Moose in our yard prior to sunrise
It’s all coming down on top of us.
Yet we can be more than conquerors
if we Love the Lord, our God with ALL of our heart,
and strength,
and our neighbors as ourselves —
no matter what comes down!!!
“It’s going to be ugly.”
Self-portrait, hand-held
(NOT Photoshopped)
Self-portrait, handheld
Turnagain Arm under a full moon
November 1st, 9 P.M.
(Sunset = 4:57 P.M.)
The little town of Hope, Alaska
Maxine Shines
A semi meets two cars
(with different color temperature lights)
November 7th
Same gigantic Redwood as below, four years earlier — mid-May 2005
Shot with film, drumscanned by Color Folio
Base of a Redwood rising >350 feet heavenward
Northern California
Related (though not the same tree):
Can you guess what this is?
First G11 photo
When a wing is generating lift it causes a vortex to form at each wingtip, and sometimes also at the tip of each wing flap. These wingtip vortices persist in the atmosphere long after the aircraft has passed. The reduction in pressure and temperature across each vortex can cause water to condense and make the cores of the wingtip vortices visible. This effect is more common on humid days. Wingtip vortices can sometimes be seen behind the wing flaps of airliners during takeoff and landing…. (source)
Wingtip Vortices During Take-off at Anchorage International
Close-up Left
Close-up Right
© Jeff Fenske
Jody and Marge saying Goodbye to NWA
© Jeff Fenske
© Jeff Fenske
© Jeff Fenske
© Jeff Fenske
Facing North
Atlas Air > Alaska Air Smiling Face > We’re going to Disneyland!
B-Concourse has a face-lift
with brand new marble floor tiles
(Intentionally underexposed)
Facing South
Chugach Mountains Begin
B-Concourse has a face-lift
with brand new marble floor tiles
(Intentionally underexposed)
Facing West
My old stomping grounds
B-Concourse has a face-lift
with brand new marble floor tiles
My interpretation:
Intentionally underexposed
Hand-held self-portrait
Distortion thanks to the widest of wide-angle lenses
© Jeff Fenske
Robert starts his day. Great to see him back!!!
I almost totally lost this photo (and the few others that I really like from this gorgeous and magical fall-in-Alaska day in which I listened to Gordon Lightfoot’s Don Quixote CD while driving—and singing…. What a breath of fresh air that reminded me of the adventures with my high school friend who is no longer with us. We almost always played Gordon) due to my first major computer download misstep, which also affected the photos of the next day. Ouch! But thankfully I had saved the best images elsewhere.
Where is the sky? We’re supposed to be seeing a light blue sky with thin whispy clouds, which some of its less-exposed brothers and sisters have, which I mistakenly didn’t download before erasing them. Cry, cry. I did save a nearby uncle though, which has the sky. So thanks to miracle of Photoshop, someday this photo should become a complete image with sky.
[photo removed:
I discovering a way to retrieve the sky data from the RAW photo.
The symphony may be able to be finished after all!]
September 14th
Little Susitna River
© Jeff Fenske
Richard brings in China under a more distant Anchorage International control tower
Canon G10 – 9/25/09
I had been meaning to try this all summer. I figured this may be the last full moon before the snow falls at this elevation. And the sky was clear.
I had seen this done mainly by just one photographer in the lower-48, but I wasn’t sure if he had altered the color balance in Photoshop. But then I read in a book that moonlight is basically reflected sunlight, so it should be the same color temperature as daylight if exposed at the same brightness.
I started shooting about 4 hours before sunrise. All I could see was black and white, the eyes’ rods and cones only operating. The wind was constantly blowing, gusting to about 30 mph. I clicked a shot and was totally surprised as I looked in the camera’s monitor.
Sure enough, the sky was blue — Yes! But then to my amazement, I had no idea that all around me were vibrant, fall colors! I knew the climate 3,000 feet above Anchorage is quite different, but I hadn’t anticipated this. Wow!!!
Though it looks like daylight, this was absolutely shot on a moonlit night, a little less than 3 days after the full moon. The white dots are all stars, and perhaps a planet as well. Some of the photos show what I think are satellite trails, which I may post later. Apparently there are less stars visible on the right because the moon is more brightly illuminating the right side, as it’s not far to the right of this view.
September 7th 4 AM
Powerline Pass near Flattop Mountain
Official sunrise/sunset times for Anchorage, Alaska, Sep. 7th:
7:07 AM & 8:46 PM
Daylight white balance, so this is how it would also look shot with daylight film
Canon 5D Mark II with medium wide-angle lens
very windy
© Jeff Fenske
Above Winner Creek
(super-wide-angle lens)
I’ve had the privilege of working with (and in this case for) some incredible people,
and Steve is definitely remarkable!
Here he painstakingly puts finishing touches on Kelly’s truck,
which he and I “built up” on a 20-footer.
© Jeff Fenske
© Jeff Fenske
Self-portrait, 9/12/09
The convex shape of the mirror gives this somewhat distorted view
© Jeff Fenske
Hand-held self-portrait —
dimensions stretched by super-wide-angle lens
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