “Be the light, even in the dark places!” • Connecting with each other eyes to eyes

I know Nick, but haven’t seen him for awhile. He’s clearly doing great! At age-58 with Rob Dew in Austin, Texas. Positive solutions!!!

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“Be the light, even in the dark places!”

– Nick Begich

• • •

Dr. Nick Begich: How To Break The Zombie Trance

(video) Jon and Vangelis – He Is Sailing – 1983 – with lyrics

This is a bit new agey, the lyrics and these graphics here, but I’ve always liked this song — used to listen to it on my he-man stereo rig.

It should be “His Kingdom come,” not “our true kingdom come,” etc., doctrinally. But still a great song!!!

Jon Anderson from YES with Vangelis!

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Jon and Vangelis – He Is Sailing – 1983 – with lyrics

(video) Angelo Badalamenti explains how he wrote “Laura Palmer’s Theme”

Angelo Badalamenti explains how he wrote “Laura Palmer’s Theme”

(audio) Angelo Badalamenti – Twin Peaks Suite – World Soundtrack Awards 2008 – Brussels Philharmonic conducted by Dirk Brossé


And the second song @3:28 is monumental!!!

Infinitely humable!!!!!!!

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Angelo Badalamenti – Twin Peaks Suite – World Soundtrack Awards 2008

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