I realize that I haven’t posted much at JeffFenske lately, but this will someday change — especially when I get enough guts to do my own videos.
Just so you know, I haven’t been slacking: at my three sites, ToBeFree, ONEcanhappen and JeffFenske, I have now posted 5600 posts and have more than 900,000 hits.
My original work, Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? is still number one in Google if you type in <who goes to heaven>. It’s been up almost 3.5 years and no one can refute it. It’s conclusive proof, yet pastors are still reluctant to preach it so revival can come (which is just real-Christianity). Hmmm. What’s up?!!
It’s like I posted [Lying and Cover-up — Obama is done. Biden will soon be President] Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama’s True Origins, thinking surely this revelation would be the end of Obama — the evidence of the faked birth certificate is so conclusive — but things continue business as usual.
It’s like most are really living in The Matrix. Who would have thought…?
I’m currently writing a third article on Who Goes to Heaven (the second was Who are the Children of God?), which I included in the first. A reader asked me about Jesus’ Parable of the Talents, regarding whether we have to do something to go to heaven. I should be posting this fairly comprehensive article fairly soon at ONEcanhappen.
I do what I do to help set people free. Getting almost 1 million hits is nice, but some sites get 1 million hits per day. I won’t stop until ONE, Jesus prayer for us in John 17 really happens. Then the world will know.
May we be ONE in Christ — free from The Matrix — living in reality!
If there is anything you can do to help ONE happen, please…?
Pretty please…?
Sometimes I feel like a lone voice crying in the wilderness.
Jeff : )
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