Author: Jeff Fenske Page 3 of 54
God’s words to Abraham in Gen. 12:3, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern, Talmudic state of Israel
From: Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief, June 7, 2024 — “Is Nuclear War Imminent over US/NATO Weapons to Ukraine?”
As I’ve explained many times before, Putin can’t nuke the West when he is in no position to consolidate that military destruction with occupation. He just doesn’t have the conventional military capacity or troops to do so. That is why he has to wait for China, and China won’t be ready until at least 2027. That doesn’t mean that the war will come in that year, only that China will probably be ready to exercise its aggressive plans to conquer. There will still need to be a trigger event, which may well be the invasion of Taiwan.
“In a world of propaganda, the truth is always a conspiracy.”
Most Israelis aren’t true, ethnic, Semitic Jews:
DNA Study: Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ Not Semitic, but Turkish Origin
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18:30 “And sadly enough, many of these Palestinians are crypto-Jews from descendants of the true Jews of the Roman occupation back in 70 A.D., when the temple was destroyed.” – Steven Ben-Nun
Incredible moment hero dog saves another dog stranded on a surfboard
— Nature is Amazing ☘️ (@AMAZlNGNATURE) April 30, 2024
Undereat, exercise, cold plunges
1, 1.5 or 2 meals per day. Dinner is the worst, to then sleep on a full stomach.
Situps, pushups, all out on the treadmill, pressing 350 pounds with legs!
‘Atheism’: The belief that there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing. Then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything. Then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits, which then turned into dinosaurs.
Makes perfect sense.
Quotes by Tucker unless noted, transcribed by me:
“It’s wrong to drop nuclear weapons on people. If you find yourself arguing that it’s a good thing to drop nuclear weapons on people, you’re evil.”
“There is no evidence at all, none, zero that people evolved seamlessly from a single cell ameba. … There’s no chain of that in the fossil record at all. … The theory of adaptation [within species] is clearly, obviously true.”
ROGAN: “What is your theory?”
“GOD CREATED PEOPLE distinctly, and animals.”
“Maybe a simpler and more useful way to think about it is: truth or falsehood, lying or honesty. … You can’t participate in lying. You can’t lie. PERIOD! Just don’t lie about anything. Tell the truth all the time. If you can’t say something that’s true just don’t say it. You don’t have to say everything you think. You shouldn’t say everything you think. But you should never lie. If you just stick with that you get pretty quickly back to reason and order.”
“There’s nothing more liberating than admitting you were wrong. That is the moment of liberation. ..honestly admitting to other people, not just to yourself that ‘I got that wrong.’ Then you’re FREE! Because then you don’t have to hide it anymore.”
Evil forces act on people, getting them to do evil things they wouldn’t otherwise do.
Good forces can act on people, compelling them to do good things they wouldn’t otherwise do.
“Evil is an independent force that exists outside of people that acts on people. I really believe that. I’ve experienced it a lot. And what vessel do they choose? The weak. … The weaker the leader, the more evil that leader will be. We’ve reached a time in history where every leader is either a weak woman or a weak man, pretty much.
Starts at 1:01:03
‘Same baby, different location!
The baby on the left is JUST AS VALUABLE as the baby on the right!’
Derek Prince Spiritual or Soulish Worship in the church today. Derek Prince sermon states that one of the essential things for spiritual success is to be able to discern between the soulish and the spiritual. Derek Prince believes the church in modern times cannot discern the difference. Soulish worship appeals to the emotions, and its sounds very good, and it will stir you up emotionally but it doesn’t do within you you what needs to be done. So soulish Christians are very easily deceived. Derek Prince has 50 years worth of ministry experience and know what it looks like to put on an act. It will get people crying, giving and excited but it doesn’t really change people. This is the difference between spiritual and soulish Christianity.
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My comment:
Totally true! Many “churches” today even crank the music to almost rock concert levels so people think something significant is happening; though, it’s all flesh, NOT the Holy Spirit. And most can’t tell that the service is spiritually dead, including pastors.
Many of the worship leaders are more interested in being seen than actually worshiping God. Most cannot worship in Spirit and in truth because they’re lust addicted, etc., walking in the flesh instead of in the Spirit.
Those who can see, who have the gift of discernment of spirits, if they tell what’s really going on, pastors reprimand them, and never apologize so they’re right with God and men, like Paul always made sure he was (Acts 24:16). They’re in BIG trouble with God!
It’s a show.
Not even one church in the US has a reputation for being alive today, let alone is alive. We’re not even at church-of-Sardis level!:
Rev. 3:1 “And to the angel of the assembly in Sardis write: He who has the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars says these things: “I know your works, that you have a REPUTATION OF BEING ALIVE, BUT YOU ARE DEAD. 2 Wake up, and keep the things that remain, which you were about to throw away, for I have found no works of yours perfected before…God. 3 Remember therefore how you have received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If therefore you won’t watch, I will come as a thief, and you won’t know what hour I will come upon you. 4 Nevertheless you have A FEW names in Sardis THAT DID NOT DEFILE their garments. They will walk with me in white, for THEY ARE WORTHY. 5 HE WHO *OVERCOMES* will be arrayed in white garments, and I will in no way BLOT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
Thanks for posting!
NOTE: I definitely do not support all of Michael Brown’s views and practices. Michael supports the anti-Christ, NWO, Talmudic system that’s taking us down, while having admitted that Jesus strongly rebuked the Pharisees, who were Talmudists.
Most of what he says here is good, but his idea that the apostles were speaking in Armenian in Acts 2 and not in tongues is bizarre.
Biblically speaking, tongues are mainly people’s personal prayer language in which the Holy Spirit speaks through people mysteries that “no one understands,” which builds up the speaker.
The most popular, current false teaching says it can only be an Acts-2 experience in which foreigners understand, which the rest of the texts clearly refute.
Michael Brown mentions the blessing with the spirit aspect (verses 16 and 17).
I would add that I believe a main reason that Christians are built up when praying in tongues is because tongues is often perfectly praying against evil spirits, perhaps to angels in their language, who then deal with the demons. And this may be why Paul says tongues are praying in the language of men and angels in 1 Cor. 13:1. Praying in the Spirit can set us and others FREE!
Nice ending:
Brown: “Can we both agree and say ‘Father, we want everything that You have for us in the fullness of the Spirit to glorify Jesus and nothing that’s not from You. … I pray that for you. You pray that for me. Fair enough?”
Minor: “Fair enough.”
Maybe they aren’t ‘conspiracy theorists.’
Maybe they just see something you don’t yet.
They see through the propaganda, and even in the face of ridicule are trying to translate it for you.
This guy is GREAT!
“Whoever practices sin is dominated by the enemy of God, the Devil.”
“By keeping yourself busy you ignore the true state of your soul.”
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7
Michael Brown tweeted this on X, while still everywhere calling himself “Dr.;” even though, Jesus warned against doing exactly that in Matthew 23:1-12:
Dr. Michael L. Brown
If the Lord does not return in our lifetimes, I believe that future generations will look back at the doctrine of cessationism with surprise and curiosity, wondering how anyone could deny that the Spirit was still speaking and healing and delivering on a regular basis.
My responses:
Jeff Fenske
My take: People are denying that miracles still exist today because hardly any charismatics actually abide in Christ, because of the false doctrines of “once saved only saved,” “only believe,” and “it’s hard to lose one’s salvation” [Michael Brown teaches the latter]. The fear of God is now only “reverence.” Sin is rampant, so it’s easy for the woke to mock “Christians” now.
I wonder how many charismatics still pray in tongues regularly. Most ‘Christian’ men seem to be too busy lusting, walking according to the flesh instead of the Spirit, disqualifying them from the Kingdom.
“When you tell someone something they’ve believed for a long time is a lie, the immediate reaction is anger. Well, I got news for you. You are about to be told a whole bunch of stuff that you thought was true but was false. Mentally prepare for it. It’s coming. You’ve been lied to for decades.”
Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Who set mankind free, gave us hope, and provided a new direction.
In a world filled with confusion and misdirection, we must remember that True North will forever be True North and that life holds purpose greater than ourselves. From our family to yours, Happy Easter!
Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Who set mankind free, gave us hope, and provided a new direction.
In a world filled with confusion and misdirection, we must remember that True North will forever be True North and that life holds purpose greater than…
— Nick Begich (@NickforAlaska) March 31, 2024
VERY EXCITING new printers from Canon that have significant, cutting edge upgrades!
Quotes from the video:
“The print surface is scratch resistant even when rubbed.”
“For glossy paper, the Chroma Optimizer is designed to suppress reflection that interferes with viewing and produce the print’s original colors. This helps to improve gloss uniformity and reduce bronzing to achieve clear and vibrant color expression.”
“Prints retain outstanding lightfastness, enhancing their value as artwork.”
They write:
The imagePROGRAF 60” PRO-6600, 44” PRO-4600, and 24” PRO-2600 professional large-format printers offer an 11-color plus Chroma Optimizer ink system that can bring your prints and reproductions to life. From stunning black-and-white prints with deep blacks, and detailed gradations to extraordinary color, the Canon imagePROGRAF PRO Series is designed to achieve it all. With intelligent media handling and color calibration technologies to improved black density and high scratch resistance, these are the most advanced large format printers Canon has engineered yet. The imagePROGRAF PRO Series meets EPEAT Gold® standards – a first for this series!
“I am Team God. I do not fear the Media, I do not fear Journalists, I do not fear AIPAC, I don’t fear Big Pharma. What I actually fear is God. I think that one day we are all going to have to account for the things we have done and the things we have said, and I want to make sure that I’m not a person who is parroting lies.” ✝️ – Candace Owens
This bothered me enough to write a post on.
Marijuana dulls consciences so they no longer recognize the Holy Spirit's warnings, causing many Christians to be prodigal — instead of dealing with, and overcoming our sins now so we can spend eternity in heaven.
We don't need drugs when we have a clear conscience and a clean…
— Jeff Fenske (@JeffFenske) March 28, 2024