After helping Nick Begich picket on Northern Lights Blvd. in Anchorage, I drove to The Natural Pantry. Since I was purchasing some vitamin K2 (MK-7, along with trying MK-4 for the first time), I told the cashier “I’m a senior” in order to get the 10% discount w/o using the punch card.

She flat out said: “I don’t believe you.”

So I showed her my AK driver’s license.

She said: “It could be fake,” and wasn’t kidding.

I said: “Yeah, sure.”

I was wearing a Nick Begich shirt. She was probably a leftist, Peltola supporter, so felt compelled to be rude.

Anyway, I suppose it’s good not to look my age, but it’s mainly because I’ve taken enough of the key nutrients, and we always wore NWA ball caps when working outside in the sun.

My hands don’t look young though.