Exceptionally wise and pertinent words to overcome during these deceptive last days!


“The deception in these last days is overwhelming.”

“The enemy’s … primary weapon is subtle deception. He comes at us with carefully crafted arguments that stir up our emotions, and he often mixes in a little truth into the lies he promotes, causing us to question our God-given instinct. He comes back again and again until we are offended and angry. He knows that an offended person has compromised judgment.”

“The media has become the most powerful vehicle of lies, evil and confusion of our time. … And if you disagree with them you become ridiculed, hated, slandered.”

“We must stop and question the information being planted in our hearts and minds. We must each investigate the other side of the story.”

Romans 16:18 “By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.” BSB

The Bible says numerous times “take heed that no one deceives you.”

“If we are moved by feelings and feed on lies how are we to discern the truth” as the delusion increases with more serious birth pain events?

We should ask ourselves in humility:
• Have I been siding with evil?
• Do I really want to know the truth?
• Am I offended?
• Has my heart been hardened?
• Has my love gone cold?

“Anything else should be questioned. This [lays his hand on the Bible] is God’s truth.”


Bill Wiese – Are We Believing Lies?

Dec 16, 2020

Bill Wiese

Now is a time for self-examination in the light of God’s Word. So many are being led by feelings instead of Godly discernment concerning the events in this nation. We must stop and question the information we are hearing.

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