Author: Jeff Fenske Page 23 of 54
I spotted this lovely scene while on a walk near our home.
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Wolverine Peak above Anchorage on a frosty day
I commented:
The only thing I’ll greatly miss from Sam’s closing is Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips, 60% cacao.
Costco doesn’t have *dark* chocolate chips; otherwise, Costco’s items are either the same or superior.
Costco also has lots of organic! Their buyers are brilliant! Costco really has their act together.
I’ve wondered for years how Sam’s could stay open, because the store was almost always nearly vacant, with only two registers open, and needed — myself only going there for a few items once in awhile.
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Alaska Sam’s Club stores among dozens nationwide to be closed by Walmart
I saw a Panasonic rep mention the heat sink reason in an interview a few years back, and my heart sank, concerned they would then forever abandon IBIS to get the best 4K video. Thankfully, they didn’t go that far.
As long as they don’t also do this on their cameras for stills, to which they need to add MULTI-ASPECT as well. PLEASE, Panasonic.
And they should promote multi-aspect harder, which they never have. Most people don’t know the great advantages, including artistic!
Multi-aspect should be in all mirrorless cameras. Sony is especially dropping the ball, keeping people stuck in 3:2.
From: Distant Shores
New post! The 3rd and final episode of our video series, “Sailing Transatlantic on a Catamaran”.
In this video, we take you aboard the Bluewater 50 catamaran, Zao, on the final week of our 3,000-mile transatlantic crossing sailing from the Canary Islands to St. Lucia in the Caribbean. The crew starts having fun fishing, Paul does a boat review, Alexandra bakes more amazing desserts and we monohullers perfect downwind sailing on a cat.
Just days before landfall in St. Lucia, we learn that there has been a man-overboard on a boat sailing ahead of us and we start a watch for him and his now deserted boat.
Follow this series to see what crossing an ocean aboard a catamaran is really like.
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Ed was one of my ‘chiefs’ at Northwest Airlines in Anchorage for decades. I had many unforgettable experiences with him.
Sad. I worked many of these in Anchorage, especially the 747 freighters, which NWA retired in 2009. Hundreds of my 747 freighter photos are in my Cargo’s Last Stand category.
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From: Star & Tribune
Delta’s 747s, a vestige of Northwest’s heyday, will visit Minnesota for the final time
DECEMBER 16, 2017
For two generations, Northwest took Minnesotans around the world — and brought the world to Minnesota — on the 747. But Delta is the last U.S. airline that flies the planes, and now it is retiring the last four in its fleet. …
From the start, the plane awed. The 747 was about twice the height and length of any other plane then, and it still towers over most airplanes today. The second deck that extended from the cockpit back over the first third of the plane gave it a hump that made the 747 instantly recognizable and inspired a nickname, the Whale. …
Pop music isn’t just 92% sex. It’s also mostly fake!
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I was having a lot more fun than it appears here. This was an awesome experience!
In the fall of 2012, I attended Mountain Light’s Wine Country photography workshop in northern California, taught by Elizabeth Carmel and Jerry Dodrill, with Olof Carmel sometimes helping — loved that!!!
Here Olof is sharing his wisdom in their upstairs studio. I’m on the right, checking the image I just took with my RX100 pocket camera.
Jerry posted this privately on his Facebook page on Dec. 2, 2012, saying:
We had a great visit to Elizabeth Carmel’s studio today for a demo on fine art printing.
I’ve always loved blue, the color of my Eagle Talon!!!
Blue light found to improve brain function and focus better than coffee
The only song I ever sang/played during a regular, Sunday service at Abbott Loop Christian Center, probably in ’83.