Personal Blog

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 28 of 54

(music video) Jan Sandström – Det är en ros utsprungen

Delicate, harmonic transitions ring in a glorious acoustic chamber!

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Jan Sandström – Det är en ros utsprungen

Published on Dec 5, 2014

Det är en ros utsprungen – Jan Sandström

Det är en ros utsprungen av Jesse rot och stam. Av fädren ren besjungen,
den står i tiden fram, en blomma skär och blid, mitt i den kalla vinter,
i midnatts mörka tid.

There is a rose that springs up from Jesse’s root and stem. By venerable fathers extolled, that stood in former times, a flower blushing and gentle, amidst the cold winter, in a dark midnight-hour.

(video) Hasselblad: Above and Beyond | a collaboration with Koenigsegg

Hasselblad shoots a sport’s car from a drone. Also, long exposure light trails!

Above and Beyond | a collaboration with Koenigsegg

Published on Jul 10, 2017

Passion, attention to detail and a strong drive to push boundaries are all characteristics that Hasselblad and Koenigsegg have in common. We visited Koenigsegg factory in Southern Sweden to explore that synergy and collaborated with their team to create a visual representation of the journey and hard work that goes into producing a finished car from concept, design and development to production.

Sample Image Download at…

States I’ve Visited

I’ve been blessed to have visited or lived in these states!

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Create Your Own Visited States Map

(2 min video) Ringmasters display of virtuosity!

Full video here: (video) Ringmasters: ‘Notre Dame’ Medley

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Ringmasters display of virtuosity

Published on May 11, 2017

The INCREDIBLE Ringmasters will headline the Kitsap Chordsmen show July 15, 2017.

Pineapple Enzyme Kills Cancer Without Killing You


Gratitude: The Short Film by Louie Schwartzberg

Heavenly Father, forgive us for what we’ve done to others as we forgive others for what they’ve done to us

Heavenly Father, forgive us for what we’ve done to others as we forgive others for what they’ve done and/or are doing to us. 

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Awestruck girl in Redwood forest photo: ‘Amongst Giants’ — Glorious!!!

Though these young Redwoods are not at all close to being the largest, this fantastic photo helps viewers experience the awe of what it’s really like to experience this. The little girl looking up with arms over her heart makes it. [The heart is more than a pump].

For maximum experience, click on this image to see the large, detailed one, and click the full-screen arrows. The image opens to wider than a 21.5″ iMac when the browser is fully expanded.

Surprisingly, these Redwoods are in Australia, as the story below explains.

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California dreaming: the redwoods of the Otway Ranges

This isn’t the coast of northern California. It is the Otway Ranges in western Victoria, thousands of kilometres from the redwoods’ natural home.

Hidden down an old unsealed logging road near Beech Forest, not a lot is known about the Aire Valley redwoods.

Planted as a softwood logging experiment in the 1930s, their initial growth was slow but eventually, they started to shoot upwards at a rapid rate. The trees were never cut down and have now grown to a height of about 60 metres [197 feet].

Forestry expert Roger Smith, who has written a book on the Otways redwoods, thinks they could grow to almost twice that height in the next 70 years.

That would make them some of the tallest trees in the world. “Hyperion”, a redwood in northern California, holds the title of the tallest tree in the world at 115 metres [377 feet].

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Jane Kelynack

Amongst Giants

Giant Californian Redwood forest in the Otways. So small and so big.

Amongst Giants

(video) Kung Fu: Caine Defends Himself Using Mainly Avoidance

Kung Fu: Caine Defends Himself Using Mainly Avoidance

Published on Jun 30, 2017

This clip from the 70’s TV series “Kung Fu” is taken from the 2 part episode “Blood of the Dragon” in series 3. Starring David Carradine as Caine, Edward Albert as Johnny and Season Hubley as Margit.

FrankenSkies, Weird Weather and Lacklustre Light: The New Normal


FrankenSkies, Weird Weather and Lacklustre Light: The New Normal

June 26, 2017

(GLARING Hypocrisy) Weather modification has drastically changed skies and weather systems across the globe, especially in the last ten or twenty years. Go anywhere in the world and it’s quickly apparent that the same heinous crimes are being committed, and no matter which terms are used — chemtrails, geoengineering, solar radiation management (SRM), stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), and so on — the results are Frankenstein-inspired skies, weird weather and lacklustre light. The skies are streaked, smeared, filled with bizarre cloud formations, white, grey or, at best, a chalky blue. Sunshine is greatly diminished and when it shines it’s extremely rare for the earth to be bathed in warm, yellow light. The [unimpeded] golden hour, a gift for photographers, has all but disappeared. …

(video) ‘Mom, Dad, there’s a bear in my room’: Bear crashes through window in Anchorage home


Advice From a Redwood: “Stand tall and proud…”

Advice From a Tree
by Ilan Shamir

Stand tall and proud
Sink your roots into the earth
Be content with your natural beauty
Go out on a limb
Drink plenty of water
Remember your roots
Enjoy the view!

(anti-war video) Ronald Isley & Burt Bacharach: ‘Windows Of The World’ — “Where is the sunshine we once knew?”

The windows of the world are covered with rain
Where is the sunshine we once knew
Everybody knows when little children play
They need a sunny day to grow straight and tall
Let the sun shine through

The windows of the world are covered with rain
When will those black skies turn to blue
Everybody knows when boys grow into men
They start to wonder when their country will call
Let the sun shine through

The windows of the world are covered with rain
What is the whole world coming to
Everybody knows when men cannot be friends
Their quarrel often ends where some have to die
Let the sun shine through

The windows of the world are covered with rain
There must be something we can do
Everybody knows whenever rain appears
It’s really angel tears
How long must they cry
Let the sun shine through

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Ronald Isley & Burt Bacharach – Windows Of The World

Published on Jan 3, 2010

Ronald Isley & Burt Bacharach Live PBS Soundstage july 2004

Put These Ingredients In Your Coffee To Boost Your Metabolism And Lose Weight!

If you have some weight problems, be sure that the coffee will help you in fat burning. Mix coconut, cinnamon, honey and cocoa, then add it into your coffee, and you can lose up to 20 pounds in a month. These ingredients will make the taste of your early morning coffee better, accelerate your metabolic process and you will get a new body very quickly!

  • Cinnamon has been used for centuries because of its medical properties. It has lots of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that fight infection and inflammation.
  • Coconut oil is rich in lots of healthy fats that may increase your metabolism and energy consumption which will result in weight loss.
  • Honey is rich in iron, phosphorus, salt, potassium, zinc and calcium that are important for dissolving fat. Use only raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized natural honey!



  • ¾ cup of coconut oil
  • 1 powdered cinnamon
  • ½ cup of honey (optional).
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa (optional).


Cheese is Like “Dairy Crack” – Contains Morphine – Why? The Mother-infant Bond — Opiates in mother’s milk have a drug-like effect on the baby’s brain ensuring the baby will continue to nurse • While concentrated casein in cheese ensures that adults will bond with the refrigerator • Pizza came out on top of the most addictive food list

It makes complete sense that God would design it this way, but as adults, people are bonding with refrigerators instead.

Compiled from different articles:

(video) Choir Mimics Thunderstorm Using Only Their Hands and Feet!

Africa – Angel City Chorale

Published on Nov 25, 2013

(video) This Infinite Loop Timelapse Spins the Earth While the Stars Stay Still


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From: PetaPixel

This Infinite Loop Timelapse Spins the Earth While the Stars Stay Still


If you point your camera at the sky and film, the stars will arc overhead. That’s because your camera is attached to a giant spinning orb called Earth. This interesting 24 hour time-lapse from YouTuber AlphaPhoenix stabilises the stars by spinning the footage in the opposite direction to Earth’s rotation.

AlphaPhoenix shot the time-lapse over 24 hours with a Sony A6000 and Samyang 12mm f/2.0. Each second of the video is an hour of real-time, as the 30fps time-lapse was created from one photo every 2 minutes.

By focusing on the North Star and rotating the image at the same speed as the Earth’s movement, AlphaPhoenix was able to freeze the stars in place as day turned to night, with beautiful results.

He also posted this behind-the-scenes video, showing how he managed to capture 24-hour footage from his window, using a shroud composed of two towels, a t-shirt, and a wizard hat (well, the leftovers of a wizard hat).


Entire Article

(video) Ringmasters: ‘Notre Dame’ Medley — MAGNIFICENT!

Currently my favorite barbershop song and performance!

Loving the unlovely — how they long to be loved — wonderful story!

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Safe behind these windows and these parapets of stone
Gazing at the people down below me
All my life I watch them as I hide up here alone
Hungry for the histories they show me
All my life I memorize their faces
Knowing them as they will never know me
All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day
Not above them
But part of them

And out there
Living in the sun
Give me one day out there
All I ask is one
To hold forever

Out there
Where they all live unaware
What I’d give
What I’d dare
Just to live one day out there

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Ringmasters – Notre Dame Medley **REMASTERED AUDIO**

Published on Feb 1, 2017

Pitch Perfected: An Evening of Vocal Music
Presented by the Barbershop Harmony Society and the Association of International Champions

Ringmasters –…

Arranger: Aaron Dale

Association of International Champions –
Don’t miss the next iconic moment! Join Ringmasters and more International Quartet Champions at the 2017 AIC show.

Pitch Perfected: A cappella at the AXIS
July 6, 2017 | Axis Theater | Las Vegas, NV
Tickets are available now:…

Join us in Las Vegas next summer for our 2017 International Convention!
Information here:

Like what you see and want to get more Barbershop into your life?

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Follow us on Instagram: @barbershopharmonysociety

Click here to learn how YOU can join our mission to fill the world with Harmony!…

(video) Ringmasters: Hello My Baby — Jakob holds last note 26 seconds!

Jakob is said to hold the record for singing a note the longest at 52 seconds!

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Ringmasters – Hello My Baby

Published on Jan 20, 2015

(video) Ringmasters: ‘All shook up’ – Ontario show

Ringmasters – All shook up – Ontario show
Published on Jul 17, 2013

During the Ontario welcomes the world show, before BHS 2013 International, Toronto

(video) Bluegrass Student Union: Gospel Medley — Banned from singing gospel, so…

Related: (audio) Bluegrass Student Union – Gospel Medley — “How Great Thou Art!”

1983 Seattle:

Bluegrass Student Union – “Bluegrass Gospel Medley”

Published on Jul 1, 2016

“Bluegrass Gospel Medley”
Bluegrass Student Union
SPEBSQSA International Champion
Barbershop Harmony Society Hall of Fame Quartet
Arr: Ed Waesche
Digital Audio search iTunes & CDbaby
CDs and DVDs search Bluegrass Student Union

(audio) Bluegrass Student Union – Gospel Medley — “How Great Thou Art!”

Related: (video) Bluegrass Student Union: Gospel Medley — Banned from singing gospel, so…

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Bluegrass Student Union – Bluegrass Gospel Medley

Uploaded on Oct 5, 2011

One of the greatest Barbershop Quartets singing thier arrangment of some traditional gospel songs

(video) Vintage Mix at age-15: “It Is Well With My Soul”

From: First Presbyterian Church of Waukesha, September 14, 2016

Vintage Mix Quartet singing “It Is Well With My Soul” at First Presbyterian Church of Waukesha‘s 170th anniversary celebration this past Sunday. They’re still in high school; they’re from Waukesha; and they’re quadruplets. Aren’t they amazing? You can find them at

(video) Ringmasters: ‘Blackbird’

Nailed it!

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Ringmasters – Blackbird

Published on Aug 5, 2013

Harmony University Class “How To Rehearse Like A Quartet Champion”

(video) The Establishment: ‘The Flinstones’ Theme

I’m not a fan of the show, but it’s amazing what four voices can do together!

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The Establishment – The Flinstones Theme

Published on Jun 14, 2015

The Establishment sing in the Sunshine Region show after winning the Open Quartet Contest

(music video) CHAMPIONSHIP MOMENT: Forefront (2016) – ‘If I Never Knew You’


Performance is at 4:00


Published on May 26, 2017

Forefront is announced as the 2016 International Champion at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee.

Join us in Las Vegas next summer for our 2017 International Convention!
Information here:

Like what you see and want to get more Barbershop into your life?

Subscribe to our YouTube channel:…
Follow us on Facebook:…
Follow us on Twitter: @barbershopnews
Follow us on Instagram: @barbershopharmonysociety

Click here to learn how YOU can join our mission to fill the world with Harmony!…

(video) Ringmasters FULL CONCERT! – “Polyphonies of the World” – Spain – May 21, 2016


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0:00 Tonight, Tonight
2:23 Java Jive
9:05 Blackbird
13:05 Kung Liljekonvalie
16:35 Under the Boardwalk
19:58 Karaste Broder Systrar och Vanner
22:12 Somewhere Over the Rainbow
27:03 Moondance
31:24 You Can Fly
34:03 For Their Hearts Were Full of Spring
37:30 Notre Dame Medley
45:00 All Shook Up
47:08 Teddy Bear
51:54 Love Me and the World is Mine
56:54 All You Need is Love
1:01:53 I Can’t Give You Anything but Love

Polifonías del mundo: Barbershop

Published on Oct 4, 2016

Concierto del Cuarteto Ringmasters, del ciclo de Conciertos del Sábado: “Polifonías del mundo”. 21 de mayo de 2016. Fundación Juan March.……

El cuarteto Ringmasters interpreta un repertorio dentro del género barbershop. Ciclo Polifonías del mundo, correspondiente a Conciertos del Sábado.
Clásicos del musical de Broadway, standards de jazz y canciones pop forman parte del repertorio habitual de los conjuntos de barbershop. La melodía principal es interpretada por una voz intermedia, mientras las otras voces crean armonías que generan una sensación de inestabilidad.


Concert of the Ringmasters Quartet, from the Saturday Concert series: “Polyphonies of the World”. May 21, 2016. Juan March Foundation.
http: // … /musica/ …
The Ringmasters Quartet performs a repertoire within the barbershop genre. Cycle Polyphonies of the world, corresponding to Saturday Concerts.
Broadway musical classics, jazz standards and pop songs are part of the usual repertoire of barbershop sets. The main melody is played by an intermediate voice, while the other voices create harmonies that create a sense of instability.

(video) Ringmaster’s: ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’

Excellent performance; though, the recording could have been better. The camera’s tiny mic is even overdriven at times.

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Ringmaster’s – Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Published on Dec 3, 2014

Sung at the Simcoe, Ontario Chapter show afterglow on Nov 7, 2014. Coincidentally this was their last stop on a North American tour. They are now returning to Sweden. What a performance!!

(video) Vintage Mix – 15-year-old Quadruplets: ‘Snowfall’

Our Favorite Singing Quadruplets

Published on Dec 30, 2016

We love it whenever these teenage quadruplets hit The Morning Blend stage! Ian, Kelsey, Anika, and Julie Shoppach make up the Vintage Mix Quartet, and a few weeks ago they performed “Snowfall” for us!

For more information, visit

(audio) Ringmasters: ‘Oh Darling’

Amazing harmony!

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Oh Darling

Published on Nov 14, 2015

Provided to YouTube by TuneCore

Oh Darling · Ringmasters


℗ 2012 Theregoat

Released on: 2012-06-24

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