HIGHLIGHTS I put together from Dan Fagan’s post-election show, 8/21/24 HERE

Dan says: Mike Porcaro is being paid by Nancy Dahlstrom as a consultant, so he’s a compromised Anchorage radio personality.

[My thoughts on Porcaro. Porcaro’s ad agency apparently also made money from Lisa Murkowsky’s campaign. He defended Murkowsky on his show. He also strongly pushed ranked choice voting, so used his large radio platform to deceive a lot of Alaskans, so he’s responsible for it passing (only passed by 1%) and Murkowski staying in, and I’ve heard his ad agency was making money to push ranked choice.

Porcaro’s cohost, Crash spoke of how wonderful marijuana is for himself and others for at least 10 minutes lately, with Porcaro’s approval; though, marijuana dulls people’s consciences so they don’t feel guilt and shame for what they’ve done, so many are blissfully floating along instead of being responsible citizens, living lives with clear consciences.

Porcaro pushed the jab hard with Dr. Keisling, and both refused to tell the truth about high enough vitamin D levels, which would have solved Covid for Alaska.]

Dan spoke of the GLORY politicians get from having so much power. Nancy needs to have the courage to put her personal ambitions aside and do what’s right for the country.

“We’re in a fork in the road for this country. We’ve got a force that is so demonic and so evil… that this COULD BE OVER IN TWO OR THREE YEARS. I’m not kidding.” Terrorists who have been allowed in could explode three dirty bombs simultaneously in three US cities, creating chaos. “Stock market would crash. If a Democrat is in charge they’d declare MARTIAL LAW, and we’d never have an election again. They’d stack the Supreme Court. … WE’RE AT THE BRINK. THIS IS NOT A GAME. … The more Democrats we have in Congress, the closer we get to that brink. Peltola is team tyranny. … These people will bring America to her knees.”

“So Nancy Dahlstrom…. If she chooses to be selfish and advance her own political career, she will have caused GREAT HARM to this nation.”

Leftism is “a CONDITION OF THE HEART,” not about intelligence. “When you set your heart against truth, you’re going to find yourself in a web of lies. … It’s because of arrogance. You look at the hyper-intellectual crowd; they think they know it all because of their intellect. In reality, TRUTH IS FOUND IN HUMILITY. … This is why censorship is such an important part of this movement. … They don’t want TRUTH; they’re AT WAR WITH TRUTH.”

“Leftism is a religion that trumps everything else in life,” including their stated religions.