I’m sad to see that Bill Gawreluk passed away. Bill was my NWA (NW Airlines) chief for many years, including when I first started working his midnight shift at B10 in Anchorage in 1980.
Bill was always fair and completely capable, and an incredible hard worker — leading us all by example!!
I’m not certain, but I’m thinking that when Bill retired (at age-75?), he was the second highest seniority ESL (equipment service lead) in the system? Perhaps some of you know for sure.
I’m very thankful for having known him and having been able to work for him for so many years!
William “Bill” Gawreluk (1923 – 2015)
William “Bill” Gawreluk of Anchorage, Alaska, passed away on June 30, 2015. He was born on Sept. 21, 1923, in Baudette, Minn. Full obituary will be published at a later date. Cremation was attended by his family on July 8, 2015.
Published in Alaska Dispatch News on Aug. 6, 2015
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