Personal Blog

Update from Jeff, 5/12 — and Rich’s amazing response! (see comments)


Rich asked me how I’m doing, so I thought I’d just write an update to everyone.

We’ve been busy moving at work. Thankfully, it’s almost done. We painted parts of our original, now remodeled cargo building, today.

I did take some photos during the move, including the eagles (one is sitting on the nest), but I haven’t had a chance yet to work on them and get them online. I’m still posting and writing at ToBeFree and ONEcanhappen. I was thinking of cutting back at ToBeFree, to free up time for other things, but I still feel compelled to help people see what’s really going on. Most people just don’t get it, yet. I’m particularly concerned about the evangelicals who still think the Republican party isn’t one of the two parties leading us into the one-world government. It’s so obvious, but the disinfo from FOX News, etc., is so thick, which is why I have 245 Media Bias Exposed posts so far. Lying and deception by politicians and the media on both sides is a pandemic. But they’re largely succeeding because lying is also an epidemic in the ‘church.

The ‘church’ is no longer salt and light. And they’re blaming the homosexuals, especially, but they, themselves are the root of the problem: The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? Homosexuality is a result of a fallen church. And now we have homosexuals ruling us, including in the Republican party. I spent a lot of time researching this, and have posts almost ready to go, but have lost enthusiasm at this point. Maybe one of these days I’ll post them. Republicans need to know they’ve been had by the Skull and Bones Bush family, for example. It’s really bad. They pulled the wool over many Americans who thought George W. was really a Christian.

And now we have Sarah Palin, who is so disappointing. I’m embarrassed for our local ‘Christian’ community here who didn’t teach her about the globalist agenda, which she is playing into, having been vetted by Henry Kissinger. People need to know what’s going on. So I now have 38 Sarah Palin posts.

Good News

I’m convinced that as America falls the true church will arise. And we’ll be strong. And nothing can keep us from the love of God — which will help us get through whatever is now coming.

I’m also very excited about the photographic potential. It’s never been better. I’ve been thinking lately how we can just now make these gorgeous images, and it’s too bad that we can’t just live in beautiful art, living out the rest of our lives in peace and harmony with each other. The good news in this regard is that as the world gets darker our art can shine so much brighter — and bring hope to many. That is my goal.

I am so excited about Nik software. I can now do what I need to without having to be geek gifted. I’ve probably attended 30 Nik webinars. Dan Hughes’ Daily Webinars are free, and anyone can attend. I’m a big fan of Dan’s teaching, this method of learning, and of course the software that I just discovered about 2 months ago!

And the CS5 upgrade has finally fixed my longstanding and very serious color fade-out problem that the latest Mac OS introduced into my life, so thankfully I’ll be able to use Photoshop again, which is definitely the best way to use the Nik plug-ins.

I bought an almost $2,000 print: my favorite, Elizabeth Carmel print (20 x 30 inch). It should be arriving in a couple of days. Since I was able to keep my job, I decided to go for it. My goal is also to make big prints. I met Elizabeth, visiting her gallery exactly 1 year ago. This video gives a vague idea of what it’s like, but it moves too fast and it’s just too fuzzy.


My 24-inch printer still isn’t up and running. I got it last May, earlier than I expected to use it because of the tremendous rebate. But I didn’t think it would take this long. I now really have no excuses not to fire it up and start cranking out prints. The only main thing obstacle that remains is work space. I need to do some serious cleaning house, literally, and this is not my forté. So I could use prayer in this area, you all!

And I need to get at least one of my flower images online, so people can see my style. I’ve kept them under wraps, partly because I didn’t have sufficient software skills yet; though, many of the images don’t need much tweaking (but my expectations are really high). I really needed Nik.

I’ve been also concerned about people stealing my fine-art images and using them for commercial purposes. I don’t mind people downloading anything I have online as long as they’re used for personal use, but I’m hoping my fine-art images will be my livelihood, and I need to be careful, especially now that CS5, this latest version of Photoshop can clone out copyright data and watermarks.

So I’m glad I waited, but now that everything is a green light for me we have the advent of our photography season here in Alaska. There is still some snow in places in Anchorage, but the trees are budding, and they’ll soon have this beautiful green color which I consider the start of my shooting season.

I have weeks of vacation coming up in which I plan on shooting some landscapes as well as flowers. I’ll try to keep you all somewhat up to date in this blog. And the more questions you ask (thank you so much, Rich!), the better I’ll do in this regard.

I should also share some things about health. I think there will come a day when those of us who want to be will be so close to God (right with each other is a big criteria) that everyone will be physically healed of everything. I really think we’ll see this: …The Coming Healing Revival. But in the meantime, it’s wise to do what we can to take care of ourselves naturally. And the tougher the times are the more we need good health.

Rich didn’t ask me to do this, but I need to thank him for helping me out so much in this regard. First, he’s a great chiropractor, no doubt, but I needed even more so what those on his team provide. I’ve had some work injuries that just don’t go away by themselves. And I can tell you with absolute certainty that I’ve been spiritually attacked many times every day for many years. I have categories at ONEcanhappen and ToBeFree on ‘Christians’ Cursing People and People Cursing People, respectively. I know about this big-time from personal experience, etc.. I’m a survivor — and I believe we can all be thrivers no matter what comes our way. If we really did love all of our neighbors as ourselves, none of these dark forces could get inside. Isn’t that what we all want?

So I have many articles on forgiving, prayer, etc.. But the right kind of therapy can help greatly as well. The body gets stuck into various patterns, mentally and physically. At what I call “Rich’s healing center,” Shari Lee has helped me overcome the “muscle memory” issues — the body learned to protect itself, where it was injured, and then doesn’t often unlearn this once healing takes place. And Christine also helped me very much through her amazing deep-tissue massage techniques. She isn’t listed on Rich’s site, but I highly recommend her to people who live in Anchorage and really need to get physically unstuck from themselves. Just look up deep tissue massage.

And then once we get freed up, it’s important to stay freed up. For me, I have to walk in love, which absolutely involves loving even those who hate me — but actually like me more when they see I love in return. I’m still growing in this, no doubt.

And I’m also doing yoga. I found this really great DVD: A.M. Yoga for Your Week with Rodney Yee! For me, this is the ideal video. Rodney gives these little tips that are so important for getting full extension, like “lengthen the sides of your waist.” I’m only now understanding most of these very helpful pointers.

I totally disagree with theologians who are so anti-new-age everything. It’s just plain wrong to throw out the baby with the bathwater. By doing this, we not only throw out techniques that can help us, but we throw out these loving people as well. I just really don’t understand some evangelicals who really are so bigoted. May we be light and not so close minded in ways we shouldn’t be! Yikes! Where is the love??

The only thing I don’t like about the video is this lady’s singing, which is clearly dark-side fueled. But it’s not overpowering and often not heard. It’s very important to me that this doesn’t suffer from the low-cut-top epidemic, which apparently is a term that I coined. Check Google.

Overall, this is great stuff! But without getting freed up, first, from deep tissue massage (some Rolfing techniques included. Yes, it hurts, but “no pain, no gain” in deep tissue massage), I wouldn’t be doing probably even 1/4 as well.

Thank you, Rich, Shari Lee and Christine!!! I am so thankful! They could use some business, by the way: my impromptu photo of Dr. Rich and his healing center’s contact info. He is a great guy!

Okay, I might add some things during the next day or so, like I often do. But for now, let’s all walk in love, together!

Jeff : )


Wes Hall: Praise


Dumpster Transport


  1. Rich

    Its taken me a week to reply but I’m here nonetheless. Thanks so much for the kind words of my Staff and me, Jeff!! We are all glad your feeling better!!

    Its been a year and the walls in the clinic are still bare waiting for Jeff to print some photos and display in the office. I’ve been fortunate enough to see Jeff’s work, albeit on the back of the camera and I am anxiously awaiting to see it in a large format.

    So out of curiosity, how is the cleaning going? 😉

  2. Jeff Fenske


    How can I put this into words?

    The only way I can rightfully respond to your unflinching and so-kind support is to get ‘er done.

    I have some other major incentives too.

    I took a lot of flack from photographers about getting such a big printer, but I was mostly convinced I wanted to print big. Well, now that the above mentioned Elizabeth Carmel’s print is hanging on our wall (which actually measures 27 x 36 inches. I’ll be able to print 23 x 36+ inches), there is no longer any doubt at all. Her print sets the tone for the entire room. I’ll never wonder again.

    And what is the point in having a piece of art on the wall that we can’t see clearly from anywhere we’re positioned in the room? Small prints just can’t affect the room’s atmosphere sufficiently enough. Big prints rock!!! Big prints can set the tone for our lives!!!

    …which could also be true for your office too. I think you’ve had even a clearer vision for this than I have. But I’m getting it. I’m really excited!

    I do have one week of vacation starting today. And having spent most of every recent day at work, painting oil based (stinky) paints, often on my knees during this recent move, I’m thinking that cleaning and organizing the house can’t be so bad if it will allow me to do what I love — what can make so many smile throughout these difficult times ahead! I want my work to be a major source of fresh air.

    Plus, our job is apparently still very iffy….

    So I plan on doing what I don’t really want to do during this vacation. My dad was so good at uncluttering. Mom and I would want to hang onto things, and he would just say “fire it out.” And he was mostly right.

    And we just did a huge amount of “firing it out” at work too, during this downsizing move. I really could use prayer to do what is so uncomfortable for me to do. But mostly, I just need to do it — I’ll admit.

    So Rich, thanks so much for the incentive and continual encouragement, and I’ll just work at one print at a time. Big, to me, is where it’s at. But I’ll print smaller when I have to.

    Thanks so much!!!

    Jeff : )

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