As a senior in high school (St. Croix Lutheran in W. St. Paul, MN) in the ’70s, I realized I couldn’t love people fully enough, and that I needed God’s help to do it. I didn’t know if Christianity was the right religion, because Lutheranism hadn’t done it for me, or from what I could see in those around me. So I decided to research every religion until I found the right one. I started by reading the Bible for myself, starting with the Book of Acts.
When I read this story about Paul and Silas being thrown into prison — being beaten, yet they still worshiped with their whole being, God filling them so fully — I realized they had it.
And I’ve never needed to look anywhere else, but have been frustrated by how sub-biblical Christianity mostly is today.
Anyway, these are highlights of this article, 4 Ways to Quiet Your Spirit Before God, by Steve Hill:
Remember when Paul and Silas were in prison? They were not only chained; they had also been severely beaten. Most likely their prison cell was infested with rats, and diseases were rampant.
I can imagine Paul looking at the burns on his hands from the chains and the cuts all over his body. He and Silas were hurting, and their lives were in jeopardy. But what did they do? Instead of getting depressed and complaining, they began to praise God.
I can just hear them lifting their voices to God in praise in the midst of their desperation, saying, “We worship You, Lord. We worship You, Jesus. Thank You for Your presence. Thank You for Your strength. We love You, Lord.”
It caught the attention of heaven, and God sent an earthquake to deliver them!
I must use the story of Jesus in the garden during His passion as the example of aligning ourselves to God’s will. …
But something else happened to Jesus in the garden after He prayed. Notice the next verse: “An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him” (v. 43). My friend, this is so powerful. Always remember that after Jesus resigned Himself to God’s will, the angels strengthened Him.
And so it is with you. It’s after you resign yourself to God’s will that the angels will come and strengthen you!
Here is where so many miss it. They allow their present situation to dictate everything that’s going on around them. Instead, you must learn to relax and say, “This is a season, and it is going to pass. It’s going to bring the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Some good is going to come out of this.”
Isaiah 30:15 tells us why it’s so important to learn how to quiet our spirits: “In quietness and trust is your strength” (NIV). It doesn’t get much clearer than that.
Quieting your spirit will help you navigate through the storms of life no matter what you are going through and no matter what’s happening in the world around you. It’s an art and a spiritual discipline that will change your life and help set the course for your future as it has mine. Why not begin today?
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