Personal Blog

At the Monteith’s


Mom and myself with Dr. Stanley and Barbara Monteith
in their home above Santa Cruz
after a long weekend for Dr. Stan,
the 2004 Radio Liberty Conference


DR. STANLEY MONTEITH, Host of Radio Liberty, PASSES AWAY AT 85 — “Coming to you from the hills overlooking beautiful and picturesque Monterey Bay, bringing you the news behind the news, the story behind the story — hoping to convince you that reality is usually scoffed at and that illusion is usually king. But in the battle for survival for western civilization it’s going to be reality, and not illusion or delusion that will determine what the future will bring”




Dr. Stan


  1. Ari Goldberg

    I was one of the long-time call screeners for Dr. Stan at his home, and a friend and great admirer of him. Good to see you’re a fan too. Just stumbled on your site searching for something about Tertullian, and noticed some posts about Dr. Stan.

  2. Ari Goldberg

    By the way, I recorded nearly all of Dr. Stan’s radio programs, from about 2004 to 2014, and uploaded them to

    • Jeff Fenske

      Thank you for helping Dr. Stan while he was alive and still now in this special way!

      My site got moved, so my older posts are missing key things like the photo at his house above.

      I still have hundreds of cassette tapes and CDs from his shows. It’s great to see that you put up so many broadcasts, so they’re now accessible again! I’ll soon put up a post noting that here.

      I wonder if Dr. Stan would be shocked at how rapidly the US is becoming woke now, and what Biden is being allowed to get away with — the massive censorship, etc..

      He tried so hard to keep liberty going.

      Maybe he could have helped Alex Jones from getting so far off track had he still been alive.

      Thanks again for posting these Radio Liberty shows online!

      God bless!

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