— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) December 1, 2023
Author: Jeff Fenske Page 7 of 54
It never was “my life,” but I worked for NWA starting in 1979 for 33 years — including a few at the end with Delta, after they bought us out, and then farmed out our jobs to a third party company.
I’m thankful for the great and unique experiences, and the ability to see the world!
.@TuckerCarlson on 9/11: “It is not crazy to ask ‘How did those buildings collapse in the way that they did? Particularly the building that was not hit by a plane—like what was that?’” pic.twitter.com/V4ZRQeXZoj
— Ben Swann (@BenSwann_) December 15, 2023
During an interview with Alex Stein, Tucker Carlson wonders why there is no conversation about alternative theories about what happened on 9/11.
“Any time people who ask questions are denounced as immoral for asking, you are almost certainly dealing with liars, there is almost certainly a crime they are hiding. Why else would they be attacking you for asking an obvious question. How did Building 7 fall down? It doesn’t make me crazy for asking, and it makes you a liar if you’re attacking me for asking,” Tucker Carlson said.
You can watch the full interview below:
Ben Swann:
“So true. The degradation of strong men in our society isn’t coincidental, it’s strategic.”
Steven Ben-Nun recently said that 50% of Palestinians are Jews.
We also know that the majority of Israelis are not Judaics, not Semites: DNA Study: Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ Not Semitic, but Turkish Origin
Scott Horton says: when Jerusalem was sacked in AD 70, the Judaics stayed in the region, and later converted to Islam.
Rick Wiles from TruNews
“It’s truly evil to try to create hatred, to try to make entire populations hate other populations.” – Alison Weir If Americans Knew
Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson defeated RADICAL leftist Forest Dunbar in 2021 by only 1.3%. Bronson was able to ride on his no-lockdown and no-mask-mandate position during Covid. [Afterward, Anchorage Assembly masked citizens again anyway, taking away mayoral powers that RADICAL leftist Mayor Quinn-Davidson had, and also Mayor Berkowitz.]
All of what’s shown below has happened since, which will be weaponized against Dave in ad after ad.
On top of that, the liberal press has continually blamed Dave only for the homeless problem and deaths, and many residents are upset with Dave’s headship of the snow removal street issues.
Nonetheless, Dave is still running, which seems to me will guarantee a leftist winning in 2024. Dave needs to do the right thing, please.
Key articles below tell the Amy/Dave story.
NOTE: both Amy and Dave are openly Baptists. The Apostle Paul says “Christians” are not supposed to sue Christians in secular courts (1 Cor. 6:1-8). The main problem in America is a lack of REAL Christianity. The main solution is REAL Christianity, which can start in Anchorage — Jesus’ prayer fulfilled in John 17 and His clearly stated goal in Ephesians 4:11-16!
My analysis of Jack Hibbs message: That You May Know – A
Parents teaching their children to be good because Santa knows if they’re good or bad is idolatry, teaching children to be good for Santa instead of God, the Creator of the universe. And Santa is a type of Satan, with his elves (demons). He has God-like characteristics. Lying to children is wrong.
Please don’t tell your children fables. Santa then becomes a type of god to them, whom they hold dearly. And when they finally learn he’s fake….
This is Howard Pittman, a BAPTIST PASTOR whom I often mention when talking about how FEW are GOING TO HEAVEN now. In 1979, he DIED in the ambulance on his way to the hospital. At the gates of heaven, the angels told him he HADN’T MADE JESUS LORD. He had served self, so couldn’t enter, and that only 2.5% were entering heaven then, 44 years ago. Imagine how much lower the percentage is today. THIS IS SERIOUS!
How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many Find the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%!?!!
In Anchorage, UPS has run out of trucks, so they’re delivering packages with U-Hauls.
The UPS driver told me FedEx has run out of vehicles too, and is driving Enterprise vehicles to deliver packages. People aren’t shopping locally anymore, becoming recluses?
Not a good sign.
Very important 3 minutes!
‘Fair and Balanced’ Fox News, the war channel for evangelicals will NEVER cover this.
Obey the Holy Spirit, you all, please? God’s heart matters!
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MAX BLUMENTHAL: ‘The Israeli military shelled homes in Kibbutz Be’eri with tanks under orders from the top, as one Kibbutz security coordinator named Tuval Escapa put it, to shell the homes on top of their occupants, even if they were Israeli’
Clip also on Facebook
MAX BLUMENTHAL: 'The Israeli military shelled homes in Kibbutz Be'eri with tanks under orders from the top, as one Kibbutz security coordinator named Tuval Escapa put it, to shell the homes on top of their occupants, even if they were Israeli'
WATCH: https://t.co/616rhGwWBd… pic.twitter.com/CMB7IPRIab
— Going Underground (@GUnderground_TV) November 18, 2023
One of the many Hebrew language viral videos featuring Israelis in blackface mocking Palestinians in Gaza for having no electricity or water and dying in droves.
After his hasbara tour of Israel, Elon Musk said Palestinians need to be re-educated
Here’s one of the many Hebrew language viral videos featuring Israelis in blackface mocking Palestinians in Gaza for having no electricity or water and dying in droves pic.twitter.com/i1LrtGHXHV
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) December 2, 2023
My 560th post on what really happened on 9/11:
No steel high-rise building has collapsed from fire before or after 9/11, during which our lying government said three “collapsed from fire.”
The official story has no legs, yet many unforgiving evangelicals, especially, still believe lies as justification for our reverse-Christian, post-9/11 wars.
Unforgiveness blinds people, and will keep us from going to heaven too if we don’t repent.
“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called the CHILDREN OF GOD.” – Jesus in Mt. 5:9
“Once saved always saved,” the BIGGEST lie that’s sending Christians to hell!
The false idea that we don’t actually have to abide in Christ with clear consciences (saving faith) to be “in Christ.”
God is fighting for us,
pushing back the darkness
Lighting up the Kingdom
that cannot be shaken
In the Name of Jesus,
enemy’s defeated
And we will shout it out,
shout it out
The resurrection
power of Christ
Alive in me and I am free
In Jesus’ Name
Under a spell — worshiping Talmudic Israel, led by Netanyahu (Mileikowsky), instead of the HOLY Spirit.
‘Christian’ Zionism is a 19th century false doctrine that rejects obedience as the requirement for returning to the land for the TRUE Jews. Most of these aren’t even Semites, DNA tests show.
“Henry Kissinger, who former National Security Advisor James Jones said gives daily marching orders to the National Security Council, is still pushing the concept of crises being the vehicle to furthering the New World Order. Henry Kissinger responds to a question in this video by stating that the main task of Barack Obama will be to create a New World Order, suggesting that the chaos unfolding around the world is an opportunity rather than a crisis.”
– Joel Skousen
World Affairs Brief, September 28, 2012
Apparently, for many in this age of false grace, unconditional salvation and unconditional land acquisition are related, because if evangelicals believe obedience isn’t required for them to go to heaven then it’s more likely they will also believe obedience isn’t required for Jews to occupy Israel.
Ted Pike shows how both of these concepts are unbiblical.
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From: truthtellers.org…
National Prayer Network
HOW NARROW is the way to heaven if ONLY 2.5% of people were going through it 44 years ago, before the internet and even before “once saved always saved” or “only believe” was being taught in almost all churches — the situation today?
Jesus said: “Enter in by the *NARROW GATE*; for WIDE is the GATE and BROAD is the way that leads to DESTRUCTION, and MANY are those who enter in by it. How NARROW is the GATE, and RESTRICTED is the way that leads to life! FEW are those who find it.
In 1979, a Baptist pastor, Howard Pittman actually DIED on his way to the hospital, and was told at the gates of heaven that only 2.5% of the people in the world were entering heaven.
How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many Find the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%!?!!
ANYONE WHO PRACTICES HATING Arabs, Jews or TRUTH tellers CANNOT GO TO HEAVEN. – Gal. 5:19-24, 6:7-8
I’ll give $6,000 to anyone who proves it’s not so.
“If we look back in time, we’ve never had a correlation between temperature and carbon dioxide.”
“No one has ever shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming. It’s never been shown scientifically.”
“Judaism was my childhood religion in practice and learning, all my social groups were Jewish, my role models were Jewish, my best friends were Jewish, everything pointed to me being Jewish, including my face and habits.”