Author: Jeff Fenske Page 8 of 54
“There’s a study that I found pretty exciting. They said the part of your brain that you get anxiety from is the same part of your brain that has gratitude.
You can’t be grateful and anxious at the same time. So then in the Bible, where it goes: instead of being anxious, be grateful, it’s so crazy to think that they were calling out legitimate things that scientists have found out.”
I definitely don’t agree with Michael Brown on ‘Christian’ Zionism*, and he’s been too loose on salvation. But this is mostly good, after he gets going. My first comment below corrects one thing he said.
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Michael Brown starts this statement by quoting Romans 6:1-2:
“‘What shall we say then, SHALL WE GO ON SINNING so that grace may increase? BY NO MEANS! We died to sin. HOW CAN WE LIVE IN IT ANY LONGER?’
OH! THIS IS A SPIRITUAL REALITY. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A SLAVE TO SIN. In Jesus, you don’t have to be a slave to sin. It’s a lie. It’s a lie that your mind is telling you. It’s a lie that church tradition has told you. It’s a lie that the world tells you. It’s a lie that the Devil himself tells you. In Jesus, you know longer have to be a slave to sin.”
Palestinian family heading to the Church of The Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.
No fancy equipment, just a chair and the commitment to a healthier you!
Strengthen your core, improve posture, and embrace the chair as your fitness ally.
My Alaska NOHATE ’95 Eagle Talon
Who Would Jesus Bomb?
Love your neighbor pre-emptively
Jesus Wept
If we don’t change directions we’ll end up where we’re going
I’m for the Separation of Church & Hate
God Bless All Nations
Perfect Love Casteth Out All Fear— Jeff Fenske (@JeffFenske) November 21, 2023
And when we present unequivocal proof, they refuse to look at it — as if they’ll somehow be better off continuing to live in deception — choosing false reality over truth.
Those who are led by the Holy Spirit are the sons of God. That’s where LIFE is, FREE from bondage!
Related: Gotta Serve Somebody – Bob Dylan | Karaoke Version
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‘It may be the Devil or it might be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody’
You may be a construction worker workin’ on a home
Might be livin’ in a mansion, you might live in a dome
You may own guns and you may even own tanks
You may be somebody’s landlord, you may even own banks
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody (serve somebody)
Yes, you’re gonna have to serve somebody (serve somebody)
Well, it may be the Devil or it might be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody (serve somebody)
Nice little intro video from Fuji, showcasing their new lens line!
Equivalent to the Canon 24mm TS-E field of view on a full frame, Keith’s previous, favorite lens.
Related: Keith’s first impressions video
“War does not determine who is right — only who is left.”
– Bertrand Russell
Decisions become easier when your will to please God outweighs your will to please the world.
Knots in muscles can impede blood flow.
Work them out with a lacrosse or soft ball, or other methods shown here.
“PRIDE goes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a FALL.”
– Proverbs 16:18
The music video features images of legacy rock stars including Gene Simmons of KISS, Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones, and Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters among others. The images of legacy acts are accompanied by previous headlines and quotes from the performers as they threw support behind government mandates, performed shows exclusively for the vaccinated, and shunned fans who questioned government mandates.
“Well there ain’t no rock and roll / Ever since they sold out Rolling Stone,” Skistimas sings. “All the words that were sung in the past / Will never feel the same when we’re looking back.”
The rebellious anthem also throws criticism towards the Woodstock generation as Skistimas declares, “There ain’t no peace and love / Ever since the sixties kids grew up.” …
“The blues has lost its soul / All the punks gave the man control / And every pop star’s bought and sold,” Skistimas sings.
Five Times August also criticizes Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell, whose songs famously discussed civil rights, corporatism, and featured anti-war sentiments, saying “no one stuck around for their protest job.” (story)
POP from CA had an abusive father. According to Pop, his mother protected him from his father and he is having a hard time with the concept of forgiving his father.
Ron Wyatt was an anesthesiologist who self-financed his archeological explorations (not “love of money” driven!) in which he found Noah’s ark, the Red Sea crossing, Mt. Sinai, Sodom and Gomorra and the ark of the covenant.
I’ve known about these discoveries for 30 years, and am baffled that three decades later, most Christians still don’t know of these findings.
Why don’t people care enough to share these videos with everyone??
I just posted this on Facebook.
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Friend in real life, Larry Austin graciously hosted this Farewell to Dan Fagan party.
I’m in the VITAMIN D SHIRT (since I called into Dan’s show talking about D), and MOM is wearing my TRUTH MATTERS shirt. Larry bought us all pizza to compel people to come. How WONDERFUL!
Larry and I have stayed in touch since. I consider those of us in Anchorage to be extremely blessed to have a real-life peacemaker as an ambassador of God operating in his gift here.
Jesus said: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”
Thank you, Larry!
I WILL love you Lord
with ALL my heart
with ALL my soul
with ALL my mind
and with ALL my strength
I’ve posted this fact for years, but I like the way Joe says it.
Mind boggling!
“There’s a hundred billion stars in this galaxy alone. There’s hundreds of billions of galaxies in the known universe.” – Joe Rogan #2037
Our sun is an average sized star, and the hundreds of billion galaxies each have an average of 100 billion stars (suns)!
‘It’s all created from nothing; no designer — by chance’ — children are taught in public education.
The Bible:
…that which is known by God is revealed in [men], for God revealed it to them. For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse. – Romans 1:18-20
In comments, flat earthers again try to claim that a fisheye lens was used to cause the curvature, but none were fish-eye lenses.
My Comment — how we know for sure it’s NOT A FISHEYE: At 20:24, the earth’s surface is near the middle of the lens, where fisheye lenses do NOT bend lines. All of the aircraft’s lines are straight, including the lower-right corner, where a fisheye lens would have radically bent them. Also, the earth’s horizon’s curvature is the same no matter where its placed in the frame. There are many different placements of the horizon in this video.
2:50 The plane flew above above 70,000 feet.
16:00 What it was like when Blair saw the curvature of the Earth.
Eight years of discussions. Six months of training. Two days of final preparations. Much was required to give photographer Blair Bunting two hours at the edge of Earth’s atmosphere to conduct the first-ever photo shoot at near-space where he captured images that have never been made before and will likely never be made again. Join us on this incredible adventure!
Read the PetaPixel’s detailed feature:…
More photos, videos, and stories:
Directed by Chris Niccolls and Jordan Drake
Video should start at 20:24