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Author: Jeff Fenske Page 27 of 54

(video) Sam Robson: ‘Holy Holy Holy’ – SOLO 6-12 PART Acapella Arrangement!

Notice the directions he’s facing, and how he flips it!

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Hymn – Holy Holy Holy – Acapella Arrangement!

Published on Jan 2, 2016

Happy New Year everyone!
Here’s my arrangement of Holy Holy Holy, hope you like it!

Purchase my latest album entitled Hymns:……

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Or want learning tracks for any arrangements you hear on this channel.
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Holy, holy, holy
Lord God almighty
Early in the morning my song shall rise to thee
Holy. holy, holy
Merciful and mighty
God in three persons, blessed Trinity

Holy, holy, holy
All the saints adore Thee
Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea
All the cherubim and seraphim are falling down before Thee
Which wert and art and evermore shalt be

Holy, holy, holy
Lord God almighty
All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea
Holy, holy, holy
Merciful and mighty
God in three persons, blessed Trinity

(video) Sam Robson: ‘Mary Did You Know?’ – SOLO 9-PART Acapella w/ ‘The Young Messiah’ Film Excerpts

Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you’ve delivered, will soon deliver you

Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God

Mary did you know, Mary did you know, Mary did you know

The blind will see, the deaf will hear and the dead will live again
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the lamb

Mary did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy is heaven’s perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you’re holding is the great I am

Mary did you know?

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Mary Did You Know? | Acapella | The Young Messiah

Published on Feb 25, 2016

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Thanks for watching! I was asked to record an arrangement of Mary Did You Know? To promote this beautifully shot movie titled The Young Messiah, it comes out in Theatres on March 11th.

Purchase my hymn album:……

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(video) Sam Robson: The Lion King – ‘Circle of Life’ SOLO, UP-TO-50 PART Acapella/Percussion Arrangement!

Singer Multiplies His Voice 50 Times to Bring You the Most Magical Version of the “Circle of Life” You’ll Ever Hear: Watch!

Sam Robsonis an a capella genius who just so happened to multiply himself 50 times in order to bring to you what is most likely the best version of The Lion King‘s “Circle of Life” that you will ever hear. …

Using only his voice, body and percussion, Robson masterfully brings to you the childhood classic with the same passion you’ve come to know and love, but somehow makes it better.

“I’m really excited to bring you my latest project,” he writes beneath his YouTube video. “As a kid I remember seeing the Lion King and being blown away by it, many years later I had the idea to arrange Circle of Life but bailed, due to it’s challenging nature. However 5 years on from my previous idea I decided to give it one more push, and I’m really happy that I did.” …

The outcome is something to behold, as Robson uses 50 different versions of his voice, often all at the same time. …

“Finally I present to you my latest multitrack, with as many as 50 voices at one time I have realised my vision of how I wanted this to sound like and it’s all thanks to the people that have supported me musically,” he adds.

Like the original, Robson’s version starts out fairly low key and ultimately culminates in an impassioned belting of the lyrics. Watch the video…to see him perform in all of his glory. (entire article)

The Lion King – Circle of Life acapella arrangement!

Published on Jul 29, 2015
I’m really excited to bring you my latest project. As a kid I remember seeing the Lion King and being blown away by it, many years later I had the idea to arrange Circle of Life but bailed, due to it’s challenging nature. However 5 years on from my previous idea I decided to give it one more push, and I’m really happy that I did. Finally I present to you my latest multitrack, with as many as 50 voices at one time I have realised my vision of how I wanted this to sound like and it’s all thanks to the people that have supported me musically.
Thank you

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From the day we arrive on the planet
And, blinking, step into the sun
There’s more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
There’s far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round

It’s the circle of life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of life

(video) Sam Robson: ‘Alone yet Not Alone’ – SOLO 8-PART Acapella Arrangement — “Every evil can be braved!”

Stunning and comforting!!!

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I’m alone, yet not alone.
God’s the light that will guide me home.
With His love and tenderness,
Leading through the wilderness,
And wherever I may roam,
I’m alone, yet not alone.

I will not be bent in fear.
He’s the refuge I know is near.
In His strength I find my own.
By His faithful mercies shown.
That so mighty is His shield
All His love is now revealed.

When my steps are lost.
And desperate for a guide,
I can feel his touch,
A soothing presence by my side.

Alone, yet not alone.
Not forsaken when on my own.
I can lean upon His arm,
And be lifted up from harm.
If I stumble, or if I’m thrown,
I’m alone, yet not alone.

When my steps are lost.
And desperate for a guide,
I can feel his touch,
A soothing presence by my side.

He has bound me with His love,
Watchful angels look from above.
Every evil can be braved,
For I know I will be saved.
Never frightened on my own,
I’m alone, yet not alone.

• • •

Hymn – Alone yet Not Alone – Acapella Arrangement

Published on Apr 26, 2014

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As part of a film project called Alone Yet Not Alone , based in 1755 and is about the devastating effect of the war between the European powers and Ohio Valley. I was contacted from a member of the team who was curious about how the Hymn would sound arranged completely acapella, and as soon as i heard it I had to make my own version. So I present to you my arrangement of Alone
Yet Not Alone.

Need an arrangement for your choir/group?
Or want learning tracks for any arrangements you hear on this channel.
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Link to original song:…

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(video) Sam Robson: ‘Total Praise’ – SOLO 8-PART Acapella Arrangement!

OUTSTANDING 3-min. song! Give it at least a minute to get going, please.


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Lord, I will lift mine eyes to the hills,
Knowing my help is coming from You.
Your peace, You give me in time of the storm.
You are the source of my strength.
You are the strength of my life.
I lift my hands in total praise to you.

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Hymn – Total Praise – Acapella Arrangement

Published on Apr 7, 2014

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A gospel hymn arrangement with a slightly different vibe to it. I felt inspired by how powerful and emotional the hymn is.

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Or want learning tracks for any arrangements you hear on this channel.
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(video) Sam Robson: Worship Medley – SOLO 6-PART Acapella Arrangement

You are God
The only sovereign God
The only living God
Everlasting, ever loving, ever giving God

There is a name that I love to proclaim
Master, Savior, Jesus
No name compares to its awesome refrain
Jesus, we reverence your name with our praise
Jesus we reverence your name.

Your name is awesome and greatly exalted
Jesus, we reverence your name with our praise
Jesus we reverence your name!

Oh how I love Jesus
Let me tell you why I love Him
Because He first love me.

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Kurt Carr – Worship Medley – Acapella Arrangement

Published on Dec 5, 2013

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Something a little bit different from the previous 5 videos.
Also there is no video for the Improvised vocals as they were done in a later stage.

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Or want learning tracks for any arrangements you hear on this channel.
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(video) Sam Robson: ‘O Love That Will Not Let Me Go’ – SOLO 6-PART Acapella Arrangement

O Love that wilt not let me go,
I rest my weary soul in Thee;
I give Thee back the life I owe,
That in Thine ocean depths its flow

May richer, fuller be.

O Light that followest all my way,
I yield my flick’ring torch to Thee;
My heart restores its borrowed ray,
That in Thy sunshine’s glow its day
May brighter, fairer be.

O Joy that seekest me thro’ pain,
I cannot close my heart to Thee;
I trace the rainbow thro’ the rain,
And feel the promise is not vain
That morn shall tearless be.

O Cross that liftest up my head,
I dare not ask to fly from Thee;
I lay in dust life’s glory dead,
And from the ground there blossoms red,
Life that shall endless be.

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O Love That Will Not Let Me Go – Acapella Arrangement

Published on Sep 4, 2013

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With this hymn I wanted to try a softer approach to the singing, as this is a jazzier arrangement of mine.

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(video) Sam Robson: ‘How Great Thou Art!’ – SOLO 9-PART Acapella Triumphant Arrangement

How Great Thou Art – Acapella Arrangement

Published on Jul 10, 2013

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About 3/4 years back I recorded this tune, and the feedback was amazing but I began to notice a trend in the comments section suggesting that I record this with better quality. So after 3 or so years I finally got the guts and the voice power to recreate this recording.

I hope you enjoy

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O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.

Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.

(30 sec video) Sam Robson: SOLO 6-PART Acapella Big Band Style

Acapella Big Band style

Published on Feb 7, 2013

Big Band style ditty
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(video) Sam Robson: ‘Silent Night’ – SOLO MULTI-VOICE Acapella Arrangement

Silent Night – Acapella Arrangement…

Published on Dec 22, 2016

…By Stephan Carlson, a fantastic choral composer and arranger!
Please check his website at:…

Stephan sent me the score a couple of years back, however for reasons I don’t remember I wasn’t able to record it. Fortunately he was happy for me to debut it this year. So with that being said, enjoy this spontaneous collaboration!

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Silent Night
Holy Night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon virgin
Mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

(video) Sam Robson: ‘Be Thou My Vision’ Hymn – SOLO 4-PART Acapella Arrangement

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty gain,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.

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Be Thou My Vision Hymn – Acapella Arrangement

Published on Jun 13, 2013

Purchase the score direct from
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A reworking of a beautiful hymn that I had done in 6 parts. Upon reworking it I found that 4 parts suited it better.

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Or want learning tracks for any arrangements you hear on this channel.
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(video) Sam Robson: ‘I Need Thee O I Need Thee’ – SOLO, 9-PART Acapella Arrangement

I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.
I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby;
Temptations lose their power when Thou art nigh.

I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide, or life is in vain.
I need Thee every hour, most Holy One;
O make me Thine indeed, Thou blessèd Son.

I need Thee, O I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

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I Need Thee O I Need Thee – Acapella Arrangement

Published on May 4, 2013

Purchase the score direct from
Patreon Page:
As my previous Hymn arrangement “It Is Well With My Soul” went down so well, I decided to do another choral style arrangement.

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Or want learning tracks for any arrangements you hear on this channel.
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I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.
I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby;
Temptations lose their power when Thou art nigh.

I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide, or life is in vain.
I need Thee every hour, most Holy One;
O make me Thine indeed, Thou blessèd Son.

I need Thee, O I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

(video) Sam Robson’s Hymn Album!!!

Hymn Album!!!

Published on Jun 25, 2015

I think I said “copy” 3 times in a matter of 30 seconds!……

(video) Sam Robson: ‘The Hunchback of Notre-Dame’ / ‘Out There’ – SOLO, MULTI-part Acapella Arrangement

A song of GREAT compassion!

Please watch in FULL SCREEN — action packed — only 3 minutes!

Compare to: (video) Ringmasters: ‘Notre Dame’ Medley

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Safe behind these windows and these parapets of stone
Gazing at the people down below me
All my life I watch them as I hide up here alone
Hungry for the histories they show me
All my life I memorize their faces
Knowing them as they will never know me
All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day
Not above them
But part of them

And out there
Living in the sun
Give me one day out there
All I ask is one
To hold forever

Out there
Where they all live unaware
What I’d give
What I’d dare
Just to live one day out there

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The Hunchback of Notre-Dame – Out There – Acapella Arrangement

Published on Sep 29, 2016

What can I say, the song hit me in the feels the minute I heard it, and to be honest with you I wanted to know what it would feel like to sing such an incredible melody.

Hope you like it folks.
Lots of love to all of you

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Or want learning tracks/sheet music for any arrangements you hear on this channel.

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Safe behind these windows and these parapets of stone
Gazing at the people down below me
All my life I watch them as I hide up here alone
Hungry for the histories they show me
All my life I memorize their faces
Knowing them as they will never know me
All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day
Not above them
But part of them

And out there
Living in the sun
Give me one day out there
All I ask is one
To hold forever

Out there
Where they all live unaware
What I’d give
What I’d dare
Just to live one day out there

Out there among the millers and the weavers and their wives
Through the roofs and gables I can see them
Ev’ry day they shout and scold and go about their lives
Heedless of the gift it is to be them
If I was in their skin
I’d treasure ev’ry instant

Out there
Strolling by the Seine
Taste a morning out there
Like ordinary men
Who freely walk about there
Just one day and then
I swear I’ll be content
With my share
Won’t resent
Won’t despair
Old and bent
I won’t care
I’ll have spent
One day
Out there

(video) Sam Robson: ‘Hercules – Go The Distance’ – SOLO, Multi-part, Acapella Arrangement!

Well, I didn’t cry like I did with Sam’s ‘O Holy Night,’ but this is !!!!!!!WoW!!!!!!! in an EXPANDED, dramatic and GARGANTUAN way!

I can’t imagine how much work this was.

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Hercules – Go The Distance – Acapella Arrangement!

Published on Jan 27, 2017

This my first Disney arrangement done on request. I couldn’t help but notice a few threads suggesting this one in the comments section and as I am already familiar with this song and it’s awesomeness, I decided to give it a go!

I feel it’s fair to mention fair use as have not straight up copied any visuals without applying my own creative spin to it.


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Or want learning tracks/sheet music for any arrangements you hear on this channel.

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I have often dreamed of a far off place
Where a great warm welcome will be waiting for me
Where the crowds will cheer when they see my face
And a voice keeps saying this is where I’m meant to be

I will find my way, I can go the distance
I’ll be there someday if I can be strong
I know every mile will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere to feel like I belong

I am on my way – I can go the distance
I don’t care how far – Somehow I’ll be strong
I know every mile will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere to find where I belong

I will beat the odds – I can go the distance
I will face the world – fearless proud and strong
I will please the Gods – I can go the distance
Till I find my hero’s, welcome right where I belong

(video) Sam Robson: ‘O Holy Night’ – SOLO 8-PART Acapella Arrangement!

!!!!!!!WoW!!!!!!! Sam sings 6 & 8-part harmony starting at 50 second mark!

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Truly He taught us to  love  one another, 
His law is love and His gospel is peace. 
Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother. 
And in his name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With ALL our  hearts  we praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
• • •

2003 Mountain Paragliding

My first time solo paragliding off a mountain near Ashland, Oregon in 2003, under the expert guidance of Kevin Lee!

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Early Nikon digital compact

(video) ‘Dirty Jobs’ Host, Mike Rowe Harmonizes in ‘Forefront’ Quartet

Related: Mike Rowe accepts Lifetime Membership award from Barbershop Harmony Society (with Emmanuel Roll from ‘The Ringmasters’)

Forefront – Sweet and Lovely (feat. Mike Rowe)

Published on Jul 10, 2017

Our newest Honorary Lifetime Member Mike Rowe isn’t going to just accept his award without singing! He shows our 2016 International Quartet Champion Forefront how it’s done…

Follow Mike Rowe here!…


(photo) Wisconsin Lutheran Choir Inspires Anchorage Alaska

A WELS Lutheran college choir that a relative sings in inspired me this summer! Since then, I’ve posted many vocal harmony videos in my MUSIC Videos That Matter category. During high school, I played trumpet, but regret now that I didn’t do anything vocal except just me and my guitar.

I attended Wisconsin Synod Lutheran (WELS) schools K-12, and was particularly blessed by hearing the lyrics of these two songs during this concert:

(video) GEICO Takes on BIG PHARMA – WoW! – Boyz II Men: ‘Side Effects’

GEICO standing up to BIG PHARMA? WoW!

TalmudVision (TV) in the USA — one of the few countries that allows Big Pharma drug ads, which I’ve heard may no longer be required to include the crucial, side-effects disclaimers — beautifully amplified here 🙂

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Boyz II Men: Side Effects – GEICO


Anchorage’s Fish Creek – Mysterious Journey Revealed

While admiring from Anchorage’s Coastal Trail the s-curves of a waterway that flows into Cook Inlet, I asked a nearby bicyclist if he knew more about this. Did he ever!

Bob told me how he personally tracked the little known, Fish Creek to its headwaters and documented its fascinating journey that is often hidden. He sent me the links to his meticulous research, and gave me permission to share.

A Beautiful Summer’s Day

Less than a mile from our house:

Paddlers on DeLong Lake, Anchorage, Alaska

June 1, 2017

Panasonic LX-100

Seward to Alyeska – Alaskaman Extreme Triathlon: 2.67-mile swim, 113.5-mile bike, 27.5-mile run – photos & videos

I know Amber Stull, who finished 4th among women!

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With a total gain of 10,100′ between the bike and run courses and an average water temp of 53°F, Alaskaman is one of the most challenging extreme triathlons on Earth. (source)

The Alaskaman — the first race of its kind in the United States, according to race officials — featured a 2.67 mile swim in frigid Resurrection Bay in Seward, a 113.5-mile bike along the Seward Highway and a 27.5-mile run, capped with two trips up Alyeska. It was nearly 4 p.m. when Fast finished a race that started at 4:30 a.m.



2017 Alaskaman Extreme Triathlon Highlights PHOTOS

Alaskaman Extreme Triathlon 2017 PHOTOS

Amber Stull crosses the finish line VIDEO


1) Andrew Fast, Salt Lake City, 11 hours, 18 minutes, 29 seconds; 2) Danny Dvinov, Oakland, Calif., 11:37:41; 3) Daniel Folmar, Anchorage, 12:24:20; 4) Chris Knight, Dubai, 12:28:38; 5) Adam Feigh, Lexington, S.C., 12:40:39; 6) Morgan Chaffin, Elkhorn, Neb., 12:47:50 (women’s champion); 7) Leonardo Mello, San Paulo, Brazil, 12:56:18; 8, T.J. Thrasher, Steamboat Springs, Colo., 12:59:02; 9) Christopher Scott, Dubai, 13:01:22; 10) Linday Ludlow, Dallas, Texas, 13:08:44 (2nd-place woman); 11) Conor Deal, Anchorage, 13:12:43; 12) Mackie Derrick, Anchorage, 13:20:59; 13) Tyson Flaherty, Fairbanks, 13:24:51; 14) Addison Nuding, San Francisco, 13:24:51; 15) Patrick Miller, Hood River, Ore., 13:37:37; 16) Chad Albright, Roanoke, Va., 13:43:26; 17) Sebastian Lopez, Bay City, Texas, 13:46:09; 18) Fernando Lopez, Houston, Texas, 13:47:09; 19) John Bursell, Juneau, 13:49:42; 20) Philip Sanchez, San Francisco, 13:58:15; 21) John Livezey, Newton Square, Penn., 14:05:21; 22) Jimi Young, Dewitt, Mich., 14:07:10; 23) Jesse Schroeder, Carrington, N.D., 14:08:36; 24) Shannon Titzel, Anchorage, 14:12:13 (3rd-place woman); 25) Taryn Spates, Granada Hills, Calif., 14:14:01; 26) Amber Stull, Anchorage, 14:15:02; 27) Pasi Pentikainen, Finland, 14:18:18; 28) Barry Middleton, Scotland, 14:19:45; 29) Tyler Guggemos, Dewitt, Mich., 14:23:28; 30) John French, Roswell, Georgia, 14:27:01; 31) Anthony Beeson, Long Tree, Colo., 14:28:34; 32) John Kelly, Worcester, Mass., 14:31:32; 33) Nicholas Ponsor, Colorado Springs, Colo., 14:35:15; 34) James Lawrence, Orem, Utah, 14:36:22; 35) Andrew Dougherty, Anchorage, 14:36:22; 35) James Lawrence, Orem, Utah, 14:37:49; 36) James Snipe, Lisbon, Maine, 14:47:58 …

(video) ‘The magic of the Northern Lights’ – CBS Sunday Morning

The most worshipful, natural experience that we’re incredibly blessed with in Alaska!

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The magic of the Northern Lights

Published on Apr 19, 2015

In the high latitudes of Alaska, the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, are a light show like no other. Lee Cowan travels to Fairbanks to witness the magical, even spiritual experience that viewing these extraordinary phenomena can be, and talks with photographer Ronn Murray about capturing the Aurora.

(video) Fly over the new St. Croix River Bridge – Stillwater MN


(1 min tourist video) “Scotland. A Spirit of its Own”

This aired while I was watching the Scottish Open golf tournament today. I visited there years ago, shortly after watching ‘Braveheart,’ to get a feel for this land — driving on the left side of the road. Some of the landscape is similar to Alaska.

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Scotland. A Spirit of its own: Spirit Waves

Published on Feb 9, 2016

Scotland has a spirit of its own. It’s not something you can put in words, but its presence is undeniable. It imbues everything from our majestic landscapes and great cities, to our proud heritage and the warmth of our people.

Come and discover it for yourself at…

(video) Zero8 Chorus: ‘It Is Well with My Soul’

Ringmasters’ Rasmus Krigstršm (Krigstrom) conducts and Emanuel Roll is in choir:

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It Is Well with My Soul – at Guest Night

Published on Oct 19, 2015

(video) Zero8 Chorus: ‘Amazing Grace’

Ringmasters’ baritone, Emanuel Roll sings solo.

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Amazing Grace – Moscow Easter Festival 2015

Published on Oct 14, 2015

Amazing Grace is arguably one of the most recognisable songs in the English-speaking world. This version was arranged for us by our very own Doug Harrington with the help of Rasmus Krigström. This recording is from a concert held in the “Church of the Presentation of the Holy Mother and Peter and Paul” in Moscow in the beginning of May of 2015.

Doug admits that arranging a song with such dignity and that already has been done in countless different versions was a hard task. The inspiration for this arrangement came from visioning what it would be like to ascend to heaven.

Soloists are Emanuel Roll, Mattias Larsson and Hritul Karim.

Books VS eBooks — Books still have advantages

One of the problems with ebooks…

Also, I’ve heard Kindle can change the content or delete ebooks even after they’re downloaded.

And books can be highlighted and written on.

(video) Ringmasters: Notre Dame Medley – 2017 Bristol, England

I love this song: the performance and its message!

Audio is better in this one.

Ringmasters — Notre Dame Medley

Published on May 15, 2017

Swedish barbershop quartet Ringmasters perform at our ‘Ringmasters (& The Great Western Chorus) Live in Bristol’ show.

Ringmasters (& The Great Western Chorus) Live in Bristol
Presented by The Great Western Chorus of Bristol


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